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《占星術制圖軟件》(Astro Wonder)v1.0[壓縮包]
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資源類別 應用軟件
發布時間 2017/7/11
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《占星術制圖軟件》(Astro Wonder)v1.0[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 占星術制圖軟件 英文名 : Astro Wonder 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.0 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : Anshika Software 地區 : 印度 語言 : 英文 簡介 : Astro Wonder最全面的占星術制圖軟件,以吠陀占星術為基礎, 在印度占星覆蓋各類學校的思想。Astro Wonder 准確的計算和各種圖表
"《占星術制圖軟件》(Astro Wonder)v1.0[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 占星術制圖軟件
英文名: Astro Wonder
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.0
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: Anshika Software
地區: 印度
語言: 英文

Astro Wonder最全面的占星術制圖軟件,以吠陀占星術為基礎, 在印度占星覆蓋各類學校的思想。Astro Wonder 准確的計算和各種圖表/分析工具 ,許多功能加載尋找專業的占星家!
Astro Wonder. Most comprehensive Astrology charting software, based on Vedic Astrology. Covering various schools of thoughts in Indian Astrology.
Ranging from Parashara System to most current Krishna murthi Padhati (KP). Listed below are various streams of astrology covered by Astro Wonder.
Parashara System
Jaimini System
Krishana Murthi Padhati
Cuspal Theory
Astro Wonder Features
Astro Wonder is specially designed for professional astrologers who are looking for accuracy of calculation and wide range of charts/analysis tool available on hand,
Astro Wonder is loaded with many features not found in any other Astrology Software.
Some of them are listed below.
Support for casting charts from 4000 BC to 4000 AD.
Birth time can be entered up-to milliseconds, very helpful while casting horary charts.
Birth time can be entered as Ghati/Vighati
Contains more than 2.6 lakh cities database
Complete database of war time/day light saving times.
Support to calculate planetary positions using apparent or actual positions.
More than 250 different charts for vedic/Prashara system.
More than 30 different charts for Krishna Murthi Padhati.
Support for cuspal Theory
Calculation up-to Sub-Sub-Sub level
Support for Sub Level horary (249)
Support for Sub-Sub Level horary (2193)
Support for Sub-Sub-Sub Level horary (19689)
Movement Charts
Complete integration of KP system with Vedic Astrology for Research purpose.
Sarvato Bhadra Chart.
Shodash Varga
Natal to Transit Planetary Comparison.
Support for Geographical/Geocentric Positions.
support for Topocentric positions.
support for Equatorial positions.
Calculation accuracy up-to milliseconds.
Support for various types of anayamsas.
Support for adding comments to chart.
Advanced screen layout designer.
Advanced print layout designer.
Support for various types of house systems.
And many more.....
²²²²  ²²
²²  ²²   
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  ² ²² ²² °
  ²²²  ² ²² ±
°  ²²  ² 
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  ²² ²  ²
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   ²²²²²±   
    ²² ±    
     ²²²±  ²²²²² ±   
   ±° ²±± ²² ²²²²² ²± 
     ² ²± ²²² ²²²² °±² ±   
    ²±²² ²² ±±± 
±±  ²²²² ±±
 ² ²²²²²² 
²²²°²² ²
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 ²²²²²²±°
² ²²²²² 
² ²²± ² 
 ²² ²²  ²²
 ²²²  ²²²±²
 ²²²²²²²²²± 
²   ²  °
² ²²±
² ²²²²²²²²²
 ²²²²²²² 
 ²²² 
²² ² ² ²² ²
 ² ²² ²²²²² 
 ²²  ² 
²²²²² ² ²
    ²²±²      
  ² ²±²²²     
   ²±±   
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²         ²
²²            ²²
²²            ²²
²           ²²
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       
    ²  
 °   ²² ° 
    ²²  
 ° ²²² ° 
  ²²²  
 
 
   
  AstroWonder v1.0  
 
 Company - [ Anshika Software ] 
 URL - [ http://www.astrowonder.com/ ] 
 Cracker - [ TeaM DJiNN ] 
 Type - [ Cracked ] 
 Protection - [ Armadillo ] 
 OS - [ WinALL ] 
 Language - [ Multilingual ] 
 Date - [ 01/02/2011 ] 
 
 ° 
   
 ° ° ²
     ±°° ²
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 ²²²² °° ²
 ²²² ²²²²
 ² ²²²
iNFORMATION ON ²²²² HOW TO INSTALL
  
   °°°± 
 ²²²²²²²²²² 
 ²²²² 
 
     
 ²     ² 
 ² ² 
²²  1 - Unpack and install  ²²
  2 - Copy cracked file over original  
 ² 3 - Enjoy ! ² 
     
 ² Note: We put v1.0 as version number for ² 
  this retail, as that isn't mentioned  
²  --- anywhere. ---  ²
 ² ² 
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      
      
  ± ±  
   ± ±   
   ±  ±   
  GROUP±  ±²iNFO  
  ±±  ±±²²  
 ± ±²² 
 ± ±² 
 ±±²² 
 ² 
 ² 
  
 
 Underground is our land, 
 Reversing is our religion, 
 Binary is our language. 
 Greetz to all our friends and all who 
 support us :) 
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 If you can help us somehow : 
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ASCii by yiX/09-10 
YES TO EVOLUTiON ²²±±²±²±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²±²²±°±
NO TO MUTATiON °±±±²±±²²²²²²²²²²±²±°
° ° °±±²²²²²±²±±
²° ²±²²²²²²²±²±
²±° ±²²²²²²±±±²
²° °²²²²²²²²±²°
²²° °±²²²²±²±±±²
²²° °±²²²²²²±²±°
°²² ²²²²²²²²±±°


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