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《個人財務管理軟件》(The Infinite Kind Moneydance)v2012.2.849 x86|x64[壓縮包]
下載分級 软件资源
資源類別 行業軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《個人財務管理軟件》(The Infinite Kind Moneydance)v2012.2.849 x86|x64[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 個人財務管理軟件 英文名 : The Infinite Kind Moneydance 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v2012.2.849 x86|x64 發行時間 : 2012年 制作發行 : The Infinite Kind 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>行業軟件 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:Windows 應用平台:WinA
"《個人財務管理軟件》(The Infinite Kind Moneydance)v2012.2.849 x86|x64[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 個人財務管理軟件
英文名: The Infinite Kind Moneydance
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v2012.2.849 x86|x64
發行時間: 2012年
制作發行: The Infinite Kind
語言: 英文

財務開創性個人財務管理The Infinite Kind Moneydance v2012.R2.825
簡化財務,Moneydance開創性的個人財務管理! 無論你是想組織你的財務狀況,管理您的預算,追蹤你的投資組合,或只是自動平衡你的支票簿,Moneydance是您的解決專案。 Moneydance的簡單,直觀的介面使照顧你的財務狀況一件輕而易舉的事。 節省時間和金錢,網上銀行和支付賬單。 Moneydance可以很容易地設定和追蹤預算,並提醒你即將到來的票據,讓你到。
Moneydance富有洞察力的報告和繪圖工具照亮你的財務狀況,並告訴你,你的錢。 您可以追蹤您的投資組合,並留下您的投資上。 MoneyDance還提供了加密和密碼保護,以確保您的隱私。
在幾秒鐘內不拿起鋼筆或舔一張郵票支付您的帳單。 Moneydance可以同步您的下載從您的銀行交易記錄,支援OFX,QFX,QIF檔案。 Moneydance毫不費力地與數百家銀行,支援OFX標准設定。 我們增加了更多的時間。
Moneydance可以很容易地設定和管理預算。 Moneydance會比較實際的收入和支出,並告訴你你計劃在您的帳戶已超過或低於預算。
這很容易提前規劃安排經常性的或未來的交易,內含票據,償還貸款,薪水。 Moneydance顯示所有的即將到來的或過期的票據,抵押貸款和其他貸款的本金和利息的支付,並自動計算。
按照您的投資,對股票,債券,光碟,共同基金,以及更多的支援,使你的投資組合成為關注的焦點。 檢視您的投資賬戶的總價值或個別股票和共同基金的表現隨著時間的推移。 股票分割和成本為基礎計算的一個單元,目前的價格可以自動下載。
Moneydance生成各種報表和圖表,詳細說明您的帳戶訊息。 內建的報告和圖表,內含:預算,缺少檢查,淨值,帳戶余額,現金流,交易成本基礎,收入與支出,以及增值稅/消費稅。 Moneydance能記住常用的報告和圖表,使他們可以與一個單一的點擊。
,Moneydance將匯入您的資料從Quicken或MS Money,或任何其他程式使用的QIF格式的資料匯出。
Moneydance容許您加密和密碼保護您的資料,以提高安全性和隱私。 隨著Moneydance,你將不會被廣告轟炸也沒有共享您的個人訊息未經您的明確同意,期限。
Moneydance在超過75個國家和地區的使用者提供廣泛的多幣種支援,並翻譯成西班牙語,德語,法語,韓語,葡萄牙語,意大利語,希臘語,挪威語。 您可以自動下載最新匯率,並為每個帳戶選取一個不同的基礎貨幣。 Moneydance還可以追蹤和計算,方便納稅申報增值稅和消費稅。
Moneydance在幾乎所有的操作系​​ 統上運行,從而使您能夠將您的財務資料,你想要的任何地方。 你的Moneydance資料平台之間是完全可移植,讓您最大程度的彈性。


