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《《赤色鋼鐵2》官方游戲指南》(Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide WII)[PDF]
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《《赤色鋼鐵2》官方游戲指南》(Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide WII)[PDF] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 《赤色鋼鐵2》官方游戲指南 英文名稱 : Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide WII 別名 : 赤剛2官方游戲指南 版本 : [PDF] 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Prima Games 地區 : 美國 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 游戲概況: Ubisoft 專為Wii 平台設計的第一人稱動作游戲《 Red S
"《《赤色鋼鐵2》官方游戲指南》(Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide WII)[PDF]"介紹
中文名稱: 《赤色鋼鐵2》官方游戲指南
英文名稱: Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide WII
別名: 赤剛2官方游戲指南
版本: [PDF]
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Prima Games
地區: 美國
文字語言: 英文

Ubisoft 專為Wii 平台設計的第一人稱動作游戲《 Red Steel》續作《 Red Steel 2》,搭配Wii Motion Plus 技術,玩家手持Wii 控制器將如同手持鋼刀般,可體驗刀鋒揮砍時的破壞力,一一擊破你的對手。
《 Red Steel 2》主要讓玩家化身為劍客,置身於沙漠中的高科技都市,只有刀和槍是玩家最可靠的伙伴;玩家在游戲中,將感受劍客所忍受的寂寞,扮演沉默寡言,背負神秘過去的浪人。面對各種不同形式的黑暗力量,玩家需要戰勝擁有強大戰斗力的首領,而展開史詩式的漫長戰事。
Ubisoft 指出,游戲結合Wii Motion Plus,使得Wii 遙控器可以准確地反應出玩家的每個揮砍動作,與發射子彈的每個動作,帶來1:1 的真實體驗,讓玩家在家中就可體驗到真實的戰斗感。
玩家在游戲中常常需要同一時間對付6 名敵人,玩家必須展現高強劍術與神准槍法,一步步去殲滅敵人。

 P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! ! 
Red Steel 2 Official Game Guide (c) Prima Games
Release Date : 24-04-2010 Format : pdf
Release Type : Game Guide Platform : WII
Release Notes:
The Introduction chapter gives you the basics on attacks using the Wii
MotionPlus, getting the most money out of every level, Challenge Mode,
and tips for survival against your enemies.
There are three main types of upgrades that you can purchase during your
adventure: those at Jian's forge, the ones in Sheriff Judd's armory, and
those at Songan's gambling room. The Weapons and Powers chapter shows
what enhancements are available and when, and gives tips on the updgrades
and techniques to go for first.
The Clans and Enemies chapter reveals who you're allied with as you
progress through the city of Caldera and beyond, the clans you're
fighting against (including their leaders), and general advice on
defeating each enemy type.
The vast expanses of Caldera City and beyond now await, and the
Walkthrough chapter guides you through it all! Each stage of the
walkthrough is broken down with fully labeled maps, details on rewards
and other valuables, enemies encountered, techniques and updgrades to
acquire, and tips to tackle Challenge Mode once the levels are complete.
- All the essential strategy you need to beat the game!
- Full-color maps showing every chamber, bluff, and secret cave!
- Every Sheriff Star, Token, and Safe shot, found, and cracked!
- Advice on slaying every enemy, including the fearsome Shinjiro!
- Advice on every power-up and ability, including when to buy.
- Maximize your money in every room!
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Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition!


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