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《三維動畫制作軟件》(NewTek LightWave 3D)v11.2205[壓縮包]
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《三維動畫制作軟件》(NewTek LightWave 3D)v11.2205[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 三維動畫制作軟件 英文名 : NewTek LightWave 3D 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v11.2205 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : NewTek, Inc. 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 美國NewTek公司開發的LightWave 3D是一款高性價比的三維動畫制作軟件,它的功能非常強大,是業界為數不多的幾款重量級三
"《三維動畫制作軟件》(NewTek LightWave 3D)v11.2205[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 三維動畫制作軟件
英文名: NewTek LightWave 3D
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v11.2205
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: NewTek, Inc.
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

美國NewTek公司開發的LightWave 3D是一款高性價比的三維動畫制作軟件,它的功能非常強大,是業界為數不多的幾款重量級三維動畫軟件之一。LightWave 3D從有趣的AMIGA開始,發展到今天已經成為一款功能非常強大的三維動畫軟件,支持WINDOWS,MAC OS 32位,64位。被廣泛應用在電影、電視、游戲、網頁、廣告、印刷、動畫等各領域。它的操作簡便,易學易用,在生物建模和角色動畫方面功能異常強大;基於光線跟蹤、光能傳遞等技術的渲染模塊,令它的渲染品質幾盡完美。它以其優異性能倍受影視特效制作公司和游戲開發商的青睐。當年火爆一時的好萊塢大片《TITANIC》中細致逼真的船體模型、《RED PLANET》中的電影特效以及《恐龍危機2》、《生化危機-代號維洛尼卡》等許多經典游戲均由LightWave 3D開發制作完成。
  這是直接來自於ArnieCachelin的原話:“當光能傳遞被打開,環境光的值將只被加到非直射的表面散射光上,而不是直射燈光。這意味著環境光的提高效果就像是散射光彈射的增加。這個不太被人知道的技巧提供了可以被調整的細微效果的光,從而大大節省由於外加的RAY-TRACE運算而需要的時間。和你所熟悉的LW照片真實的渲染方法相反,在光能傳遞渲染中環境光的設置不能忽視。一般情況下,環境光的級別需要從兩次或更高的不同角度的彈射來考慮。如果場景中有較亮的光源的話,這些彈射將趨向產生更多影響。或者有較高發光性的對象和HDR圖像的亮點時也會提高環境光的值而加強渲染的精確性。它還有助於去除由於取樣不夠而產生的噪聲雜色點,並且照亮場景中那些沒有被充分取樣的角落。這個方法比一味提高BOUNCE次數要好,因為每一次彈射都將使光線的方向的變化減少,而且強度也降低,還更加容易超出取樣范圍。將所有的彈射控制在統一的級別裡有助於表現各種特征,並且避免額外的取樣需要。” 需要提出的是加上環境光值會使光能傳遞場景變得更亮,為了補償這個效果,你可以通過後期處理來實現,設置一個較高的黑點,或者用灰階的調整。另外,還需要注意的是你不需要傳統渲染中所需要的那麼多光。LIGHTWAVE的線性灰階的特性使得你的圖像看上去比經過後期調整後的要暗一些。


