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《截屏工具》(WinCAM 2000 Professional)v3.1[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《截屏工具》(WinCAM 2000 Professional)v3.1[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 截屏工具 英文名 : WinCAM 2000 Professional 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v3.1 發行時間 : 2011年 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>多媒體類 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:Winll 問題反饋: http://www.wincam.com/contact.html 網站鏈接:
"《截屏工具》(WinCAM 2000 Professional)v3.1[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 截屏工具
英文名: WinCAM 2000 Professional
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v3.1
發行時間: 2011年
語言: 英文

問題反饋: http://www.wincam.com/contact.html
網站鏈接: http://www.wincam.com/index.html
WinCAM 2000專業版。記錄和編輯程序,可以抓取任何活動屏幕,包括鼠標移動,程序處理和按鍵等。而它所包含的物件編輯工具讓你可以添加諸如標題框,圖片,圖形,介紹,背景音樂和聲音效果等等不同的層,逐幀編輯工具讓你制作出的影像更清晰、更專業。WinCam 2000 特別版支持AVI視頻轉換、SWF轉換、幻燈片錄制功能和交互功能。
  WinCAM 2000可以在不需要增加任何外部設備的情況下,直接錄下計算機內所有的動態,包括鼠標與鍵盤的動作。而針對錄制後的影像,WinCam 2000軟件也提供了編輯功能,能讓你插入字幕,以及針對個別的每一幅畫面作編修的動作。在輸出檔案類型方面,WinCam 2000可以輸出EXE,WCM,AVI和ASF等多種檔案,應付不同情況的需求。
WinCAM 2000 is a screen recording and editing application. WinCAM 2000 records all the screen activities from the movement of the mouse, to the processes of applications and inputs from keyboard to execution of any program. WinCAM's innovative object editing tools allow you to insert various shapes of caption boxes, graphics, images, narration, background music, and sound effects in all different layers in the easiest way. Versatile frame-by-frame editing tools will help make your movie look clean and give it that professional-looking cut. The movies can be converted to EXE, WCM and AVI file formats.

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# The M4Y4N PR0PH3CY T34M #
# is proud to present #
WinCAM 2000 Professional v3.1
Cracker : JUNLAJUBALAM Date : 2011-03-05
Type : [x] Patch [ ] Cracked file
[ ] Serial [ ] Keyfile/License
[ ] Keygen [ ] Other
# Installation note #
- Install the program in the default directory
- Use our activator to register (as admin for Vista & 7)
- Enjoy your newly full registered app !
# MPT34M Members #
[ JUNLAJUBALAM..........founder/admin/web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ D!oXyDe2k...........................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ OPTIMUS.............................web developer/reverse engineer ]
[ MorPheus..........................................reverse engineer ]
[ EMAN.........................................................admin ]
[ POP........................................................retired ]
[ JJBB.......................................................retired ]
[ JONNY..............................................retired/partner ]
# From the depths of Xibalba #

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Visit us at : www.mpt34m.net
Greetings to ALL our friends;)
# cr4ck1ng th3 cod3... 4 fun! #



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