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《數字音頻編輯工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium)v5.0.0.33/含注冊器[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《數字音頻編輯工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium)v5.0.0.33/含注冊器[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 數字音頻編輯工具 英文名 : Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v5.0.0.33/含注冊器 發行時間 : 2010年12月 制作發行 : Acondigital 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類別:多媒體類 軟件性質:破解軟件 官網鏈接:http://www.acon
"《數字音頻編輯工具》(Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium)v5.0.0.33/含注冊器[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 數字音頻編輯工具
英文名: Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.0.0.33/含注冊器
發行時間: 2010年12月
制作發行: Acondigital
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Acoustica 是一款理想的音頻編輯與後制最佳應用軟件,它包含各種錄制與制作符合CD音頻品質的工具,包括錄音、頻譜分析、編輯、燒錄CD等專業工具。它的使用者界面是以運算速度、精准度、與易用等想法而設計,支持的訊號可達192k Hz和32位的聲音取樣品質,不管是錄音或編輯,都可以達到最高的聲音品質。
Acoustica 是一個強大的聲音編輯程序,它擁有對聲音進行動態處理,實時降噪,格式轉換,時標調整,均衡,加入合唱效果、混響效果等等一些功能。用它配合其他工具軟件可以做出很不錯的卡拉OK,對於效果不好聲音或卡拉OK進行處理後,可以達到很專業的水平。


Acoustica is a comprehensive solution for professional audio recording, editing and mastering. The intuitive user interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease-of-use in mind and gives access to a large set of powerful tools to make your recordings sound the best. The consistent workflow simplifies your production work all the way from recording, editing, batch processing, sound design and audio restoration to Red Book compatible CD burning.
Acoustica 5 is avaible in two editions, a Standard Edition as well as a Premium Edition.
Ultimate Audio Quality
Acoustica offers support for state-of-the-art audio resolutions up to 32 bit and sampling rates up to 384 kHz, ensuring that all of your work comes across at the highest quality. Acoustica Premium Edition even supports multichannel audio recording and editing such as 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound.
Audio Restoration
Integrated audio restoration tools help you get the most out of recordings impaired by background noise, clicks, crackle, clipping or missing high frequency content. The Premium Edition contains the complete set of professional tools from our StudioClean VST and DirectX plug-in suite.
Processing Tools
High quality audio tools and effects are integrated such as dynamic processing, limiter, equalizing, reverb, convolution reverb, chorus and flanger.
The Premium Edition contains all the effects from our StudioNecessities VST and DirectX plug-in suite.
Time Stretching
Modify tempo and key of your recordings independantly using the time stretching and transpose tools. The Premium Edition contains time and pitch modification algorithms from our StudioTime DirectX plug-in suite that ensure a nearly artifact free processing.
Effect Chains and Plug-In Support
You can create complete chains of processing tools, including external plug-ins, and save them along with all the parameter settings for later use. VST and DirectX plug-in support allows you to access a vast number of both free and commercial third party audio processing plug-ins directly from Acoustica.
Analysis Tools
Powerful offline analysis tools are available, including spectrum, spectrogram and wavelet analysis. Real-time analyzers such as K-System level meters, phase correlation meters and spectrum analyzers allow you to monitor your audio output visually in real time during playback.


苒? ?
苒哌 苘苘 苓 ?
哌 苘圹哌 苓苒掭
策?哌 苓懿草?
鄄槽 苘苒圹哌哌 圮 苓懿膊廁?
圹圹 懿膊膊苘 懿膊 圮膊膊哕?
圹? 哌哌圹? 郾北北北臂曹 苒鄄膊? 圮膊策苓
? 咣? 郾北北北北膊槽 苒膊膊? 掭膊哕? 苘苘膊
掭 哌圮 郾北北北北膊膊槽 苘膊曹 ?鄄 馨敗哌 苘北輩膊曹
? ?薇北北北輩膊膊槽 苘氨輩膊膊膊卑 鄄 鼙避北北膊氨膊曹苘苘
掭 薇北北輩膊膊膊? 鞍北北氨北?哌 苘? 苘懿鞍鄄北避哌哌哌?
