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《話筒校准插件》(IK Multimedia ARC System VST RTAS)v1.1[壓縮包]
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《話筒校准插件》(IK Multimedia ARC System VST RTAS)v1.1[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 話筒校准插件 英文名 : IK Multimedia ARC System VST RTAS 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.1 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : IK Multimedia Production srl 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>多媒體類 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Wi
"《話筒校准插件》(IK Multimedia ARC System VST RTAS)v1.1[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 話筒校准插件
英文名: IK Multimedia ARC System VST RTAS
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.1
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: IK Multimedia Production srl
語言: 英文

應用平台:Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
問題反饋: http://ikmultimedia.com
網站鏈接: http://ikmultimedia.com/arc/features/
ARC是一套專業的話筒校准測量軟件/硬件套裝,帶獨立運行的軟件和作為插件使用的軟件,通過贈送的聲學測量話筒,可校正房間聲學所引起的失真,可幫助你永久性的改進錄音棚的聲音。使用Audyssey MultEQ技術,在你的聽覺范圍內捕捉出聲音的詳細信息,比市面上的EQ頻響修正器效果都要好。
ARC System
Advanced Room Correction System
The first acoustic correction system in a plug-in
The ARC System delivers the most advanced solution to acoustical problems for any DAW-based studio. The ARC System combines a professionally calibrated measurement microphone with standalone software that captures sound information and calculates proper room correction along with a multi-platform plug-in: this technology will improve how your studio sounds forever.
ARC features the revolutionary Audyssey MultEQ® technology, which measures acoustical information throughout the listening area in your studio. It then combines this information to provide an accurate representation of the room’s acoustical problems. The equalization solution then corrects for both time and frequency response problems more effectively and efficiently than any other room correction EQ on the market. The result is a clear and reliable representation of your mix. Regardless of the acoustical issues in your studio, what you are recording, mixing or mastering will become immediately clear and reliable. Your studio sound will improve forever.
The first and only room correction system in a plug-in for DAW-based studios
Includes a calibrated measurement microphone, measurement software and multi-platform correction plug-in
Improves clarity, stereo imaging and frequency response for faster, more reliable mixing
Revolutionary Audyssey MultEQ® technology corrects frequency and phase response not only for the engineer’s ‘sweet spot’, but also multiple points in the room
Step-by-step setup measurement wizard will have you up and running in minutes
A convenient, unique, mobile correction solution for the traveling engineer
Sonically 'treats' your room so you can finally trust the sound of your studio
Natively compatible with 64-bit applications and operating systems
The First Acoustic Room Correction System in a Plug-in
One of the most critical factors influencing the quality of a music production is the accuracy of the monitoring system. In fact, the combination of speakers and room acoustics prove to be the weakest link in the music production chain. When monitors are placed in a room, the surrounding walls, ceiling, furniture and other objects reflect and absorb their sounds; creating complex distortions specific to the room- causing them to lose the accuracy they have been designed for, and you end up hearing more of the sound of the room than the music actually being produced.
IK Multimedia has teamed up with the leading provider of sound equalization solutions, Audyssey, for the production of an innovative, low-cost and mobile solution to correct the distortion problems caused by room acoustics: ARC system.
ARC System delivers the most advanced solution to acoustical problems for any DAW-based studio. Combining a professionally calibrated microphone, standalone software that captures sound information and calculates proper room correction, and a multi-platform plug-in: this technology will improve how your studio sounds forever.
ARC features the revolutionary Audyssey MultEQ® technology, which measures acoustical information throughout the listening area in your studio. It then combines this information to provide an accurate representation of the room’s acoustical problems. The equalization solution then corrects for both time and frequency response problems more effectively and efficiently than any other room correction EQ on the market. The result is a clear and reliable representation of your mix. Regardless of the acoustical issues in your studio, what you are recording, mixing or mastering becomes immediately clear and reliable and your studio sound will improve forever.

System Requirements
Windows® (32 and 64 bit)
Minimal: Intel® Pentium 4® 2.4 GHz or Intel® Core™ Duo or AMD Athlon™ 64, 1 GB of RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
Supported Plug-in formats: VST, RTAS.

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  PROUDLY PRESENTS  
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 IK.Multimedia.ARC.System.VST.RTAS.v1.1.Incl.Keygen 
 
 
 SIZE ......: 04 * 4,77MB 
 DATE ......: 04/2009 
 
 ARC System 
 
 Advanced Room Correction System 
 
 The first acoustic correction system in a plug-in 
 
 ARC System delivers the most advanced solution to 
 acoustical problems for any DAW-based studio. 
 Combining a professionally calibrated microphone, 
 standalone software that captures sound information 
 and calculates proper room correction, and a multi 
 -platform plug-in: this technology will improve how 
 your studio sounds forever. 
 
 ARC features the revolutionary Audyssey MultEQ« 
 technology, which measures acoustical information 
 throughout the listening area in your studio. It then 
 combines this information to provide an accurate 
 representation of the roomֶs acoustical problems. The 
 equalization solution then corrects for both time and 
 frequency response problems more effectively and 
 efficiently than any other room correction EQ on the 
 market. The result is a clear and reliable 
 representation of your mix. Regardless of the 
 acoustical issues in your studio, what you are 
 recording, mixing or mastering becomes immediately 
 clear and reliable and your studio sound will improve 
 forever. 
 
 The first and only room correction system in a plug 
 -in for DAW-based studios 
 
 Includes a calibrated measurement microphone, 
 measurement software and multi-platform correction 
 plug-in 
 
 Improves clarity, stereo imaging and frequency 
 response, for faster, more reliable mixing 
 
 Revolutionary Audyssey MultEQ« technology corrects 
 frequency and phase response not only for the 
 engineerֶs זsweet spotֶ, but also multiple points in 
 the room 
 
 Step by step setup measurement wizard will have you 
 up and running in minutes 
 
 A convenient, unique, mobile correction solution for 
 the traveling engineer 
 
 Sonically 'treat' your room so you can finally trust 
 the sound of your studio 
 
 
 New in v1.1 
 
 Full Range Bass Correction: It is now possible to 
 disable the Automatic Bass Roll off point detection 
 feature, allowing ARC's correction to be applied to 
 the entire frequency spectrum, down to 20Hz. In rooms 
 with especially odd low frequency issues, correcting 
 the entire spectrum gives users a more accurate flat 
 response and corrected listening environment. Maximum 
 boosting/correction applied at the low end is never 
 more than 9 dB, thus protecting the speakers from 
 excessive boost. With this feature, users now have 
 more options for room correction, as well as the 
 ability to tune their speakers with more power than 
 ever before. 
 
 
 http://www.ikmultimedia.com 
 
 
 
 Installation Notes : 
 -------------------- 
 
 1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe 
 
 2) Use keygen to register 
 
 3) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!! 
 
 
 
 
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 nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN 



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