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《孩子監控軟件》(Salfeld Child Control/含注冊機)V 10.337.0.0[壓縮包]
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《孩子監控軟件》(Salfeld Child Control/含注冊機)V 10.337.0.0[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 孩子監控軟件 英文名 : Salfeld Child Control/含注冊機 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : V 10.337.0.0 發行時間 : 2010年4月7日 制作發行 : 未知 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 安裝說明 解壓到任意盤符,正常安裝,運行注冊機 軟件類型:系統軟件 軟件性質:免費軟件 操作系統:Windows X
"《孩子監控軟件》(Salfeld Child Control/含注冊機)V 10.337.0.0[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 孩子監控軟件
英文名: Salfeld Child Control/含注冊機
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: V 10.337.0.0
發行時間: 2010年4月7日
制作發行: 未知
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

操作系統:Windows XP VISTA 和7均無測試
問題反饋:[email protected]

Computers are the place for children. This is the place where they can sharpen their agility as well as their abilities. They can learn and make new friends. What’s more, the Internet provides information for homework assignments. So far, so good. But they also need to be protected from the computer—for one thing, so that they don’t lose their sense of time and forget to go out and play with their friends once in a while, and for another, because of the dangers lurking on the Web.
That’s why responsible parents everywhere install Child Control on every computer that their children use.New! Internet Remote Control: Starting with Child Control 2009 you can modify the most important settings or view session logs directly on the Internet. No matter where you are. No matter which browser you are using. This feature is part of the Online Functions.
Just a few things Child Control lets you do:
*NEW: Blocking of file sharing programs and sites
*NEW: 1,000,000 undesirable sites can now be selected for restriction
*NEW: Adult-content filtering provided by German government authorities
*NEW: Email reports of on- and off-times and daily statistics
*NEW: additional configuration options
*Works with all versions of Windows from 95 to Vista
*Limit time on the computer for each day of the week
*Limit use of the Internet for the day and the week
*Set PC off-limits times (e.g. after 11 p.m.)
*Set Internet off-limits times (e.g. after 11 p.m.)
*Easily extend time with passwords or TAN’s
Define “unwelcome” web content using keywords
*Set time limits for categories of websites, such as videos and online games
*Set specific time limits for each computer application
*Grant unlimited time for specific applications, such as learning tools
*Log all computer activity to let you later review each user’s activities
*Block modifications to major Windows settings
*Protect your data by blocking access to specific folders
*Limit children’s access to specific programs
*Disable “backdoor” access to programs or functions
*Extend all time limits during vacation time—one click does it all
*Set up a central database for multiple users (schools, institutions, etc.)
*for computers connected by modem, networks, DSL, routers, etc.
*Easily import or export settings or blacklists
*Send log files to any email address
通過 卡巴2010 殺毒測試

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PS: 本人熱愛音樂,文章,計算機,創建了個“詩樂般的PC” QQ群“43765586” ,驢友有興趣可加入跟我一起討論,同時共同分享VC資源。


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