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《歐特克二維CAD設計》(Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009)[ISO],行業軟件、資源下載
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《歐特克二維CAD設計》(Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009)[ISO],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: 歐特克二維CAD設計英文名: Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: 歐特克 Autodesk地區: 美國簡介: Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009 下載連接來自TLF,未經過安全檢測與安裝測試,使用後果自負與本論壇無關 軟體版權歸作者及其公司所有,如果你喜歡,請購買正版 語言:英語 網址:http:
"《歐特克二維CAD設計》(Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009)[ISO],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
中文名: 歐特克二維CAD設計英文名: Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 2008年制作發行: 歐特克 Autodesk地區: 美國簡介:
Autodesk AutoCAD LT v2009
網址:http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112 id=2498418
使用全球銷售第一的 2D 繪圖與細部設計產品 AutoCAD LT® 2009 軟體,加速您每天的工作速度。每天的工作更為簡單,這要歸功於針對繪圖員需求而內建的工具,使用註解比例與每個視埠的圖層屬性、文字與表格加強功能以及多重引線,提升您的精確度,輕鬆完成工作。
AutoCAD LT® 軟體是全球銷售第一的 2D 製圖與細節處理產品。對於需要 DWG 原生檔案格式 (不具備 3D 功能、進階自訂、或網路授權) 完全相容性的設計專家而言,AutoCAD LT 是專為滿足製圖員需求而設計的產品,可讓日常工作變得更簡單。您可以大幅減少註記調整、和依檢視范圍設定圖層屬性的耗時工作,同時利用增強的文字與表格、和多位領導者等功能,來精確潤飾您的藝術設計。您也可以透過現有功能 (如動態區塊和表達工具),以更聰明的方式進行工作。如此可讓您的工作效率提高、 生活變得更順暢、 所用工具也展現出更佳效能。
AutoCAD LT 可供建築師、CAD 技術人員、設計師、工程師、和 (或) CAD/IT 主管使用,適用產業包括建築業、製造業、土木工程、和地圖繪製等。
例如,AutoCAD LT 使用者可包括:
- 負責建立技術製圖的設計專家,他們不需要自動化重複性設計步驟或協力廠商應用程式的其他功能。
- 最後接觸設計的製圖員,他們負責細節處理、註記、鏈結線上資料、及驗證正確性。
- 需要審查製圖以推斷是否符合業務特定需求的承包商、供應商、或營運專家。
- 需要審查及編輯製圖、並監控整個流程的負責人或專案領導者。
AutoCAD LT® 軟體具備 DWG 原生檔案完全相容性、註記調整、依檢視范圍設定圖層屬性、增強的文字與表格、和多重引線等功能,可有效簡化日常工作。這些增強功能可與現有功能 (如動態圖塊和快捷工具) 搭配使用,讓您的工作漸入佳境。
無論您現在處於 2D 設計流程的哪個階段,AutoCAD LT® 都能讓設計變得更有生產力。從製圖、發表到共用,新的工具與功能皆致力於讓您更快完成日常工作,並減少錯誤發生。只要使用它,您就能以空前效率來建立、協同合作及完成工作。
Express Tools
發佈成 DWF™ 或 PDF 格式
將圖檔以單一 DWF 檔案作電子方式發佈與傳輸,與團隊成員迅速且安全地協同合作,或是匯出為 PDF 格式。
Heads-up Design™
與 Microsoft® Excel® 的雙向表格連結功能
讓您的表格不斷更新。AutoCAD LT 的表格更新,也會自動更新 Microsoft Excel,反之亦然。
AutoCAD LT 與 AutoCAD 的主要差異
AutoCAD® 和 AutoCAD LT 軟體程式都使用相同的軟體架構與技術,也都能建立相同原生 DWG 格式與 DWF™ 規格的檔案。不過,AutoCAD 還具備下列主要領域的其他功能:
- 以 LISP、ARX 和 VBA 進行進階自訂
- 概念設計
- 網路授權
- 畫面設定管理
- 簡報圖形
- CAD 標準管理
New features for AutoCAD LT 2009 include:
The new Ribbon Interface is the latest task-based application design for AutoCAD software. It presents command options in a concise visual format that enables users to quickly select the appropriate command based on the work they are doing. The ribbon eliminates steps to get to commands and makes it easier to find less-used options so that they are readily available when needed. The ribbon is both customisable and extensible so that users can optimise it to meet their companies’ standards.
