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《 IRC通訊工具客戶端》(Linkinus )v2.4.2 for Mac OS X[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《 IRC通訊工具客戶端》(Linkinus )v2.4.2 for Mac OS X[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : IRC通訊工具客戶端 英文名 : Linkinus 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v2.4.2 for Mac OS X 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : Conceited Software. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:網絡軟件>聊天工具 軟件性質:破解/免費軟件 應用平台:Mac OS X 操作系統:Mac OS X 10
"《 IRC通訊工具客戶端》(Linkinus )v2.4.2 for Mac OS X[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: IRC通訊工具客戶端
英文名: Linkinus
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2.4.2 for Mac OS X
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: Conceited Software.
語言: 英文

應用平台:Mac OS X
操作系統:Mac OS X 10.6 or later
Linkinus一款為Mac OS X設計的高度靈活可定制的IRC客戶端軟件,提供了豐富的功能,IRC的社會性 ; 采用嵌入式媒體,更改昵稱角色,添加表情符號,等等.
- 網絡選擇器可以幫助您挑選最流行的聊天網絡服務器
- 連接到網絡和渠道,數量不限
- SSL支持(有效和自簽名的證書)
- 支持所有標准的IRC命令從輸入字段
- 頻道運算指令
- OPER位置命令- 表情

Linkinus 2 provides a rich, social IRC experience; featuring detaching, embedded media, short URL expansion, message starring, combined chats, emoticons, and much more!
- Linkinus Core: core improvements.
Linkinus 2 is up to 10 times faster than the previous version. As far as core features go: detaching instead of quitting, UPnP, support for all major text encodings, systemwide and custom proxy support, flood protection, IRC colors, auto(re)connect... You name it, Linkinus has it.
- Chat Views: IRC like never before
Linkinus brings unique features to your IRC experience: assign colors to chat participants, group consecutive messages into a unique block, enable emoticons, scroll automatically to the last viewed line, spotlight all of a user's lines in a channel, automatically jump to previous or next highlights...
- Groups: efficient multi-channel chats
Groups allow you to organize collections of chats that you would like to view simultaneously. Assign global shortcuts to switch to your favorite groups.
- Simple yet powerful
Linkinus 2 is the most powerful and flexible Mac chat software there is, yet it's easy to use and newcomers will instantly know how to use it thanks to over 330 built-in networks, the Hint Box and the searchable channel list
- Filter: the new ignore
Someone's getting on your nerves? Choose to ignore private or public messages and you'll never see a message from that person ever again. But filters are not only for messages. You can also choose to toggle embedded media, join/part/quit messages, file transfers and much more.
- Media: right within your favorite chat rooms
Linkinus can automatically embed media content within channels on a per-user or per-network basis. Linkinus can also automatically expand shortened URLs.
- Log Viewer
Want to view past conversations? The log viewer is a click away at all times. Type a keyword and voilà, logs are filtered by content. For your privacy, enable or disable logging on a per-channel.
- Identities: it's you, on IRC
Save your preferred and alternate nicknames in a reusable fashion. And if you provide password credentials, Linkinus will automatically authenticate to NickServ, NickOP, Q, X, G, SrvAuth and AuthServ.
- Special messages: Highlights & Stars
IRC can be overwhelming, but with Linkinus you'll never miss an important message. Linkinus uses static highlights, dynamic highlights and PCRE regexps to determine which messages are important to you. You can also decide to bookmark ('star') messages manually.
- Drastically improved security
Not only does Linkinus support Blowfish encryption, key exchange and SSL certificates, it also provides feedback to keep you informed of any changes in security: a remote certificate has become invalid? A server is not trusted anymore? Someone is sending unencrypted messages in a Blowfish channel? You'll know it. When your session secured, Linkinus still provides instant visual feedback.
- Alerts & Notifications
Want to focus on work yet remain available if someone needs you on IRC? Quit Linkinus. Linkinus Agent will let you know when someone is trying to get your attention.
- Buddy List
Assign Address Book vCards to your contacts. Easily view whether your friends are Available, Away or Offline on multiple networks.
Fixed an issue where Linkinus would fail to read proper proxy settings from System Preferences


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