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《專業財會軟件》(Clarysis Executive Powerpak)v5.0.0.2[壓縮包]
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資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《專業財會軟件》(Clarysis Executive Powerpak)v5.0.0.2[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 專業財會軟件 英文名 : Clarysis Executive Powerpak 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v5.0.0.2 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Clarisys Inc. 地區 : 加拿大 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Clarysis Executive Powerpak 是個整合的、多人使用的會計及存貨管理軟件,它設計給需要
"《專業財會軟件》(Clarysis Executive Powerpak)v5.0.0.2[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 專業財會軟件
英文名: Clarysis Executive Powerpak
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.0.0.2
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Clarisys Inc.
地區: 加拿大
語言: 英文

Clarysis Executive Powerpak 是個整合的、多人使用的會計及存貨管理軟件,它設計給需要強大進銷貨管理和彈性訂單記帳系統的商家使用。它有靈敏的說明檔可將完整的來龍去脈詳細說明以及可自訂的桌面讓你只需學習幾個小時就會使用大部分的進階功能。
Clarysis Executive Powerpak 是個可供八人共同使用的系統,擴充到指揮不限數的使用者同時使用。 PowerPak 包含下列整合的模組:會計總帳、應收帳款、應付賬款、庫存單、訂單(包含進貨統計)及發票單(包含銷貨統計)。
Clarysis Executive Powerpak 為那些需要專業會計功能和投資控制提供了一個多功能的系統。 是為那些需要完美的帳戶管理類型的企業設計的軟件。它包含了許多高級屬性:
這個軟件正版售價Price: $999.00
官方站點 http://www.clarisys.ca/ppak.html

Powerpak is designed for distribution oriented businesses that require sophisticated accounting functions and a powerful inventory control system. It contains many advanced features such as three styles of invoicing (service, distribution and recurrent), multi-currency capabilities, multiple bank account capabilities, multi-warehouse inventory control and other advanced features.
With Powerpak you can manage an unlimited number of budgets simultaneously and the multi-currency system can record transactions in up to five different currencies. The system posts foreign currency transactions to separate journals and virtually every report can be printed in any of the five currencies.
Powerpak is a single-user system that can be upgraded to an unlimited number of users.
Powerpak includes: General Ledger, Clients, Suppliers, Inventory, Distribution Invoicing, Purchase Orders, Sales Statistics and Purchase Statistics.
Multi-User Upgrades
Expand the capabilities of your accounting system with the purchase of a multi-user upgrade. A network running Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7 is required in order for the multi-user upgrades to function correctly.
===== 供源情況截圖 =====


? ?
苘? ? ? 懿
?苘苒鄄槽哕? ? 咣曹 敗苓 捋? 苘圻 ?
咣鄄草 圹鄄曹 ? 捋圹圮苘苒鄄槽哕苒鄄苘圹草 苒策
捋鄄? 捋鄄? 哕 ? 哕? 哌? 圹膊? 圹膊 哌 圹鄄
圹膊?圹膊? ? 苒哌咣圹苘? 哌哌圹鄄曹 捋鄄?捋膊? 卟苘 咣?
?苘策 捋鄄?圹膊 哌苘 哌? 咣鄄膊 咣圹膊 捋鄄曹 圹膊蒉鄄? 佰鄄?
槽膊 圹膊蒉膊蒉圮?咣苘 哌卟草 捋鄄草捋圹? 哌? 捋鄄?膊? 捋鄄?
圹膊? 捋鄄?膊 圹? 咣圹膊?曹苘?哌哌咿圹草 苘鄄膊哌咣鄄草膊 圹鄄草
捋圹膊 圹膊蒉蒉鄄? 捋鄄?鄄哌? 苘?圹膊 圹圹膊? 捋鄄?? 圹圹膊?
圹圹鄄? 捋鄄? 捋草 圹膊蒉草 咣鄄草捋鄄蒉圹鄄草 圹膊? 苘圹圹膊草
捋圹圹膊苘苒圹膊?鄄草 捋鄄?鄄 捋鄄廁鄄? 圹鄄? 捋鄄? 圹鄄膊策?
