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《DOS7.1(集成英文Windows 3.11 for Workgroup及中文Windows 3.2)》(DOS7.1, Windows 3.11 for workgroup, Windows 3.2)[ISO],操作系統、資源下載
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《DOS7.1(集成英文Windows 3.11 for Workgroup及中文Windows 3.2)》(DOS7.1, Windows 3.11 for workgroup, Windows 3.2)[ISO],操作系統、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: DOS7.1(集成英文Windows 3.11 for Workgroup及中文Windows 3.2)英文名: DOS7.1, Windows 3.11 for workgroup, Windows 3.2資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 1999年制作發行: 微軟地區: 美國簡介: MS-DOS 7.10是當前最實用也使用最多的DOS,因為它的功能強大,比如支持各種FAT12、
"《DOS7.1(集成英文Windows 3.11 for Workgroup及中文Windows 3.2)》(DOS7.1, Windows 3.11 for workgroup, Windows 3.2)[ISO],操作系統、資源下載"介紹
中文名: DOS7.1(集成英文Windows 3.11 for Workgroup及中文Windows 3.2)英文名: DOS7.1, Windows 3.11 for workgroup, Windows 3.2資源格式: 光盤鏡像發行時間: 1999年制作發行: 微軟地區: 美國簡介:
MS-DOS 7.10是當前最實用也使用最多的DOS,因為它的功能強大,比如支持各種FAT12、FAT16、FAT32分區、大硬盤、大內存、長文件名等,而且非常實用,且兼容性非常好。並且,在它上面可以通過WIN命令來啟動DOS下著名的GUI程序--Windows 3.x和Windows 9x。
如果系統中已安裝了Win9x,再安裝MS-DOS 7.10的話,安裝程序在安裝中通常會提示是否自動設置Win9x的路徑,以便直接輸入WIN命令就可以進入Win9x,這時請選擇“是”。這樣一來, MS-DOS 7.10安裝成功並啟動後,若想進入Win9x的話,只需在DOS命令行下輸入WIN命令即可進入。如果系統中已安裝了WinNT/2K/XP,再安裝 MS-DOS 7.10的話,安裝程序通常會自動做成DOS與WinNT/2K/XP雙啟動。MS-DOS 7.10安裝成功後,系統啟動時會自動出現雙啟動菜單,選擇菜單中的“MS-DOS 7.10”就可以進入安裝好的MS-DOS 7.10了。
光盤中是DOS 7.1的安裝文件,可以直接啟動安裝,安裝過程可以使用PS/2鼠標!DOS 7.1中附帶的功能非常多,而且很強大,可以作為日常維護很好的工具。你可能想不到,它甚至還包含屏幕保護程序!
在光盤的/PWIN32目錄下是Windows 3.2簡體中文版的安裝文件,在光盤的/WIN311目錄下是Windows 3.11 for Workgroup 英文版的安裝文件。Windows For Workgroup的功能更強大,穩定性也很好,但它不是中文的(Windows 3.2 中文版是微軟的第一套中文操作系統),所以在這裡把兩個都放了上來。安裝時只需啟動到DOS下,運行剛才提到的文件夾下的setup.exe就可以開始安裝相應的Windows(注意,這兩個操作系統比較古董,不建議裝在新計算機上!這兩套操作系統均不支持FAT32,請謹慎安裝!一般只是被用來當玩具。) 安裝時Windows 3.2可以自動搜索Windows 3.11目錄下的高
What s new in MS-DOS 7.10 since MS-DOS 6.x?
There are many enhancements, new features and bugfixes in MS-DOS 7.10 since MS-DOS 6.x. For example:
* FAT32 and FAT32X drives support (*very* important nowadays)
* Extended FAT16 (a.k.a. FAT16X, type 0E, usually being the primary partition) drives support
* Large hard disk and LBA ExtendedX (Int 13x) partition (type 0F) support (*very* important nowadays)
* Long File Names (LFN) support
* Full Y2K (Year 2000) compliant and supports 4-digit years (e.g. DIR /4)
* Large memory ( 64MB) and XXMS 3.0 support
* Euro sign support (Code Page 850, Right Alt+5)
* The protection that keeps the stability of DOS
* Efficient use of UMB memory (The DOS kernel and COMMAND.COM are loaded high automatically)
* Extended commands in CONFIG.SYS to use UMB memory, such as FILESHIGH, BUFFERSHIGH
* Environments variables can be used in the DOS command line directly, e.g. ECHO %PATH%
* The maximum length for path variable is expanded
* Some new commands added, such as ACCDATE, LOGO(in CONFIG.SYS)
* Volume LOCK/UNLOCK feature added to protect data and LFN on the (hard) disks
* EDIT can be used to edit both text and binary files and multiple files
* REN can rename a directory as well as files
* The locations of DOS system files (especially IO.SYS) are much more flexible
* Dual-boot with older versions of MS-DOS (e.g. DOS 6.x) feature added
* Animated startup logo support by using a custom LOGO.SYS file
* You can decide whether to execute a command using Enter/ESC key now while using the step-by-step feature
* Support for loading Win9x GUI (including all versions from Win95/95A to Win98SE GUI) on top added
* Many undocumented but useful options and switches added, such as COMMAND /Z
* Updated and newer versions of DOS commands and tools included, such as MORE, MSCDEX, MSD
* And many more...
已通過安裝測試:Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition下的Vmware 5.0 Workstation; Windows XP SP2 Vmware 5.0 Workstation; Ubuntu 6.06 + Vmware 5.5。
已通過病毒檢測:Avast Home Edition 病毒庫 2006-08-01, AVG Free Edition 病毒庫 2006-07-31

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