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《Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程》(Total.Training.Adobe.After.Effects.CS5.Essentials)[光盤鏡像]
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發布時間 2017/7/13
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《Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程》(Total.Training.Adobe.After.Effects.CS5.Essentials)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程 英文名 : Total.Training.Adobe.After.Effects.CS5.Essentials 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 發行日期 : 2010年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介: Total.training出品的 Adobe After Ef
"《Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程》(Total.Training.Adobe.After.Effects.CS5.Essentials)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程
英文名: Total.Training.Adobe.After.Effects.CS5.Essentials
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Total.training出品的 Adobe After Effects CS5基礎教程 .學習開始設置合成和導進文件,到更復雜的動畫/遮片/文字和3D.你將學到技巧比如建立自己合成的技術. After Effects是合成和圖形動畫工業的標准,開始合成和增加知識吧!
官網鏈接: 官方地址:http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/adobe/aftereffectcs5_ess.asp

With Total Training for Adobe After Effects CS5 Essentials you'll learn the basics from getting started setting up compositions and importing files, to more complex animations, masks, text, and even 3D! You will learn tips and tricks, as well as techniques that you can use to create your own compositions. After Effects is the standard in the industry for compositing and graphics animation - stay competitive and add this skill set to your knowledge

Course Outline課程大綱
1. Basic Video Concepts
2. Importing Files
3. Project Panel Overview & Arranging a Workspace
4. Creating a New Composition
5. Placing Footage in the Composition
6. Creating a Film Strip Effect with Multiple Movies
7. Timeline Panel Overview
8. Timeline Switches, Time Ruler & Work Area
9. Composition Panel Overview
Chapter 2: ANIMATION BASICS (54 min)動畫基礎
1. Exploring the Transform Properties
2. Introduction to Keyframing
3. Spatial Interpolation
4. Temporal Interpolation
5. Practicing Interpolation
6. Copying & Pasting Keyframes
7. Creating a Loop & Changing the Animation Speed
Chapter 3: WORKING WITH MASKS (54 min)使用遮片
1. Introduction to Masks
2. Animating Masks
3. Working with Mask Interpolation
4. Using Masks for Position Keyframes
5. Creating a Simple Animation Using Masks
Chapter 4: ANIMATING TEXT (38 min)文字動畫
1. An Introduction to Text in After Effects
2. Using Text Presets
3. Creating Text on a Path
4. Creating a Preset
5. Animators: Adding a Range Selector
6. Adding Properties to the Same Range Selector
7. Animating Two or More Range Selectors
8. Animators: Adding a Wiggly Selector
9. Working with Photoshop廬 Text
Chapter 5: ANIMATION ASSISTANTS (36 min)動畫助教
1. Using Motion Sketch & Smoother
2. Working with Auto-Orient & Split Layer
3. Time Remapping
4. Creating a Picture Montage
Chapter 6: PARENTING & BASIC EXPRESSIONS (53 min)基本表達式
1. Parenting Basics & Null Objects
2. Using Parenting in a Mechanical Crane Animation
3. Using Parenting to Create a Stacking Ruler Animation
4. Text Animation Based on the CTI Location
5. Introduction to Basic Expressions
6. Wiggle & Looping Expressions
7. Using Expressions to Animate Based on Audio Amplitude
Chapter 7: BASIC COMPOSITING (51 min)基本合成
1. Applying Layer Blending Modes
2. Creating a Track Matte
3. Keying & Keylight
4. Compound Effects: Gradient Wipe & Displacement Map
5. Compound Effects: Wave World & Caustics
6. Precomposing & Nesting
7. Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush
Chapter 8: PARTICLES & PAINT (40 min)粒子/繪制
1. Introduction to Particle Generators
2. Creating a Chimney & Smoke Animation
3. Introduction to Paint
4. Creating an Invisible Pen Effect with Paint
Chapter 9: BASIC EFFECTS 22:31 min)基本特效
1. Creating Clouds with Fractals
2. Creating a Spinning Globe with CC Sphere
3. Creating a Moving Background with Bezier Warp
4. Colorizing with CC Toner
5. Animating a Stroke with a Lens Flare
Chapter 10: INTRODUCTION TO THE 3D ENGINE (43 min)3D引擎簡介
1. Introduction to Lights, Cameras & Camera Views
2. Creating 3D Text with Lights & Shadows
3. Animating a 3D Scene
4. A Quick Look at Vanishing Point
Chapter 11: RENDERING & EXPORTING (17 min)渲染和導出
1. Using the Render Queue
2. Other Methods of Exporting
3. Credits

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