Simplify your finances with Moneydance, the groundbreaking personal finance manager! Whether you want to organize your finances, manage your budget, track your portfolio, or just automatically balance your checkbook, Moneydance is the solution for you. Moneydance's simple, intuitive interface makes taking care of your finances a breeze. Save time and money with online banking and bill payment. Moneydance makes it easy to set and trace budgets, and reminds you of upcoming bills to keep you up-to-date.
Moneydance's insightful reporting and graphing tools illuminate your finances and show you where your money goes. You can track your portfolio and stay on top of your investments. MoneyDance also offers encryption and password-protection to ensure your privacy.
Moneydance has many powerful features to help you keep your finances organized, safe, and up-to-date. Learn more about Moneydance's features below or view screenshots to the right:
Online banking and bill payment
Pay your bills in seconds without picking up a pen or licking a stamp. Moneydance can synchronize your records with transactions downloaded from your bank, with support for OFX, QFX, or QIF files. Moneydance sets up effortlessly with hundreds of banks that support OFX standards. And We're adding more all the time.
Manage your budget
Moneydance makes it easy to set and manage budgets. Moneydance will compare your actual income and expenses to what you had planned and show you where your accounts are over or under budget.
Stay on schedule
It's easy to plan ahead by scheduling recurring or future transactions including bills, loan payments, and paychecks. Moneydance shows all your upcoming or overdue bills and automatically calculates principal and interest payments for mortgages and other loans.
Track your portfolio
Follow your investments and bring your portfolio into focus with support for stocks, bonds, CDs, mutual funds, and more. View the total value of your investment accounts or the performance of individual stocks and mutual funds over time. Stock splits and cost basis computations are a snap, and current prices can be downloaded automatically.
Generate useful reports and graphs, quickly
Moneydance generates a variety of reports and graphs detailing information about your accounts. Built-in reports and graphs include: Budget, Missing Checks, Net Worth, Account Balances, Cash Flow, Transactions, Cost Basis, Income vs. Expenses, and VAT/GST. Moneydance can remember commonly used reports and graphs and make them accessible with a single click.
Import data from Quicken and Money
Moneydance will import your data from Quicken or MS Money, or any other program that exports data using the QIF format.
Protect your privacy - and your peace of mind
Moneydance allows you to encrypt and password-protect your data for increased security and privacy. With Moneydance, you will not be bombarded with advertisements nor have your personal information shared without your explicit consent, period.
International support
Moneydance has users in more than 75 countries and offers extensive multi-currency support and translations into Spanish, German, French, Korean, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, and Norwegian. You can automatically download up-to-date exchange rates and choose a different base currency for each account. Moneydance can also track and calculate VAT and GST for easy tax reporting.
Cross-platform compatibility
Moneydance runs on nearly any operating system, allowing you to transfer your financial data anywhere you want. Your Moneydance data is completely portable between platforms, allowing you maximum flexibility.
Standards-based reliability
Moneydance uses industry standard technologies such as OFX, QIF, SSL/TLS, Java, and XML to ensure compatibility with other software and services. In addition, our open API and Extension Developer Kit allow advanced users to extend the software.

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²ß² Üß° members of the release scene. This isnt something °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
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° ßÜ ²Ý ° Moneydance is easy to use personal finance software ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° that is loaded with all the features you need: ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° online banking and bill payment, account ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± management, budgeting and investment tracking. ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² Moneydance handles multiple currencies and ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß virtually any financial task with ease. ß²² ß²²Û²ß
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²Ü °²±²Ü ° 2. Use keymaker (java -jar md_KeyMaker.jar) ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
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° ßÜ ²Ý ° Currently, we have open positions to fill: ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° - You are a advanced cracker, and you are ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± interested to work on challenging software ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° protections, including retail (non public) °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² supplies, and/or iso utils. ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° You are familar with the common crypto °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° algorithms, or you are able to defeat commercial ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° software protection systems, such as Armadillo, ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° ASProtect, FlexLM, etc. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° - You work at a software distribution place, °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² electronic store, software magazine, or any other ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß place where you are able to get fresh, unreleased ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° copies of applications, be it the mainstream, or °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° the more special stuff. Or if you have access in ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° any other way to registered user areas or such to ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
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° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))


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