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《文件比對工具》(Deltopia DeltaWalker) v1.9.5[壓縮包]
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《文件比對工具》(Deltopia DeltaWalker) v1.9.5[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 文件比對工具 英文名 : Deltopia DeltaWalker 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.9.5 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Deltopia Inc 語言 : 英文 簡介 : DeltaWalker是Deltopia出品的文件和文件夾比較和同步軟件,可以讓你比較,編輯和合並文件和同步文件夾,本地和遠程。DeltaWalke
"《文件比對工具》(Deltopia DeltaWalker) v1.9.5[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 文件比對工具
英文名: Deltopia DeltaWalker
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.9.5
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Deltopia Inc
語言: 英文

Deltopia DeltaWalker 是一款改動通知工具,能告訴你當前正在修改的文件已經做了多少改動。它能准確,有效地對比,編輯,合並文件,也能同步和對比文件夾。
軟件需要JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 運行環境。在運行軟件時,如提示您需要安裝JRE虛擬機,請按雲端提示下載JRE。當然,您也可以選擇手動在本地安裝JRE虛擬機。
DeltaWalker, Deltopia's file and folder comparison and synchronization software application/diff tool for Windows, lets you compare, edit, and merge files and synchronize folders—local and remote. It does so visually and intuitively, offering clarity, productivity, ease of use, native looks and top performance. DeltaWalker sports industry's first and only one-click integration with Git, SVN, Mercurial, Bazaar and easily integrates with other SCMs and applications.
DeltaWalker presents a compelling offer to a wide audience—from savvy computer users to software professionals demanding the very best of their tools.
Software and Web developers—compare, analyze, and merge different versions of source files. Use three-way comparison to compare your changes and those of another contributor with a common ancestor and to automatically merge all non-conflicting differences in seconds. Compare and synchronize a local copy of a web site with its server using FTP, SFTP or WebDAV. View and compare XML files both as texts and structures. Compare and merge HTML files as text then preview in-place with the built-in browser. Visualize and compare JAR, EAR, ZIP and other compressed files as if they were simply folders.
Code reviewers—rely on accurate inline difference visualization to see and understand every change. Stay in context and in control within side-by-side integrated folder and file comparison. Generate HTML or XML comparison reports for archiving and auditing purposes or for exchange via email.
Release engineers and managers—visualize, navigate, analyze, edit, and merge complex changes in folder hierarchies and individual files. Reconcile changes from two contributors using three-way comparison and automatic merging.
Language translators—compare two folders with files in different languages and work your way through individual files simply by double-clicking them.
Legal and publishing professionals—let down-to-the-letter comparison accuracy show you even punctuation mark differences when comparing different document drafts. Trust DeltaWalker to quickly extract and compare the text of even the largest PDF and Office documents.
Scientists, researchers, and engineers—save time, eliminate guessing, and minimize errors when comparing text outputs and results of different experiments.
Computer users—eliminate information duplication with speed and confidence. Quickly compare entire drives and folders checking only file sizes and timestamps or use byte-by-byte comparison to guarantee that files are identical then synchronize with a few simple clicks.

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DeltaWalker 1.9.5
Deltopia Inc.
Size: .............................[ 12 x 5.00MB ]
OS Type: ..........................[ Windows ]
Release Date: .....................[ 30/12/2010 ]
Release Type: .....................[ Crack ]
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DeltaWalker, Deltopia's file and folder
comparison and synchronization software
application/diff tool, lets you compare, edit,
and merge files and synchronize folders - local
and remote. It does so visually and intuitively,
offering clarity, productivity, ease of use,
native looks and top performance.
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                  
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Unpack, Install.
Copy cracked file(s) from /iNViSiBLE dir
to installdir.
If you like this app, BUY iT!
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Experienced reversers, coders and suppliers wanted.
   
    iNViSiBLE    
      2010     
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aSCii by yool, diRECT FroM sTARS!



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