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《三維設計軟件》(AUTODESK.SOFTIMAGE)V2012 WIN32|WIN64 sp1[光盤鏡像]
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《三維設計軟件》(AUTODESK.SOFTIMAGE)V2012 WIN32|WIN64 sp1[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 三維設計軟件 英文名 : AUTODESK.SOFTIMAGE 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : V2012 WIN32|WIN64 sp1 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Autodesk, Inc. 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Autodesk Softimage 2012 是 Softimage 迄今最快的版本。其核心結構的優化
"《三維設計軟件》(AUTODESK.SOFTIMAGE)V2012 WIN32|WIN64 sp1[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 三維設計軟件
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: V2012 WIN32|WIN64 sp1
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Autodesk, Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Autodesk Softimage 2012 是 Softimage 迄今最快的版本。其核心結構的優化帶來了巨大的性能改進,包括大型場景的加載和保存,可提高藝術家的工作效率。另外,這個最新版本還包含 Softimage Face Robot 面部搭建和動畫工具集,並且進行了擴展,允許創建自定義 ICE(交互式創作環境)系統。ICE 特效和 Face Robot 網格可以導出到 Autodesk Maya,從而在創建復雜的模擬和可信的角色時簡便地集成到 Maya 制作流程中。此外,Softimage 2010 還為管理場景復雜性提供眾多的新工具和工作流程。
Autodesk Softimage 2012軟件提供全新的程序化ICE建模功能、整合式Syflex織物模擬、立體功能以及多核軟件開發工具包(SDK)附件。
Autodesk Softimage 2012傳遞了革命性的全新創意工具集;增強了與Autodesk娛樂創作套件高級版(Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Premium)之間的互操作性;以及帶來了代表著最新技術趨勢的全新工具。
Softimage 2012全新功能包括:
● ICE建模:以規則、條件和參數為基礎,在交互式創作環境下創建程序化幾何體。
● 改善的日常工作流程:享受更全面的生產效率提升和易用性。紋理編輯器、浏覽器、Schematic View、場景分層管理器、渲染樹、Bone Primitive、參考模型和權重編輯器都得到了增強和關注。
● Syflex on ICE:使用ICE的強大性達到對Syflex布料仿真更好的控制和靈活性。
● UV展開:借助全新的UV松弛和UV pinning選項,可以節省大量時間和獲得更好的結果。
● Lagoa Multiphysics:更加輕松實現塑料、液體、柔體、布料和泡沫般效果。
● 立體支持:借助在視窗中的立體查看器所提供的顯示模式和立體攝像機綁定,可充分利用3D電影的趨勢。
● 逐步互操作性:借助Softimage和Maya、3ds Max、Mudbox軟件之間的全新逐步互操作性,可輕松利用Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites Premium 2012的優勢工具。
● ICE FX Builder:在全新的ICE FX Builder的幫助下,可以更加快速、輕松的創建和修改復雜效果。
● ICE Subframe Sampling:隨著對每個對象或每個點雲上的subframe sampling支持,在ICE仿真中可以更加精確的計算爆炸。
● 矢量置換貼圖支持:你可以使用Mental Ray渲染技術渲染在Mudbox 2012 中創建的或特定的其它軟件中創建的復雜的高分辨率細節模型。
● 全新的ICE Compounds、Preset FX、Shaders和Model Library:借助全新的compounds、shaders和預先定義的ICE FX支持,輕松在ICE中創建各種效果和渲染外觀。
● Maya nCache支持:更加輕松的傳輸幾何體以及在Maya和Softiamge中的ICE仿真。
● 一致的F-Curve編輯器:更加輕松在Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites Premium中的多個產片間進行切換,這一切都得益於更新的F-Curve編輯器所提供的工具集,這些工具集提供了更加一致的功能來編輯動畫曲線。
● Polygonizer:借助全新的Polygonizer工具集,可構建液體和滴狀效果。
● 增強的SDK和事件:隨著Undo Bracketing、onCommand Events和onRenderPass Events等更多核心Softimage服務和事件的曝光,設備現在可以更加輕松的定制和擴展它們的工具和流程。
● Softimage合成:Softimage Composite工具集提供了摳像、跟蹤、顏色校正、raster和矢量繪制、rotoscoping,、warping、先進的過濾器,完整的3D合成環境和工具幫助你輕松制作立體產品。
● MatchMover專業攝像機跟蹤:從電影和序列中提取3D攝像機運動數據,以方便插入CG元素到真人場景。
● FBX 2012:通過對Autodesk FBX 2012交換技術的支持,藝術家能夠輕松將立體攝像機綁定、矢量置換貼圖、多UV導入或導出Softimage,從而在各個產品間輕松傳遞產品。

Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character animation and visual effects application. Intuitive, nondestructive workflows and the innovative ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) and Autodesk® Face Robot® facial animation toolsets extend Autodesk® Maya® or Autodesk® 3ds Max® software pipelines. With new creative tools, enhanced interoperability with Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suite Premium products, and support for the latest technology trends, Autodesk Softimage enables you to meet the evolving challenges in 3D game development and post-production.
New features in Softimage 2012 include:
* ICE Modeling: Create procedural geometry in the Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) based on a set of rules, conditions, and parameters.
* Enhanced Everyday Workflows: Enjoy greater overall productivity and ease of use, with across-the-board enhancements. The Texture Editor, Explorer, Schematic View, Scene Layer Manager, Render Tree, Bone Primitive, Reference Models, and Weight Editor have all received attention.
* Syflex on ICE: Use the power of ICE to achieve greater control and flexibility over Syflex cloth simulations.
* UV Unfolding: Save time and effort with new UV relaxing and pinning options.
* Lagoa Multiphysics: More easily achieve plastic, liquid, soft-body, cloth, and foam-like effects.
* Stereoscopic Support: Take advantage of the trend for 3D films with an in-viewport stereoscopic viewer offering a range of display modes and stereopscopic camera rig.
* Single-Step Suites Interoperability: More easily take advantage of the focused toolsets in the Autodesk® Entertainment Creation Suites Premium 2012, with new single-step interoperability between Softimage and Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max®, and Autodesk® Mudbox™ software.
* ICE FX Builder: Create and modify sophisticated effects more quickly and easily, with the help of the new ICE FX Builder.
* ICE Subframe Sampling: Calculate collisions more accurately in ICE simulations, with new support for subframe sampling on a per-object or per-point cloud basis.
* Vector Displacement Map Support: You can use mental ray® rendering technology to render complex high-resolution details created in Mudbox 2012 software or certain other applications on low-resolution geometry.
* New ICE Compounds, Preset FX, Shaders, and Model Library: More easily create a wide range of effects and rendered looks in ICE with the help of new compounds, shaders, and pre-defined ICE FX that can be used “as-is”, or customized as required.
* Maya nCache Support: More easily transport geometry and ICE simulations between Softimage and Maya 2012 software.
* Consistent F-Curve Editor: More easily switch between multiple products in the Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites Premium thanks to an updated F-Curve Editor that provides a toolset that offers more consistent functionality and terminology for editing animation curves.
* Polygonizer: Build liquid and blobby effects with the new Polygonizer toolset.
* SDK Enhancements and Events: Facilities can now more easily customize and extend their tools and pipelines, with the exposure of more core Softimage services and events: Undo Bracketing, onCommand Events, and onRenderPass Events.
* Softimage Composite: Softimage® Composite toolset offers keying, tracking, color correction, raster and vector paint, rotoscoping, warping, advanced filters, a full 3D compositing environment, and tools that help support stereoscopic productions.
* MatchMover Professional Camera Tracking: Extract 3D camera and motion data from video and film sequences in order to insert CG elements into a live-action scene.
* FBX 2012: Through support for the Autodesk® FBX® 2012 asset exchange technology, artists can transfer stereo camera rigs, vector displacement maps, multiple UVs, and subframe samples for icecache and PC2 in and out of Softimage, making it easier to safely pass production assets between products.

date: April 08th, 2011
type: 3D
size: DVD 28x50mb
Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character
animation and visual effects application. Intuitive,
nondestructive workflows and the innovative
ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) and Autodesk Face Robot
facial animation toolsets extend Autodesk Maya or Autodesk 3ds Max
software pipelines. With new creative tools, enhanced interoperability
with Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Premium products, and
support for the latest technology trends, Autodesk Softimage enables
you to meet the evolving challenges in 3D game development and post-production
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD1
No Lame Patching, no problems with updates, no problems exporting
to a "legal" version, no trial patched, no files modified etc ...
The one and only way to do it - KEYGEN - fully activated


date: April 10th, 2011
type: 3D
size: DVD 27x50mb

Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character
animation and visual effects application. Intuitive,
nondestructive workflows and the innovative
ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) and Autodesk Face Robot
facial animation toolsets extend Autodesk Maya or Autodesk 3ds Max
software pipelines. With new creative tools, enhanced interoperability
with Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Premium products, and
support for the latest technology trends, Autodesk Softimage enables
you to meet the evolving challenges in 3D game development and post-production.
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install.
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD1
No Lame Patching, no problems with updates, no problems exporting
to a "legal" version, no trial patched, no files modified etc ...
The one and only way to do it - KEYGEN - fully activated


date: June 17th, 2011
type: 3D
size: DVD 27x50mb

Autodesk Softimage software is a high-performance 3D character
animation and visual effects application. Intuitive,
nondestructive workflows and the innovative
ICE (Interactive Creative Environment) and Autodesk Face Robot
facial animation toolsets extend Autodesk Maya or Autodesk 3ds Max
software pipelines. With new creative tools, enhanced interoperability
with Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite Premium products, and
support for the latest technology trends, Autodesk Softimage enables
you to meet the evolving challenges in 3D game development and post-production.
Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install.
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD1
No Lame Patching, no problems with updates, no problems exporting
to a "legal" version, no trial patched, no files modified etc ...
The one and only way to do it - KEYGEN - fully activated



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