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《程序網絡帶寬占用限制軟件》(NetLimiter 3 Pro)專業版v3.0.0.10/含注冊碼[壓縮包]
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資源類別 網絡軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《程序網絡帶寬占用限制軟件》(NetLimiter 3 Pro)專業版v3.0.0.10/含注冊碼[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 程序網絡帶寬占用限制軟件 英文名 : NetLimiter 3 Pro 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 專業版v3.0.0.10/含注冊碼 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Locktime Software s.r.o. 地區 : 捷克 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Registration : see key.txt NetLimiter
"《程序網絡帶寬占用限制軟件》(NetLimiter 3 Pro)專業版v3.0.0.10/含注冊碼[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 程序網絡帶寬占用限制軟件
英文名: NetLimiter 3 Pro
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 專業版v3.0.0.10/含注冊碼
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Locktime Software s.r.o.
地區: 捷克
語言: 英文

Registration : see key.txt

NetLimiter 3 Changelog
31.8.2010, NetLimiter
* Added context sensitive user manual. Just Press F1 to display help for currently active component.
* "Set limit" dialog showing [ B ]ytes instead of selected units. Fixed.
* Very long executable path corrupting firewall request window. Fixed.
* Improved Client and Service synchronization.
* Remote Admin crash during connection. Fixed.
應用平台:Windows2000 and later including Windows 7
問題反饋: http://www.netlimiter.com/contact.php
網站鏈接: http://www.netlimiter.com/
  大家知道為什麼迅雷下載那麼快麼?而且在他高速下載時我們其他程序的網速都慢得可憐?其實,迅雷在我們下載文件的同時(或機器空閒時)都會向其他下載者上傳我們已經下載回來的數據,這樣,下載者的速度就有了很大的保證,我自己用的是ADSL,有時迅雷上傳的速度高達70K/S,對於ADSL來說,這 70K/S的上傳速度足以讓我放棄任何其他的網絡應用了…
  那麼,有沒有軟件可以讓高速下載的怪物們分回一點帶寬給我們的浏覽器呢?有的! NetLimiter 就是您要的,它不僅可以控制某個應用程序的上傳/下載使用帶寬,還可以實時監控所其占用的帶寬,甚至於,你可以限制你的電腦的總上傳/下載帶寬!網絡速度分配完全隨心所欲~
  Netlimiter的使用方法很簡單,雙擊系統欄上的圖標啟動程序即可,如果你正在使用ie浏覽器浏覽網頁或使用迅雷等下載工具在下載文件,在 Netlimiter窗口中的“connection”處就會出現相應的項目。選中它,我們可以很詳細地查看到該程序的下載(dwon rate)或上傳(up rate)速度以及已經下載或上傳文件的大小等信息。要想限制它的下載或上傳速度,只要選中“down limit”或“up limit”復選框,並單擊旁邊的微調按鈕設置下載或上傳的最快速度(如圖)。經過以上設置後,指定程序的下載或上傳速度就會逐漸地上升或下降並最終達到指定的速度。(簡介轉自異次元)
NetLimiter - Ultimate Bandwidth Shaper
NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. You can use NetLimiter to set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic.
Along with this unique feature, Netlimiter offers comprehensive set of internet statistical tools. It includes real-time traffic measurement and long-term per-application internet traffic statistics
There are 3 NetLimiter editions available, Pro, Lite and freeware Monitor.
See feature list and comparison table for more details.
Main NetLimiter features
Network Monitor
NetLimiter shows list of all applications communicating over network it's connections, transfer rates and more.
Bandwidth Limiter (or shaper)
You can use NetLimiter to set download or upload transfer rate limits for applications, connections or groups of them. With limits you can easily manage your internet connection's bandwidth (bandwidth shaper or bandwidth controller)
Statistical tool
This feature lets you to track your internet traffic history since you've installed NetLimiter.
Additional network information
NetLimiter provides you with and additional information like WHOIS, traceroute etc.
And more...
Rule scheduler, Remote administration, Connection blocker, Running as WinNT service, User rights, Chart, Advanced Rule editor and scheduler, Zone based traffic management...
部分截圖為為NetLimiter 2

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Dead On Arrival
Presentz :
NetLimiter 3 Pro v3.0.0.10 *x64*
size 01x5mb
date 9/22/10
NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control
and monitoring tool designed for Windows.
Registration : see key.txt
DEAD ON ARRIVAL : we sure acknowledge that what
we do may be questionnable, but considering a lot
of people seem to like our releases (no matter if
they expire or not), we shall keep on releasing
cause it seems our stuff is way more appreciated
than what is usually done scenewide. Now instead
of logging onto your coolest ftpd and grab last
update of some soft nobody gives a shit about, maybe
show your talent in removing the i-net checks of
our apps and/or keygening them. That will be really
useful for everybody!
Today, some apps can't be cracked/keygened the old
way, that's why we're here.
Missed us? We sure missed you.
Contax : n/a
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