郾北北膊膊膊策哌? 鞍鞍 鞍鞍 懿脖邊哕咣鞍膊
MNAA.. 苓哌苘膊膊策?苘? 鞍 ? 圮 鄄??苘懿弑避咻
ure 鄄鞍鞍斑哌敗鞍? 捋 掭 ? 圮 卟卑安哕 圹 莅輩?
dead 薏鞍鞍苘鞍稗槽 苘 掭 ? ? 坜?? 哌鄄氨? ?鞍草
:D 薏鞍苘捋策懿茌鞍安 ?? ? 圻 哕 苓哕 揶氨避哌鞍槽? 鄄
哕郾曹哌咣 ?苓 掭 哌? ? 圮 掭? 苘 ?哌 哌? 哌 ?
鄄鞍拜苓馨哌哕苘苘 哌? 苘苘 圻? 掭哕蒉?掭 圹 舶敗 ? 哌 苘 ?
薏? 哌苘?膊膊膊膊?苘? ? ?捱咣?? ?哌???郯鞍安苘 ?
苓 苘脖? 氨膊蒉膊苓哌? ? 掭??? ? 苒 郾掭苘馨敗鞍斑卟曹
掭 ?懿卑鞍苘? 氨膊 膊? 哕 哌哌苘苘苘苘哌卟?鄄 捋圹槽敗哌咣鞍佰
?掭薏鞍鞍氨膊曹氨策? 苘膊?苘苘哌哌哌苘苘苘苘哌哌咿脖?圻策郯安?郯鞍? 鄄
??薏? 鞍輩策苘舶苓哌郯薨拜?苘懿膊膊膊? 苘苘哌 哌?掭 ?咣鞍槽苘?
?苘苓脖氨膊?鞍鞍鞍曹苻莶稗安薏膊膊膊膊? 苘苘哌 卟?捱 ? 咣鞍鞍策
懿膊曹苘苓哌?哌舶鞍敗策策苓苓哌哌 ? ? ? 哌圮
膊膊膊膊膊膊苘哌 卟策 哕
鄄膊膊膊膊哌 苘? ? ?
薏膊曹哌 圹圹圹?苘苘 苘膊膊草 ?捋圮苘 ?鄄曹圹 苘苘苘鄄膊?
哕苓 安?圹圹槽圹鄄膊草懿膊圹圹膊 ?圹圹膊苒苒圹膊膊薏槽圹圹膊膊?
氨?圹圹膊葸圹鄄膊廁槽圹圹圻哌 捋圹鄄膊膊槽鄄膊?膊圹哌咣鄄槽
氨?圹圹膊曹懿圹膊膊莶圹圻 ?圹圹膊槽膊圹圹膊?薏圹圹苘?
氨 圹圹膊膊? 圹圹膊膊莶圹圹槽膊草圹膊? ? 捋圹膊廁膊圻? 苘苘?
氨?哌哌卟膊 安捋圹膊膊策苒鄄膊膊策懿膊 ?? 圹膊膊蒇槽圹圹圹鄄草
鞍鞍氨北? 安哌哌鞍?鞍 哌哌 鞍 ? 鞍 哌哌 哌哌咣鄄膊槽
? 鞍鞍? 鞍 鞍鞍鞍??鞍 ??
苘哌 哌苘
鄄策 咣? 苒? 卟圹
圹膊 鞍 哌 Acon Digital Media Acoustica Premium v5.0.0.33 哌 鞍 槽圹
捋鄄?北輩苘懿? 卟苘懿北?槽圹?
圹鄄莅膊圹策 RELEASE iNFO 卟圹膊安圹圹
捋鄄?槽鄄 槽鄄 槽圹?
哌咣圹苻膊 [ CRACKER ................................... TEAM ACME ] 膊蒈圹圻哌
苘? ? [ SUPPLiER .................................. TEAM ACME ] ? 苘?
