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《使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發入門教程》(VTC.Introduction.to.Game.Development.Using.Unity.3D)[光盤鏡像]
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《使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發入門教程》(VTC.Introduction.to.Game.Development.Using.Unity.3D)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發入門教程 英文名 : VTC.Introduction.to.Game.Development.Using.Unity.3D 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Efraim Meulenberg 發行日期 : 2010年02月23日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : Unity 3D簡介:
"《使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發入門教程》(VTC.Introduction.to.Game.Development.Using.Unity.3D)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發入門教程
英文名: VTC.Introduction.to.Game.Development.Using.Unity.3D
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Efraim Meulenberg
發行日期: 2010年02月23日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Unity 3D簡介:
Unity是一個3D游戲開發工具和游戲引擎套件,其中包括了圖形、音頻、物理、網絡等多方面的引擎支持,並且有一個非常強大的編輯器來整合這一切。原本是一個針對Mac、Windows和Linux的游戲開發套件,後來發展到也能夠在iPhone和Wii上部署,或者在Web上部署。Unity 使用了Mono作為腳本引擎的虛擬機,並以C#或者一種類似JavaScript的語言為腳本語言。這在游戲引擎中並不多見(另外一個例子是Second Life也采用了Mono作為腳本引擎,C#作為腳本語言)。在游戲引擎中的應用也促使了Mono自身的進步,包括Mono.Simd等,使得Mono或者說托管代碼更適合於游戲開發。
這是VTC出品的使用Unity 3D進行游戲開發的入門教程. 向你的空閒時間說再見.打造屬於自己的游戲. 因為這個游戲開發要有趣得多.你會學習如何在3D空間演練你的角色.塑造和描繪游戲環境、特效、武器操作、創建菜單和用戶界面等............
課程名稱: Introduction to Game Development Using Unity 3D
主講:Efraim Meulenberg
教學時長: 5.5小時
Course Description:
This VTC course will take you through the ins and outs of creating a video game from scratch. Say goodbye to your spare time as this is too much fun to be had. You’ll learn how to maneuver your character around in 3d space, sculpting and painting your environments, special effects, weapon handling, creating menu’s and user interfaces, adding enemies, generating large worlds and much more. The main software package used (Unity3D) is free of charge, yet high quality. All the art assets you will need are provided. To begin learning today, simply click on the movie links.

Welcome (02:59) T
Installing Unity3D (01:09) T
Reviewing the Interface pt. 1 (05:48)
Reviewing the Interface pt. 2 (03:15) T
Navigating in 3D (04:14) T
The Unity3D Concept (05:52) T
Our First Game
Creating a New Project (05:08) T
Walking Around (05:55) T
Adding Crates & Physics (05:13) T
Unity Prefabs (03:44) T
Painting Terrain (04:48) T
Painting Grass (06:07) T
Adding Trees (03:49) T
Skyboxes (03:46) T
Introduction to Scripting
Unity Scripting (04:40) T
Variables & Syntax (05:19) T
Functions (05:06) T
Predefined Words (03:44) T
If & Else (05:23) T
Unity Functions & Switch (06:42) T
Core Unity Classes (04:36) T
Private Versus Public (03:07) T
3D Under the Hood
What Are We Looking At? (02:25)
Fun With X Y & Z (04:32)
Local Versus Global (05:59)
Throwing Objects (05:58)
Importing Models
Understanding Materials (04:00)
Shaders in Unity (05:51)
Importing in Unity (06:37)
Interacting with Models
Animating a Door (05:37)
Scripting Animations (04:40)
Raycasting (07:21)
Special Effects
Understanding Particles (03:20)
Sparking a Fire pt. 1 (05:16)
Sparking a Fire pt. 2 (02:56)
Sparking a Fire pt. 3 (05:55)
Picking Up Items pt. 1 (04:01)
Picking Up Items pt. 2 (04:04)
Prepping the Grenade (05:15)
Scripting Grenades pt. 1 (03:06)
Scripting Grenades pt. 2 (06:04)
Adding the Explosion (03:23)
Scripting the Explosion (05:34)
G.U.I. & Menus
Understanding Unity GUI (03:10)
Adding GUI to Our Game pt. 1 (06:24)
Adding GUI to Our Game pt. 2 (06:23)
Scripting Our GUI (04:48)
Adding a 3D Main Menu pt. 1 (04:00)
Adding a 3D Main Menu pt. 2 (04:34)
Scripting the 3D Main Menu (06:25)
Turret Prep & Cleanup (07:17)
Will the Turret Notice Us? (02:45)
Artificial Intelligence pt. 1 (04:25)
Artificial Intelligence pt. 2 (05:05)
Artificial Intelligence pt. 3 (02:39)
Artificial Intelligence pt. 4 (05:41)
Artificial Intelligence pt. 5 (05:33)
Applying the AI (04:49)
Animating the Guns pt. 1 (02:38)
Animating the Guns pt. 2 (05:09)
Timing the Attack (05:57)
Health System
Adding the Health GUI (02:11)
Scripting the Health GUI pt. 1 (04:27)
Scripting the Health GUI pt. 2 (03:08)
Subtracting Health (07:22)
Game Over Menu (01:19)
Adding Audio Clips (05:20)
Exporting the Game
The Build Menu (04:11)
Quality Settings (02:08)
Player Settings (01:48)
Where to Go From Here
Generating Massive Worlds (04:33)
Generating Texture Maps (02:08)
Unity Resources (01:10)
Wrap Up (01:36)
About the Author (01:12

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