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《CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2 Advanced and New Capabilities)[光盤鏡像]
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《CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2 Advanced and New Capabilities)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教程 英文名 : CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2 Advanced and New Capabilities 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Don Jones 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 :
"《CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教程》(CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2 Advanced and New Capabilities)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets Windows PowerShell V2 Advanced and New Capabilities
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Don Jones
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

CBT Nuggets出品的 Windows PowerShell V2高級版和新功能認證培訓教.
教程名稱:Windows PowerShell V2 -- Advanced and New Capabilities.
PowerShell Version 2 On-the-Job Training Series:
主講人:Don Jones
教程時長:6小時. 共18段教學視頻.
你是否厭倦了多余的任務? 厭倦了每次新運行一個應用程序都需要查看. 那麼你很幸運. Windows PowerShell是集管理Windows服務器和應用引擎等所有功能於一身的.
講師Don Jones 會演示如何利用PowerShell視窗自動化. 包括諸如從服務器和遠程桌面收集管理信息任務. 在任何時間去完成你的重要的自動化管理任務 - 就像使用一個命令行從一個CSV文件導入幾百個用戶信息到Active Directory中.......
Are you tired of redundant tasks? Tired of needing to look stuff up every time you administer a new app? Then you’re in luck. Windows PowerShell is the all-in-one engine for administering Windows servers and applications.
Trainer Don Jones shows you how to automate Windows with PowerShell -- including tasks such as gathering remote management information from servers and desktops. In no time you''ll be automating many of your key administrative tasks -- like using a single command-line to import a hundred users from a CSV file into Active Directory.
With PowerShell you’ll be spending far less time on routine tasks and a lot more time on special projects -- the fun stuff that drew you to network administration in the first place.

What You'll Learn
Video 1: Introduction|05:52
Overview of the series, what we'll be covering
Video 2: Windows PowerShell v2 Overview|21:46
System requirements, running commands, using the pipeline, parameter binding, using help, using Get-Member
Video 3: PowerShell ISE and Other ISEs|25:30
ISE as an interactive shell, ISE as a script editor, other script editors, advantages of using an ISE
Video 4: PowerShell Security|20:41
Execution Policy, Digital Certificates, Group Policy settings, path requirements, filename associations
Video 5: Configuring Remoting and Managing Remote Sessions|22:16
About WinRM and WSMan, quick config, Group Policy settings, Workgroup configuration, creating and managing PSSession objects
Video 6: Using PowerShell Remoting|20:49
1:1 ad-hoc remoting, 1:1 remoting with a PSSession, 1:many ad-hoc remoting, 1:many remoting with PSSessions, working with the results of 1:many commands
Video 7: Using Background Jobs|14:51
Invoke-Command and Get-WmiObject, Managing Jobs, Working with Job Results
Video 8: Improved Debugging|21:09
The Step Debugger, Setting and Managing Breakpoints, Debugging with breakpoints, debugging in ISEs
Video 9: Improved Error Trapping and Handling|16:56
Errors vs Exceptions, $ErrorActionPreference, Trap, Try...Catch
Video 10: Using the Data Language and Providing Internationalization|19:59
Localization options, data sections, Here-Strings, combining techniques
Video 11: Improvements to WMI and AD Management|27:09
Get-WmiObject, Invoke-WmiMethod, WMI Events, ADSI improvements, AD cmdlets in 2008 R2
Video 12: Advanced Functions: Creating Cmdlets in Scripts|26:47
Starting with a Basic function, Moving to a Filtering function, Moving to an Advanced function, Adding comment-based help
Video 13: Modules: An Easier Way to Share Scripts|16:42
Modules overview, binary module manifests, script modules, module management
Video 14: New Built-in Variables and Operators|13:16
New built-in variables, new operators, Using these new elements
Video 15: Transactional Operators|16:26
Operating system support, transactional file system, transactional registry
Video 16: Responding to Events|19:51
What are events?, registering for events, interesting events, running commands in response to events
Video 17: Improvements to Key Cmdlets|28:46
computerName additions, Select-String, Get-Member, others
Video 18: Overview of Key New Cmdlets|21:42
Dozens and dozens of new cmdlets, major cmdlet categories, finding cmdlets, overview of most important new cmdlets

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: CBT Nuggets - Windows PowerShell V2 - Advanced and New Capabilities
... On-the-Job Training
How do you make Windows administration more exciting? By automating
all your repetitive tasks with PowerShell.
After watching this terrific on-the-job training, you'll say good-bye
to tedium. Don Jones shows you how to remotely command your entire
enterprise from a single desktop by using advanced functions to create
custom commands.
While this training is not certification oriented, like all CBT Nuggets
training, it gives you solid expertise in the topics it covers.
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
: Suppliers - Bookware / Training / Apps
: Suppliers - Online Subscription Accounts
: Suppliers - MCT / MCSE Access
: Other - Cracking / Scripting / Coding Skills
Email - [email protected]
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