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《三維模型格式轉換/修復軟件》(Capvidia 3DTransVidia )V2009 [壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載
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《三維模型格式轉換/修復軟件》(Capvidia 3DTransVidia )V2009 [壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載 簡介: 簡介: 官方網站 http://www.capvidia.com/products/3dtransvidia/single-user Capvidia 3DTransVidia 是一款3D模型修復與格式轉換軟件. 1. 客戶提供的三維模型用自己公司的建模軟件打不開,或者打開之後出現大量錯誤,需要手工修復好幾天! 2. 自己公司創建的三維模型在由CAD向CAM/CAE中傳輸
"《三維模型格式轉換/修復軟件》(Capvidia 3DTransVidia )V2009 [壓縮包],行業軟件、資源下載"介紹
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官方網站 http://www.capvidia.com/products/3dtransvidia/single-user
Capvidia 3DTransVidia 是一款3D模型修復與格式轉換軟件.
1. 客戶提供的三維模型用自己公司的建模軟件打不開,或者打開之後出現大量錯誤,需要手工修復好幾天!
2. 自己公司創建的三維模型在由CAD向CAM/CAE中傳輸時,也出現若干錯誤,需要手工修復較長時間,效率低下的問題!3DTransVidia三維模型格式轉換與修復軟件可以完美地解決該問題。
3DTransVidia是一款功能強大的三維模型格式轉換及三維模型修復軟件,可以在所有的3D CAD/CAM/CAE系統中進行三維模型格式轉換及模型修復,使三維模型數據在企業與企業、上下游軟件之間的傳輸和轉化應用變得更加順暢。3D-TransVidia支持Pro/E、UG、CATIA V4、CATIA V5、SolidWorks、STL、STEP、IGES、Inventor、ACIS、VRML、AutoForm、Parasolid等文件格式。3DTransVidia軟件主要有三大功能:1. 格式轉換。實現主流三維CAD模型格式間的相互轉換。2. 模型修復。3DTransVidia具備強大的自動修復以及人機互動模型修復功能,可自動修復超過70種類型的錯誤。3. 質量改善。使三維模型符合某行業國際標准或自定義標准,滿足工程加工質量精度。3DTransVidia還提供逆向工程、偏置、特征轉化、網格編輯等特殊功能模塊。3DTransVidia軟件的典型客戶有:BOEING(波音)、Mercedes-Benz(奔馳汽車)、HONDA(本田汽車)、TOYOTA(豐田汽車)等國際性企業。
●在保持模型原有的公差條件下,可以使您在CATIA V4,CATIA V5,PRO/E,UG等主流建模軟件之間自由地、無變形地轉換。
●逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)功能更是能將點集(cloud of point)自動生成高質量曲面並轉化實體。
3D TransVidia 用於修復不同CAD系統(CAD設計軟體)裡創建出來的3D模型。修復過程是自動的,能用於非常復雜雜的3D模型和組裝件。修復總是在模型的公差范圍內進行,保持模型的整體性,防止變形。CAD 模型通常缺少復雜的工程加工所需的質量 精度(CAD - CAE - CAM,幾何和拓撲的缺陷是數據轉換的主要障礙。復雜的AD操作如:改變模型比例,偏置,或布爾數學體系(Boolean)的操作在無效的模型中是不能執行的。在本身的CAD系統中進行修復一般很困難,而且很花時間,因為CAD系統的設計意圖本來就不是用於修復模型的。3D TransVidia提供了最終的解決辦法來修復已存在的3D模型,使其達到所需的質量。幾何檢查工具檢驗模型遵從汽車工業標准如:VDA4955-2,JAMA and AIAG D-15,或者是自定義的質量標准。
● 數據導入 ● 模型公差控制
● 自動修復 ● 錯誤分類
● 手動修復 ● 質量檢查
● 數據輸出
手動修復不會太簡單,3D TransVidia 提供一個工作流程和專門工具來輕松和快速修復剩余的所有問題。有錯誤的地方及其周圍區域自動從模型中隔離。用戶只需在模型的小部分上操作,而不用在整個模型或復雜組合件中操作。快速檢查3D TransVidia 根據國際汽車行業標准( VDA4955-2,JAMA and AIAG D-15 )檢驗3D模型的質量。用戶可以自行設置質量標准來達到公司內部標准,或在生產或模擬過程中反應模型質量。
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3DTransVidia combines the following processes:
reading of three-dimensional model in any format (IGES, VDA-FS, VRML, STL, Parasolid, ACIS, Catia, Pro / E, UG, etc.)
Diagnosis Errors
automatic correction of errors in the model without distorting its accuracy
visualization of 3D models
interactive operations to correct the geometry
check the three-dimensional model according to industrial quality standards
merging of the surface model in the solid state
export the correct three-dimensional model in any format.
The process of model corrections can be made both in automatic and manual mode. Allows to work with CAD-models of any complexity. Restoring the model has always performed within its specified accuracy, unregulated change models are not allowed.
Different geometrical and topological errors in the model - are the main obstacles to the transmission of data. For this reason, become impossible to continue such complex operations as the creation of equidistant surfaces, scaling, or Boolean operations. 3DTransVidia offers a universal solution to remedy the imported CAD-model and its further export into various formats for CAD / CAE / CAM - systems to ensure the quality of the model.
At the opening of «kosyachnyh» file can be manual or automatic mode to see and correct the many geometric problems - ranging from the inverted normal in some areas of surfaces and finishing «sewing» stations, between which a crack was formed. The site is listed, perhaps hundreds of issues, which solves 3DTransVidia. Of course, sometimes, some problems can be overcome built-in CAD-systems (for example, the same «stitching» surfaces), but what if the header file is written correctly? In this case, your CAD can not simply open a file. 3DTransVidia successfully copes with this task. Program can be used as a viewer and converter CAD-files.
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