Instancing lets you create mass duplication of objects in a scene, with very little overhead. Previously, you would simply run out of memory. Now, with the ability to have huge 'virtual' polygon counts, artists can populate their scenes with incredible detail, and yet retain reasonable render times.
While instances can be thought of as clones of the original source objects, they don't need to look identical. They can be randomly scaled, positioned, rotated and even surfaced completely different from the source. This means you can use instancing for any number of uses.
Use the Flock controller, which calculates crowd avoidance of neighbors, target alignment, and cohesive attractions, to create realistic natural motions, with ease.These are the three elements of any flocking system.
Classic examples of flocking motion are:
Flocks of Birds
Schools of Fish
Swarms of Insects
Animal Herd Behaviors
Craft Maneuvers (planes, alien ships, etc)
This new Modeler tool was designed specifically to compliment Bullet dynamics in LightWave Layout. It allows the artist to pre-fracture objects ready for destruction.
There are a number of different methods and associated settings to fine tune the look of the pieces as they are broken up. You also have the ability to create an Endomorph of the resulting fracture, which means you can animate the explosion, with or without using dynamics.
Weight maps can also be applied to the source object to control the density of where the fracturing takes place, making Fracture a flexible tool for creating breaking objects in LightWave.
Bullet Dynamics
Bullet is a fast, production proven, open source physics engine that is used in many high profile, effects-driven films and real-time game engines. Bullet features 3D rigid body dynamics originally created by Erwin Coumans.
LightWave 11 features the Bullet dynamics engine directly in Layout so that it can be used with the new Fracture tool in Modeler to create compelling physics-based animation. Things like collapsing buildings, explosions, and even natural placement of items in a random pattern, would otherwise be difficult to do by hand.
Virtual Studio Tools
The Virtual Studio Tools first made an appearance in LightWave 10, as a way of using third party controllers to animate items in your scene.
LightWave 11 continues to expand on this concept by allowing more controller types, such as the affordable Playstation® Move. These third party controllers use the new SDK available for the Virtual Studio Tools, which now allows developers to hook into the system directly.
Using the new Control Booth and Device Managers in VST, users can now manage every aspect of how their controllers are configured, and how they are used within LightWave. Essentially, anything that can be animated in LightWave can be controlled, using any device.
It is also now possible to modify how the data input is manipulated as it is captured into LightWave, using the Node Editor. This allows for complex logic to affect the input. Once a virtual performance is captured, the data can be edited in the Graph Editor, letting you hand edit any live-captured performances.
Virtual Studio Tools in LightWave 11 is a significant evolution of this technology, and with the new SDK, third party developers can extend and enhance it even further.
Interchange Tools
GoZ™ is an interchange technology from Pixologic®, that allows applications to send model and texture data to and from ZBrush™ for sculpting detail on a base mesh. It has proved incredibly popular among many 3D artists. Now, LightWave 11 brings that technology to you.
The GoZ implementation in LightWave Layout and Modeler is robust and fully featured. It allows you to exchange model data, along with all the associated texture maps. The Modeler implementation even lets you use ZBrush for sculpting Endomorphs for things like facial morphs.
GoZ now allows LightWave to be even more integrated within studio pipelines, making it a great addition to the LightWave 11 toolset.
Render Buffer Enhancements
Saving and viewing the various buffers produced by the render engine to make up an image, is now more powerful and much easier in LightWave 11.
The new Compositing Buffer Export panel now makes it possible to select which objects are to be included with the buffers you specify, and easier to select which buffers are to be exposed for saving or viewing.
This makes rendering out for compositing much more streamlined, as it combines and extends the functionality of two different panels you had to visit in previous versions of LightWave. It also allows saving of presets for the commonly used buffers to aid in setting up for output, something that was not possible before.
Python Scripting
Python is an industry standard programming language prevalent in most CG pipelines. The inclusion of Python in LightWave 11 allows even further integration of LightWave into studio pipelines, as those familiar with Python can quickly begin writing tools for LightWave.
FiberFX Enhancements
FiberFX now has a new volume rendering mode. "Stroke" is the original shading method for volumetric rendering. When set to "Solid," the user can apply shading and material like any normal surface. This lets you create very complex looking fibers, easily, and perform parametric cylinder rendering of the fibers.
FiberFX volumetric rendering has also been enhanced with smooth line rendering to match the pixel filter look, as well as render buffer support for all fiber types.
New optimizations that make the building and relaxed distribution of fibers multi-threaded, give you faster render times and interactivity when working with fiber setup and styling. Additionally, the FiberFX instance accelerator demonstrates benchmarked rendering improvements of 2x for complex situations.
FiberFX has also benefited from the new instancing system in LightWave 11. Volume mode now uses the new built-in instancing system. The old FiberFX Instancing Tab is no longer needed and has been removed.
FiberFX has also been given enhanced nodal support in the following areas:
Instance Info node now works to change color on FiberFX instances in Solid volume type
Added support for nodal color input to the stroke or ribbon type of volume rendering
Add nodal color UV texture mapping support for volume stroke rendering, including smoothing
Add nodal color UV texture mapping support for rasterized fibers, including smoothing
Add alpha input into FiberFX node editor
Add alpha mapping support for texture mapping


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