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《歐特克基礎設施模型概念設計工具》(AUTODESK INFRASTRUCTURE MODELER V2012)WIN32/WIN64[光盤鏡像]
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《歐特克基礎設施模型概念設計工具》(AUTODESK INFRASTRUCTURE MODELER V2012)WIN32/WIN64[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 引用 破解安裝說明: Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install. Check Crack/install.tx
"《歐特克基礎設施模型概念設計工具》(AUTODESK INFRASTRUCTURE MODELER V2012)WIN32/WIN64[光盤鏡像]"介紹


IPB Image

Unpack, burn or mount with D-Tools & install.
Check Crack/install.txt on DVD軟件類型:軟件>行業軟件
操作系統:Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Microsoft® Windows Vista® SP2 or later (32-bit or 64-bit)

問題反饋: http://www.autodesk.com/support
網站鏈接: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?id=17276659&siteID=123112

Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler 是基礎設施模型概念設計工具,能幫助你在基礎設施的設計時以自然的思維環境下進行。

Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler 2012 是原 Autodesk LandXplorer Studio Professional 的後續下一版本新的命名。整合多維的設計信息、空間信息、建築施工信息和業務管理信息;通過設計、可視化、模擬和分析,幫助專業人員在基礎設施建設項目的規劃設計過程中提高工作效率,確保項目過程中各個團隊的協作,提升新建系統的設計水平,並且更為高效地管理已建成的基礎設施。

Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler可以將創建的數字城市中的內部信息(供熱系統、水電、家具、牆壁、門窗和結構細節)和外部信息(道路、周圍景觀)以及地下基礎設施(地下水、污水、煤氣、電力和電信系統)信息匯集到一個開放平台上,實現地理信息系統與CAD、BIM和地下資產數據的集成。

Conceptual Design Software for Infrastructure Modeling

Autodesk® Infrastructure Modeler conceptual design software is the next generation of Autodesk® LandXplorer® Studio Professional software, designed to help civil engineering, transportation, and urban planning professionals create, evaluate, and communicate infrastructure proposals. Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler can help drive stakeholder buy-in and inform decision making with visually rich proposals for transportation, land, water, or energy infrastructure projects. And users can share proposed infrastructure models to give designers a head start.

* Model existing infrastructure—Use 2D CAD, GIS, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and raster data.
* Import detailed models—Incorporate detailed models from AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, AutoCAD® Map 3D, and other software.
* Stylize infrastructure models—Depict the local environment more realistically.
* Work in 3D—Show proposed roads, water, and land features.
* Overlay GIS data—Create 3D thematic maps to help inform decisions.
* Manage infrastructure proposals—Create and manage multiple alternatives in a single model.
* Communicate visually rich infrastructure proposals—Shift between design proposals and evaluate alternatives from any viewpoint, and capture rendered images or recorded videos.



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