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《創建windows程序(軟件生成器)》(Pika Software Builder )v4.9.5.2[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/17
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《創建windows程序(軟件生成器)》(Pika Software Builder )v4.9.5.2[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 Pika Software Builder可以幫助你創建很多運行於windows上的程序,不需要任何編程語言。 世界上唯一的軟件生成器,允許任何人創建全面的Windows應用程序,無需任何編
"《創建windows程序(軟件生成器)》(Pika Software Builder )v4.9.5.2[壓縮包]"介紹


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Pika Software Builder可以幫助你創建很多運行於windows上的程序,不需要任何編程語言。

Pika Software Builder helps you create stunning windows programs without any programming knowledge.

Simple - makes it easy for anyone to use.
Kick Start - choose from tons of templates to get you going.
Better. Faster. Easier. - your programs take advantage of hardware accelleration.
Compatibility - Programs created with Pika run effortlessly on Windows XP, Vista and 7. How's that for compatibility?
Security - programs created with Pika can't be altered by malicious software.

- Simple - makes it easy for anyone to use.
- Kick Start - choose from tons of templates to get you going.
- Better. Faster. Easier. - your programs take advantage of hardware accelleration.
- Compatibility - Programs created with Pika run effortlessly on Windows XP, Vista and 7. How's that for compatibility?
- Security - programs created with Pika can't be altered by malicious software.

Home Page - http://www.pikaonline.com/

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