圹鄄策 ? [ PACKER .................................... TEAM ACME ] ?卟槽圹
捋膊? [ OPERATiNG SYSTEM ............................. WinALL ] 薏槽?
捋膊 [ PROTECTiON ................................... Custom ] 膊圯
圹膊 [ RELEASE TYPE .......................... Incl Keymaker ] 膊圹
捋鄄哌 [ DiSK COUNT AND SiZE ....................... 03 x 5.00 ] 哌槽圯
圻 苘? [ RELEASE DATE ............................. 2011-01-09 ] 曹?咣
苒圹草 [ COMPANY .......................... Acon Digital Media ] 槽圹圮
捋圹膊?圮? 苘?膊槽圹?
哌哌 哌咣圹苘? 苘 苘 苘苒圹哌? 哌哌
苘苘苒圹圹膊策 苘苘苒圹鄄 槽圹圮苘苘 卟槽圹圹圮苘苘
薏膊曹 ? 捋鄄草 ? 捋鄄? RELEASE NOTES 卟圹? ?薏圹圯 ? 懿膊草
脖北 圻? 圹策? 哕槽哌 咣曹? 哌圹?卟? 北輩
鞍鞍 苘? 哌 哌 苘?鞍鞍
卟槽圹 Acoustica is a comprehensive solution for professional audio 圹鄄策
薏槽? recording, editing and mastering. The intuitive user 捋膊?
膊圯 interface was designed with speed, accuracy and ease-of-use 捋膊
膊圯 in mind and gives access to a large set of powerful tools to 捋膊
膊圯 make your recordings sound the best. The consistent workflow 捋膊
膊圯 simplifies your production work all the way from recording, 捋膊
膊圯 editing, batch processing, sound design and audio restoration 捋膊
膊圯 to Red Book compatible CD burning. 捋膊
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
薏草 薏草
膊? 膊?
氨北 北卑
鞍 ? ? 鞍
氨 卑
氨輩? 薏北?
膊? 鄄?
膊圯 捋膊
哌槽圯 捋鄄哌
曹?咣 ? ? 圻 苘?
薏圹圮 ? ? 苒圹草
捋圹膊?圮? 苘?膊槽圹?
哌哌 哌咣圹苘? ? 苘 苘 ? 苘苒圹哌? 哌哌
苘苘苒圹圹鄄膊卑 苘圹圹? 槽圹圮? 氨膊槽圹圹圮苘苘
捋圹曹 捋圹膊脖? 膊膊? iNSTALL NOTES 卟膊? 氨膊槽圹? 懿圹圯
哌? 苓?圹圻?苘?北? 北?苘?哌圹?哕? 哌?
苘? 哌 鞍 鞍 哌 苘?
卟槽圹 Unpack, install, use keygen to register ! 圹鄄策
薏槽? 捋膊?
薏槽? As always be sure to use an application firewall ! 捋膊?
薏槽? 捋膊?
薏草 薏草
薏草 薏草
膊? 膊?
膊? 膊?
膊? 膊?
膊? 膊?
氨北 北卑
鞍 ? ? 鞍
氨 卑
氨輩? 薏北?
膊? 鄄?
哌槽圯 捋鄄哌
曹?咣 圻 苘?
薏圹圮 苒圹草
捋圹膊?圮? 苘?膊槽圹?
哌哌 哌咣圹苘? ? 懿? 懿? ? 苘苒圹哌? 哌哌
苘苘苒圹圹鄄策 ? ? 卟槽圹圹圮苘苘
捋圹曹 輩槽鄄? 鞍鞍? GROUP NEWS 鞍鞍? 薏圹膊? 懿圹圯
哌? 鞍北膊圻?苘苘膊北北 北北膊苘苘 哌鄄脖卑? 哌?
苘馨斑? 鄄膊? 卟膊? 哌鞍苘?
卟槽圹 圹鄄策
薏槽? 捋膊?
