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《藍/綠色背景摳圖軟件》(FXhome Photokey )5 Pro[壓縮包]
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《藍/綠色背景摳圖軟件》(FXhome Photokey )5 Pro[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 藍/綠色背景摳圖軟件 英文名 : FXhome Photokey 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 5 Pro 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : FXhome Limited. 語言 : 英文 簡介 : FXhome Photokey 5 Pro 是一款批量的藍色或者綠色背景摳圖的軟件 PhotoKey 能將你的多張圖像按照前景和背景自動合並在一起,並
"《藍/綠色背景摳圖軟件》(FXhome Photokey )5 Pro[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 藍/綠色背景摳圖軟件
英文名: FXhome Photokey
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 5 Pro
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: FXhome Limited.
語言: 英文

FXhome Photokey 5 Pro 是一款批量的藍色或者綠色背景摳圖的軟件
PhotoKey 能將你的多張圖像按照前景和背景自動合並在一起,並且能達到很自然的效果,尤其適合背景色為藍色或者綠色的圖像.能滿足一些比較普通的要求,但是對於前景圖很復雜的就會出現一些雜邊,但是對於那些背景色為藍色或者綠色的來說就很厲害.
FX-Home PhotoKey的功能主要是將圖像前景背景融合,將你的多張圖像按照前景和背景自動合並在一起,並且能達到很自然的效果,尤其適合背景色為藍色或者綠色的圖像。比如你想將一張個人單身照,融合合並進另一張風景照中,使用FX-Home PhotoKey可以達到事半功倍的效果!
System requirements
Windows system requirements
Operating system: Microsoft® Windows® 7 or Vista *
Processor: 1 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 **
RAM: 512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 in 32-bit color mode
Hard disk space: 50MB free disk space for program installation
Optical drive: DVD drive (only for installation of the box version)
Internet connection: Access to the Internet is required to activate the software
* Please make sure you have the latest service packs from Microsoft® installed.
** Intel 64-bit Itanium (IA64) enterprise class processors are NOT supported.

Green screen photography lets your clients choose any backdrop they want, rather than being restricted by your physical backings, whether you're in your studio or at an event. The automated hot folder feature means you can concentrate on the photography while PhotoKey Pro processes each new photo without needing any manual interaction. If you want increased realism or a distinct visual style, PhotoKey’s range of advanced filters and effects have everything you need!
What's new?
Choose from multiple backgrounds
You can now import multiple backgrounds and easily switch between them at any time using the new background list. This makes experimenting with different backgrounds much faster.
Enhanced user interface
Improvements to the interface make PhotoKey faster and easier to use than ever before. The new Home screen provides instant access to training videos, updates and the latest news.
Cutting edge green screen technology
New advances in green screen removal technology give you finer control and better results than ever before.
New spill suppression method
A brand new spill suppression technique provides higher quality and vastly more realistic results.
Publish to Facebook & Flickr
The new email system also supports publishing to Facebook and Flickr. Display your work on your Facebook wall even while an event is still in progress.
Photo smoothing & cartoon effects
The new bilateral blur effect is ideal for hiding blemishes and providing smoother skin surfaces, or for creating a cartoonish, cel-shaded visual style.
50 free images included
PhotoKey 5 Pro now comes with 50 high quality, royalty free background images so that you can get started right away.
Integrated emailing
You can now email images from inside PhotoKey. It's a fast, efficient and secure way to show proofs or even finished work to your clients.
Major performance improvements
Performance has been improved in many areas, with some filters being up to four times faster than in previous versions. You'll be creating great images even faster than before.

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² F.O.S.I. - P R E S E N T S
²° ±°
±² RLS DATE ..............: 20-Apr-2012 °
± RLS SiZE ..............: 25 * 5,00 MB ± ±²
²  RLS NAME ..............: fo-pk5p.zip ² °±
² °  ° ²
² ° ± PROTECTiON ............: key  ±° °
²²² ²° REQUiREMENTS ..........: Windows OS °² ²²±
 ± ² ± ±±² 
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Add professional greenscreen photography to your portfolio of
services with PhotoKey 5 Pro. Whether in the studio or on
location, greenscreens enable you to transport your subjects
anywhere in the world. You no longer need to maintain an unwieldy
selection of color backings – all you need is a single greenscreen
and PhotoKey 5 Pro.
When asked for activation, check "Select my downloaded key file"
and browse for PhotoKey5Pro.programKey
Disallow internet connection for the program by your firewall
²± °²
±  ± NFO LAST UPDATED ²° ² ±
± ±± ° ± 06-11-2004 ±  ° ²
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