哌槽圹鄄膊哌? 哌圮苘圹膊蒇鄄圮圹哌哌? 哌? 哌圹圮苘苒圹鄄膊 哌哌 ?
?哌哌 ? ? 捋鄄? 哌 哌? ?
圮? 苘苘圹曹 圹膊? 谀哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪目 苘?
捋圹槽苘 ? 捋圹鄄舶 捋鄄? 矷 considered atheism but ? ?苘鄄圹圯
圹哌咣鄄曹 圹鄄? 圹膊? 硉here weren't enough holidays.? 懿槽圻哌圹
苓 苘 捋膊? 咣圹苘苒圹膊 ? ? 薏槽? 苘 哕
卟哕圹策 哌圹? 濫哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪哪餒 卟圹苓策
苘圻? 苘苘 苘苘 哌圮?
? 卟圮馨 哌哌哌咣圮 苒圻哌哌哌 敗苒策 ?
哌哌咣圹曹馨 咣 圻 敗懿圹圻哌哌
敗苓? 圹膊 掭 掭 膊圹 哌苘?
苘鄄? 苘圹膊? 卟槽圮? 卟圮?
圹鄄? 苘苒鄄哌 ? ? ? ? 哌槽圮苘 薏圹?
咣圹槽圹策?  The diGERATi Present  哌槽圹槽圹?
圮苘苘 Clarysis_Executive_Powerpak_v5.0.0.2_Incl_Keygen-DIGERATI 苘苘苘?
咣圹曹 苒圹策
捋鄄? ? ? 圹鄄?
圹圻  Release Info  咣鄄
苒圻 咣圮
苒圻 咣圮
捋膊 Cracker ......: DIGERATI Release-Type..: Incl_Keygen 圹草
圹草 Packager......: DIGPACKER Release-Date..: 1/15/2011 捋鄄
圹? Supplier......: DIGERATI Protection....: License 圹?
捋? Coder.........: DIGERATI OS............: WinALL 鄄?
圹?? Company.......: Files.........: xx/13 安鄄
咣郯 佰策
咣郯 URL: clarisys.ca 佰策
曹 捋草 捋草 懿
鄄 膊 ? ? 苘苘 苘苘 ? ? 膊 槽
北? 咣 咣曹 薏?哌哕 苓哌 懿?懿圻 圻 鼙?
鞍 咣苘? 捋草 咣曹 ? ? ? ? 苒策 薏圯 苘苒? 鞍
圮 圮哌圹圹策 捋草 ?  Release Notes  ? 捋草 卟圹圹哌苒 苒
苒? 苘? 苘鄄? 咣曹? 苘? 鄄?
苒策 咣圹圹鄄? 卟圹圹膊? 咣曹
圹? 哌?? ?哌? 圹?
捋草 捋草
圹? 圹?
圹? Powerpak is designed for distribution oriented businesses 圹?
圹? that require sophisticated accounting functions and a 圹?
圹? powerful inventory control system. It contains many 圹?
圹? advanced features such as three styles of invoicing 圹?
圹? (service, distribution and recurrent), multi-currency 圹?
圹? capabilities, multiple bank account capabilities, 圹?
圹? multi-warehouse inventory control and other advanced 圹?
圹? features. 圹?
圹? With Powerpak you can manage an unlimited number of 圹?
圹? budgets simultaneously and the multi-currency system can 圹?
圹? record transactions in up to five different currencies. 圹?
圹? The system posts foreign currency transactions to separate 圹?
圹? journals and virtually every report can be printed in any 圹?
圹? of the five currencies. 圹?
圹? Powerpak includes: General Ledger, Clients, Suppliers, 圹?
圹? Inventory, Distribution Invoicing, Purchase Orders, Sales 圹?
圹? Statistics and Purchase Statistics. 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
捋草 捋草
圹???哌? ? ? 苓???槽?