膊圯 After more than seven years of supporting the scene with 捋膊
膊圯 quality releases, ACME is proud to break the barrier of 捋膊
膊圯 6000 releases, more than 4000 of them being keymakers. 捋膊
膊圯 捋膊
膊圯 捋膊
膊? As you may have noticed we always try our best to keep a high 鄄?
膊? level of quality. Therefore we do not take part in mass 鄄?
膊? releasing like midnight-mu-races or converter/ripper-shareware, 鄄?
膊? which gets released from different vendors with same look, 鄄?
膊? funtionality, version number and of course same serial over and 鄄?
膊? over. We tend to care for quality before quantity. 鄄?
膊? 鄄?
薏草 Finally we would like to thank our hardworking members, friends 薏草
膊? and all people, who are affiliated to us. 膊?
氨北 北卑
鞍 ? ? 鞍
氨 卑
氨輩? 薏北?
膊? 鄄?
哌槽圯 Greetings fly out to all the groups who care for quality, 捋鄄哌
曹?咣 loyalty, respect and security: Keep your azz clean ! 圻 苘?
薏圹圮 苒圹草
捋圹膊?圮? 苘?膊槽圹?
哌哌 哌咣圹苘? 苘苒圹哌? 哌哌
苘苘苒圹圹鄄策 ? 懿? 懿? ? 卟槽圹圹圮苘苘
捋圹曹 捋圹草 苘 ? DiSCLAiMER ?苘? 薏圹圯 懿圹圯
哌? 圹圻?苘苘苒圹草 薏圹圹苘苘?哌圹? 哌?
苘? 哌 捋鄄? 卟圹? 哌 苘?
卟槽圹 哕圻? READ THIS CAREFULLY 哌圮? 圹鄄策
薏草 薏草
膊? ACME can not be held responsible for any unlawful actions based on 膊?
氨北 or in conjunction with any of its releases. The enduser has to 北卑
鞍 ? decide whether to download, install, and use a release or not. ? 鞍
氨 Software engineers have to spend a lot of time developing their 卑
氨輩? programs to improve their products in order to get new custo- 薏北?
膊?mers and to make a living. If you acquire one of our releases not 鄄?
曹?咣 just for testing purposes but for everyday usage, we strongly 圻 苘?
薏圹圮 advise you to buy the software to support the authors! 苒圹草
捋圹膊?圮? 苘?膊槽圹?
哌哌 哌咣圹苘? 苘苒圹哌? 哌哌
苘苘苒圹圹鄄策 CONTACT iNFO 卟槽圹圹圮苘苘
薏膊曹 捋圹草 薏圹圯 懿膊草
北北? 圹圻? 苘 ? ? If you are worth it you ? ?苘 哌圹? 北北?
鞍鞍 苘? 哌 懿? 卟?know how to contact us! 卟? 卟? 哌 苘?鞍鞍
卟槽圹苘哌 苒? 槽? 哌苘圹鄄策
薏槽? 安圹鄄? 苘? 苘苘? 苘 苘 苘苘苘? 懿圹鄄? 咣膊?
策 ? 咣鄄卑??鄄咣舶 圹?圹?佰鄄鄄槽?稗鄄 哌? 氨槽圻 ? 卟
掭 氨卑 捋圹脖卑 圹曹圹?圹?苘 稗鄄葸咿鄄莅圹葸?甙北槽圹? 氨卑 掭
掭 氨北? 哌哌鄄卑捋? 圹?鄄苒圻佰鄄 ?圹廁槽曹圹甙輩圻哌? 氨北? 掭
? 安槽舶 哌 哌 哌? 安鄄舶 ?
? 鞍槽舶? A C M E P R O D U C T i O N S M M I I 鞍槽舶? ?
? 鞍膊鄄卑 氨槽膊鞍 ?
鞍鞍?鞍 Ascii by 鞍 鞍鞍?
?鞍 ? Yce!Remorse ? 鞍 ?

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