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《音頻插件合成器》(Hamburg Audio Nuklear Synthesizer)v1.0.5 WIN/OSX[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《音頻插件合成器》(Hamburg Audio Nuklear Synthesizer)v1.0.5 WIN/OSX[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 音頻插件合成器 英文名 : Hamburg Audio Nuklear Synthesizer 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.0.5 WIN/OSX 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Hamburg Audio 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>多媒體類 軟件性質:破解軟件 應用平台:WIN/OSX 操作系統:WIN/OSX 問
"《音頻插件合成器》(Hamburg Audio Nuklear Synthesizer)v1.0.5 WIN/OSX[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 音頻插件合成器
英文名: Hamburg Audio Nuklear Synthesizer
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.0.5 WIN/OSX
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Hamburg Audio
語言: 英文

Hamburg Audio發布的第一個插件合成器,基於先進的脈沖合成。
NUKLEAR ™配備獨特的脈沖星振蕩器和新的具有豐富重要參數的經典聲音合成,波形長度音符的音高是有可能創造新的聲音。
該插件適用於Windows (32位和64位)和Mac (Intel),零售價為169歐元
Nuklear is said to be the first instrument that integrates pulsar synthesis(Curtis Roads) into the environment of a modern synthesizer.
In its four oscillators the wave length can be set independently from the pitch which itself is determined by the repetition rate of the waveform. Subsequent pulses are dispersed into the stereo field by the "width" parameter, "phase" sets the distance of pulse pairs. Additionally,
a micro sequencer allows for the creation of pulse patterns.
* Advanced pulsar synthesis with 4 pulsar train generators and up to 16 voices.
* 26 pulsar waveforms and 4 pulsar envelope waveforms.
* 8 low frequency oscillators.
* 8 ADSHR envelope.
* Built-in delay effect with sync option.
* Built-in distortion effect with 3 distortion types.
* 16-step sequencer with 8 programmable patterns for note and multiple parameter modulation control.

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²°      °   ° °± 
±±²  ° °°  °°  ° °±²°
°²± °±° °±° °±° °±°  °°±
 ° ±²° ±²° ±²° ±²° °° ±°²
°°      ²°²
²°±° ±°±°°±°°±°±°±°°±°°±°±°°±°°±°±°±°°°²
²°° ° ° °° ° ° ° °° ° ° °° ° ° ° °°²
²°   °    °   °    °°²
²° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°²
±° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°±
°° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °°°
SIZE ......: 05 * 9,54MB
DATE ......: 10/2011
URL........: http://www.hamburg-audio.com

  ²   
±  ² ± ² ²± ² ±
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Nuklear is said to be the first instrument that integrates pulsar synthesis
(Curtis Roads) into the environment of a modern synthesizer.

In its four oscillators the wave length can be set independently from the
pitch which itself is determined by the repetition rate of the waveform.
Subsequent pulses are dispersed into the stereo field by the "width"
parameter, "phase" sets the distance of pulse pairs. Additionally, a micro
sequencer allows for the creation of pulse patterns.

A "pulsar" parameter is introduced which makes it possible to fade between
pulsar synthesis and classic synthesis. This innovative synthesis engine
leads to new and previously unheard sounds, especially in combination with
the flexible modulation matrix. Among others, LFOs, envelopes and control
sequences can act as modulation sources.

The mixer and the filters with resonance close to self oscillation and
flexible routing as well as delay, distortion and ring modulation embed
this "revolutionary" sound generator in a subtractive environment. The
complex sequencer completes Nuklear.


(WIN) VST,VST3 > 32bit and 64bit

(OSX) VST,VST3,AU > 32bit and 64bit

Main features:

Advanced pulsar synthesis with 4 pulsar train generators and up to 16

26 pulsar waveforms and 4 pulsar envelope waveforms.

8 low frequency oscillators.

8 ADSHR envelope.

Built-in delay effect with sync option.

Built-in distortion effect with 3 distortion types.

16-step sequencer with 8 programmable patterns for note and multiple
parameter modulation control.
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² ² ² ± ² ²² ± ±
   ±   

1) Unzip, Unrar and install

2) Run plugin, copy value of computer id into
the Lock field in keygen and press make

3) Have Phun!
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² ² ± ± ² ² ²
   ±  
 nFO bY ThE AiRBEARS 2011
Special warning for the noskill thief Deadbeat from Union:

Stop stealing our crack/keyfile method for Presonus Studio One!

Please leave the scene and go to p2p where rippers belong

We won't miss you !!!



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