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《Silverlight 4中使用Visual C Sharp 2010視頻教程第二輯》(AppDev Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2)[光盤鏡像]
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《Silverlight 4中使用Visual C Sharp 2010視頻教程第二輯》(AppDev Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Silverlight 4中使用Visual C Sharp 2010視頻教程第二輯 英文名 : AppDev Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2010年10月 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介 Appde
"《Silverlight 4中使用Visual C Sharp 2010視頻教程第二輯》(AppDev Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Silverlight 4中使用Visual C Sharp 2010視頻教程第二輯
英文名: AppDev Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年10月
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Appdev出品的 Silverlight 4 Using Visual C Sharp 2010 DVD Volume 2 視頻教程第二輯
官網鏈接: http://www.appdev.com/prodfamily.asp?catal...XProduct
主講人:Ken Getz and Robert Green
調查的Silverlight應用程序模板,在Visual Studio 2010中設計和控制
工作與Expression Blend 4
先決條件:本課程假定學生有一定的編程背景和經驗,使用Visual Studio 2010。本課程假定一個CLS語言(Visual C#中)的。NET框架,知識和當前(或之前)的Visual Studio版本。
Silverlight 4.0 makes it possible for developers to create rich, interactive applications delivered through a Web browser to nearly any client operating system, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. This course introduces the basics of creating and hosting Silverlight applications, working through many of the important controls, through binding Silverlight applications to live data. This course then moves beyond the basics to cover working through some more advanced controls, more graphic issues including shapes, geometries, brushes, transforms, and animations, through deploying Silverlight applications.
In this course, you will:
Investigate Silverlight application templates, designer and controls in Visual Studio 2010
Examine the Silverlight layout system
Work with each of the simple and more complex, Silverlight controls
Using styles and resources to create consistent, visually interesting applications
Extend binding to work with data
Investigate more of the built-in controls
Learn to create and use shapes and geometries, and the powerful Path element
Deploy Silverlight applications
Work with Expression Blend 4
Add animation techniques
Work with the DataGrid control
Prerequisites: This course assumes that students have some programming background and experience using Visual Studio 2010. This course assumes knowledge of a CLS language (Visual C#), of the .NET Framework, and the current (or a prior) version of Visual Studio.

Introduction to Silverlight
Introduce Silverlight 4
Compare declarative and procedural coding styles
Investigate the Silverlight designer in Visual Studio 2010
Learn about controls and events in Silverlight 4
Understand how the layout system works in Silverlight
See how to use various containers to control layout
See how to use alignment and sizing to control layout
Simple Controls
Investigate Border, Button, CheckBox and RadioButton controls
View and enter text using TextBlock, TextBox and PasswordBox controls
Work with dates using the DatePicker and Calendar controls
Add visual flair using the Slider, ProgressBar and MediaElement controls
Advanced Controls
Learn how to use controls that enable users to select an item from a list
See how to add menus to applications
Explore controls that enable you to better organize content
Styles and Resources
Investigate XAML Resources
Learn about the hierarchy of resources
Work with resources programmatically
Organize resources with resource dictionaries
Experiment with XAML Styles
Apply Styles dynamically
Work with Style inheritance
Explore navigation in WPF applications
See how to build page-based applications that support navigation
Learn how to navigate using XAML and code
See how to build the Navigation Application project template
Learn to use Binding objects to bind data sources and targets
Add data converters to manage conversion during the binding process
Use data templates to modify the layout of bound data in lists
Working with Data
See hot to retrieve data from a WCF service
Create common data bound forms
See how to display information from main and related tables
Advanced Data Controls
Explore how to use the DataGrid control to display data
See how to use the DataGrid control to edit data
Learn how to use the DataForm and DataPager controls to display data
Shapes and Geometries
Learn to use basic shapes: lines, ellipses, rectangles, and polygons
Add line caps and joins
Work with geometries and paths
Investigate the geometry mini-language
Brushes and Transforms
Work with solid, gradient, and image brushes
Add transparency effects, including opacity mask
Investigate built-in transforms
Add reflection effect using opacity mask and transforms
See how to deploy Silverlight applications
See how to deploy out-of-browser applications
Explore how to cusomize the installation of Silverlight
Introducing Expression Blend
Compare Visual Studio and Expression Blend
Examine the Blend integrated development environment
Learn about Expression Blend’s designer panels
Integrate Expression Blend with Visual Studio
Create resources and set up element-to-element binding in Expression Blend
Introducing Animation
Understand how animation works in XAML applications
Examine animation, storyboard, and trigger objects
Learn to start animations in code
Work with DoubleAnimation, ColorAnimation, and PointAnimation objects
Examine properties of the animation classes
Try out various easing functions
Use Expression Blend to interactively create animations
Additional Data Techniques
See how to store data locally with isolated storage
See how to retrieve data from a WCF data service and work with it in a Silverlight application
Silverlight and Networking
See how to make cross-domain calls from Silverlight applications
Explore how to use the WebClient class to request data from Web Sites

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: AppDev - Windows Presentation Foundation Using Visual C# 2010: Volume 2
... with Ken Getz and Robert Green
Silverlight 4.0 makes it possible for developers to create rich,
interactive applications delivered through a Web browser to nearly any
client operating system, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. This course
introduces the basics of creating and hosting Silverlight applications,
working through many of the important controls, through binding Silverlight
applications to live data.
In this course, you will learn:
* Learn about Silverlight's purpose, and its history
* Investigate Silverlight application templates, designer and controls in Visual Studio 2010
* Examine the Silverlight layout system
* Work with each of the simple and more complex, Silverlight controls
* Using styles and resources to create consistent, visually interesting applications
* Learn to navigate between pages
* Take advantage of element-to-element binding
* Extend binding to work with data
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
: Suppliers - Cisco / Microsoft Training
: Suppliers - Online Subscriptions - TestOut/Nuggets/PrepLogic etc..
: Suppliers - MCT Access MOC/Technet
Or if you feel you can contribute in other ways, please contact..
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