The new SteeringWheels™ tool also provides quick access to the Pan, Centre and Zoom commands.
The new Menu Browser interface enables users to browse through files and examine thumbnail images. Hovering the cursor over the file name provides more detailed information about the file size or file creator. The browser enables users to organize recently used files by name, date, or title. Specific files can be “pinned” so they do not move off the list as additional files are opened.
The new Quick Properties menu can be displayed by selecting the object that needs to be edited. The default information shown is the most common information needed for that entity. Users can easily customize the menu by selecting the button in the upper-right corner of the menu.
The new Quick View capability enables users to visually review open drawings and their associated layouts through the use of thumbnail images. Associated layouts are displayed as a small set of thumbnails located over the larger drawing file thumbnail. Users can scroll through the drawing file thumbnails at the bottom of the open drawing, using the mouse wheel to dynamically increase or decrease the size of each thumbnail.
With the updated Layer Properites Manager, changes made in the dialog box instantly appear in the drawing. In addition, manipulating the dialog box is easier. Columns can now be indivdually resized to avoid truncating the contents or title. Individual colums can be fixed in place so that users can scroll through the rest of the columns. And users can reference a column to a fixed column such as the layer name for easy scrolling.
AutoCAD LT 2009 now includes support for exporting AutoCAD DWG files to Bentley Systems’ MicroStation® V7 DGN format in addition to the V8 DGN support that was added in AutoCAD LT 2008.
AutoCAD LT 2009 now includes the ability to attach images to a drawing as externally referenced files.
AutoCAD LT 2009 also now offers more control over the display of layout viewports by enabling you to create nonrectangular viewports.
In AutoCAD LT 2009 you have more flexibility when it comes to specifying colours. The Select Color dialog box has been updated to include tabs for True Color and Colour Books in addition to the traditional Index Colour.
AutoCAD LT 2009 software enables you to create fields in your drawings, previously only possible in AutoCAD. Fields, which can be inserted in text, attributes, or tables, read data from various sources and then automatically update to reflect changes to the data.
AutoCAD LT 2009 software can be purchased in either a 32- or 64-bit version. The 64-bit version includes support for 64-bit Windows® operating systems with 64-bit Intel® or AMD® chipsets.
Share design information within your project team with 100% AutoCAD DWG compatibility and no loss or corruption of data.
Cost effective solution for occasional AutoCAD users to accurately view and edit AutoCAD files.
Minimal training needed for users to be productive.
Ribbon Interface – Overall drafting productivity is increased by decreasing the number of steps to reach a command. New users become productive more rapidly. It is easier to move between applications, based on using a common set of interface tools.
SteeringWheels™ – This new tool is much easier to use (even for inexperienced users) than the corresponding commands in earlier releases of the software. It makes moving around drawings faster and more intuitive.
New Menu Browser – Fast visual review of files improves productivity. Clear organization of files makes working on large projects faster and more efficient. This is now a common interface element across multiple Autodesk products.
Quick Properties – Decreasing the number of steps to access properties information boosts productivity. Easy customisation helps to ensure that the information presented is optimised for that particular user and project.
Quick View – The use of thumbnails instead of file names makes opening the correct drawing file and layout faster, and decreases time spent opening incorrect drawing files.
Updated Layer Properites Manager – Makes creation and editing of layer properties faster and less prone to error. Changes are instantly reflected in the drawing as they are made in the dialog box.
New facilities in AutoCAD LT 2009 which were only previously available in full AutoCAD provide significant advantages for consistency in operation and training when AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD are both used within an office.
Taking advantage of a 64-bit system when running AutoCAD LT 2009 enables you to work with larger data sets.

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