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《Luxology公司modo501配套HDRE景觀工具包》(Luxology.HDRE02.Landscape.Kit)for.modo501.OSX[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Luxology公司modo501配套HDRE景觀工具包 英文名 : Luxology.HDRE02.Landscape.Kit 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : for.modo501.OSX 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Luxology 語言 : 英文 簡介 : . 語言:英語 網址:http://www.luxology.com/stor
中文名: Luxology公司modo501配套HDRE景觀工具包
英文名: Luxology.HDRE02.Landscape.Kit
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: for.modo501.OSX
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Luxology
語言: 英文

How does HDRE work in modo?
Select one of five supplied locations
Just click on the desired location to use as a light source. Next, drag in your preferred camera background plate from a palette of images. Your scene is automatically pin registered to the background, your resolution has been adjusted and your camera position and settings have been matched to the background plate. A ground plane has been provided for you to drag and drop your mesh items on top of – and as you do they immediately appear to be “in” the location with accurately cast shadows, lighting and reflections. You are now ready to render without ever having created a light, adjusted a camera or even having accessed the Shader Tree.
Fine tune your results
To further enhance your renderings, embedded controls are presented right in the modo viewport to adjust things like the amount of indirect vs. direct illumination. For example, moving a slider will enhance the shadows in your rendering by increasing the lighting contribution from physical sun that is available at that precise geographic location. You can also adjust the amount of saturation for both the environment and/or the background – right on up to making your background plate be a black and white image.
When you select a new environment, it is added to your scene in a non-destructive way. The supplied scripts simply limit the visibility or effect of your existing settings without deleting anything. This workflow allows you to experiment with different locations or mix the effects you obtain from a new location with ease.
What’s included in the HDRE Landscape Kit?
HDRE Landscape includes 5 different locations. Each of the supplied locations includes the following components:
Render-ready Camera Background Plates
Each location includes 6 - 12 custom Camera Background Plates. Each Background Plate includes a ground plane and a pre-calibrated modo camera. Typically we include close-up, medium and distance shots so you can place objects of various sizes in front of the background plates.
High-Resolution Spherical Panoramic Image (4k x 8k pixels)
Image provides source for accurate reflections and refractions from the environment.
HDRI Image
HDRI Image provides source of indirect rays.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Which HDRE Kits are currently available? Currently we are offering both HDRE Urban and HDRE Landscape kits.
How many locations do I get in HDRE Urban vs. HDRE Landscape? There are five locations in the Urban Kit and another five locations in the Landscape Kit. For each location, we supply 6-12 high resolution backplates. For example, the first location in the Urban kit is an industrial warehouse area. Six backplates are provided for that single location including a wide expanse of asphalt, a cul de sac, a street with adjacent warehouse, a close-up of the street and two more backplates showing a paved area with barricades.
Are these backplates suitable for creating print resolution output? Yes, most backplates are 2848 x 4288 pixel resolution. Both portrait and landscape aspect backplates are provided and we provide a variety so you can have close, medium and distant shots.
What happens to my existing lights in my scene when I activate an HDRE? All of your lights are still there but they are turned off automatically to make way for the new lighting provided in the Kit.
Are these Kits useful for people who do not use modo? The supplied imagery would be useful, but the kits are far more valuable to modo users because we have made the kits extremely simple to use inside of modo through the use of scripts, rigs and custom user interfaces.
Is there documentation provided? Yes, we provide extensive video tutorials (English language) which cover how to use the Kits and also how to create custom effects.



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