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《Windows Longhorn Server企業測試版(英文版)》(Windows Longhorn Server Beta 3 Enterprise Edition)測試版[ISO],操作系統、資源下載
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發布時間 2017/7/12
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《Windows Longhorn Server企業測試版(英文版)》(Windows Longhorn Server Beta 3 Enterprise Edition)測試版[ISO],操作系統、資源下載 簡介: 中文名: Windows Longhorn Server企業測試版(英文版)英文名: Windows Longhorn Server Beta 3 Enterprise Edition別名: Windows 2008資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: 測試版發行時間: 2007年05月制作發行: Microsoft地區: 美國簡介: 此版本是Windows Longhorn Server英文企業版
"《Windows Longhorn Server企業測試版(英文版)》(Windows Longhorn Server Beta 3 Enterprise Edition)測試版[ISO],操作系統、資源下載"介紹
中文名: Windows Longhorn Server企業測試版(英文版)英文名: Windows Longhorn Server Beta 3 Enterprise Edition別名: Windows 2008資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: 測試版發行時間: 2007年05月制作發行: Microsoft地區: 美國簡介:
此版本是Windows Longhorn Server英文企業版的第三個測試版,正式版將與今年年底或明年年初發布,並更名為“Windows Server 2008”.
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is the next generation of the Windows Server operating system that helps information technology (IT) professionals maximize control over their infrastructure while providing unprecedented availability and management capabilities, leading to a significantly more secure, reliable, and robust server environment than ever before. Windows Server 2008 delivers new value to organizations by ensuring all users regardless of location are able to get the full complement of services from the network. Windows Server 2008 also provides deep insight into the operating system and diagnostic capabilities to allow administrators to spend more time adding business value.
Windows Server 2008 builds on the success and strengths of the award-winning Windows Server 2003 operating system and on the innovations delivered in Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 R2. However, Windows Server 2008 is far more than a refinement of predecessor operating systems. Windows Server 2008 is designed to provide organizations with the most productive platform for powering applications, networks, and Web services from the workgroup to the datacenter with exciting, valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system.
Improvements to the Windows Server Operating System
In addition to new functionality, Windows Server 2008 provides powerful improvements to the base operating system over Windows Server 2003. Notable improvements include those to networking, advanced security features, remote application access, centralized server role management, performance and reliability monitoring tools, failover clustering, deployment, and the file system. These improvements and many others help organizations maximize the flexibility, availability, and control of their servers.

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