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《邁克菲網絡網絡數據丟失防護管理》(McAfee Reconnex inSight Management Console v8.0.1)[光盤鏡像],操作系統、資源下載
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《邁克菲網絡網絡數據丟失防護管理》(McAfee Reconnex inSight Management Console v8.0.1)[光盤鏡像],操作系統、資源下載 簡介: 簡介: 語言:英語 網址:http://www.mcafee.com/ 類別:數據丟失防護 8月14日,McAfee®, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:MFE)收購了Reconnex, Inc. Reconnex是一家領先的數據丟失防護(DLP)公司,其獨特的技術能夠學習並適應正在進行的數據安全保護自動化。Reconnex 是一家私人控股公司,總部設在加利福尼亞州芒廷維尤,Recon
"《邁克菲網絡網絡數據丟失防護管理》(McAfee Reconnex inSight Management Console v8.0.1)[光盤鏡像],操作系統、資源下載"介紹
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8月14日,McAfee®, Inc.(紐約證券交易所代碼:MFE)收購了Reconnex, Inc. Reconnex是一家領先的數據丟失防護(DLP)公司,其獨特的技術能夠學習並適應正在進行的數據安全保護自動化。Reconnex 是一家私人控股公司,總部設在加利福尼亞州芒廷維尤,Reconnex 目前提供保護信息的用戶超過了150萬。
這次收購,是McAfee 在積極安全防御和風險管理解決方案領域內,朝著領導地位目標邁進過程中的又一重大舉措。
McAfee Reconnex inSight Management Console
又稱為邁克菲網絡網絡數據丟失防護管理(McAfee Network Data Loss Prevention Manager)
McAfee Network DLP Manager(邁克菲網絡數據丟失防護管理) 旨在幫助大、中型環境進行整個網絡的多重邁克菲網絡DLP 設備部署。它提供了多重邁克菲網絡DLP設備的完整控制權。
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-+---------------------------------DVTiSo- . $$$--------------+-
| TEAM DVT presents ` . ,$$$ |
. McAfee Reconnex inSight Management Console d$$ .
Company .. McAfee '
Url ...... http //www.mcafee.com/
+- Release Information -+
McAfee Network Data Loss Prevention DLP Manager is designed
for large and mid-sized environments that have multiple McAfee
Network DLP appliances deployed throughout the network. It
provides complete control over multiple McAfee Network DLP
- Reports and Incidents
Access a centralized view of all incidents that have
been generated by any McAfee Network DLP appliance or
McAfee Host DLP agent anywhere in the network and
generate reports
- Dynamic Filters
Quickly filter information to get to the specific
data view
- Pre-configured Roles
Expedite setup using pre-configured roles for key
members of teams; define additional roles with a few
mouse clicks; assign permissions to a role in a granular
manner; and integrate with LDAP or Microsoft Active
- Centralized Device Management
Configure, manage, check status of and view all
remediation alarms and alerts for any McAfee Network
DLP appliances from a single interface
aka McAfee Network Data Loss Prevention Manager
+- Install Notes -+
1. Unpack Burn/Mount
2. Install .
+- Group Notes -+
. |
You got something to offer like |
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| * supplies either ISO or DDL |
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|. and want to join the only scene family in existance? |
| Then just ask around on IRC maybe even your girl- .|
|. friend may know one of our council members, be it |
| the one or the other way... and lets see if you |
|. fit into one of our open positions! |
|. .______________. \\
|_______________\\ .2009. //______________________. .tEAM.DVT. \\
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