咣鄄苘 捋圮 ?  Install Notes  ? 苒草 苘槽圻
苓咣圹圮鄄策? 苘 苘 哌 圹曹圹圹哌?
苒?苘?哌咣圹圮苓? 哌苘圹圹哌?苘?捋?
圹??捋? 捋??鄄?
咣鄄苘鄄 鄄苘圹策
?哌哌? 哌哌??
鄄 鄄? 卟? 鄄
鄄葸? 1. Unpack and install the software 圻捋?
鄄葸? 2. Run keygen.exe to create your own serial 圻捋?
鄄葸? 圻捋?
圹草 捋鄄
苒? 圹?
捋草 苒圮 苘鄄苘 苘哌? 哕?苘圹曹 苒圮 捋草
捋?苘鄄?苘?咣鄄?哕苓 哕苓 咣鄄?苘?圹曹?鄄?
咣圹膊 哌 哌哌圹膊策
苘苘?  Mission Statement:  圮苘?
苒? 鄄? A few years ago, DiGERATi emerged onto the scene. 捋? 鄄?
鄄? 捋? Focusing on quality rather than quantity, our 鄄? 捋?
咣? 鄄? members have successfully tackled some of the toughest 捋? 鄄?
哌?鄄? challenges in the scene. Working as a closely unified 捋曹哌
捋? team we have maintained some of the highest standards 圹?
圹槽? for security, quality, innovation, and comradery in the 圹 圹?
捋? 捋 scene today. DiGERATi is not one or two hardworking 草 鄄?
鄄 鄄 persons; it is a force of hardworking people. Respect 圹? 鄄
鄄 鄄?is not to be demanded; it is to be earned! We look 圹? 鄄
苒? 苒膊 forward to working even harder in the future to continue 圹曹 鄄?
捋草 圹膊 & to earn the respect of our peers. For anyone other than 圹膊 捋草
捋鄄 圹策 our peers, WE DO NOT EXIST! 咣鄄圹膊
咣圹苘馨 敗苘鄄策
苘哌咣槽苘?? ?苘苒槽哌哕?
鄄? 咣膊曹? 苒 苘圹鄄? 薏?
咣? 捋鄄膊? ? ????圻?策?苓?咣 圮??? ? 捋圹膊? 苒?
苘苘苓哌哌哌策 ? ?圮舶郯圮?圮??佰懿 圮??? ? 卟哌哌哌哕苘苘
鄄策 ? ? 卟槽
鄄策 ? ? 卟槽
薏? 草
薏?  Our Respect goes out to:  草
薏? 草
苘苘? 圮苘?
苒? 鄄? ?Greets to all who work hard help make the scene secure! 捋? 鄄?
苒? 鄄? 捋? 鄄?
鄄? 捋??A special thanks to those who supported us in the past and 鄄? 捋?
咣? 鄄?helped to make us what we are today.Also,a major thanks to 捋? 鄄?
哌?鄄?those that broke the trail for us but can no longer be 捋?苓?
捋? here amongst us. 鄄?
圹?? 圹鄄
捋? 捋 ?Who are the "digerati" and why are they "the cyber elite"? ?鄄?
鄄 鄄 They are the doers and thinkers. They are not on the 圹? 鄄
鄄 鄄? frontier, they are the frontier!!... 圹? 鄄
苒? 苒膊 圹曹 鄄?
捋草 圹膊 圹膊 捋草
捋鄄 圹策 咣鄄 圹膊
咣圹苘馨 敗苘鄄策
苘哌咣槽苘?? ?苘苒槽哌哕?
鄄? 咣膊曹? 苒 苘圹鄄? 薏?
咣? 捋鄄膊? ? ????圻?策?苓?咣 圮??? ? 捋圹膊? 苒?
苘苘苓哌哌哌策 ? ?圮舶郯圮?圮??佰懿 圮??? ? 卟哌哌哌哕苘苘
鄄策 ? ? 卟槽
薏?Yce 薏?
咣苘 苒?



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