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《世界杯板球 20-20》(World Cup Cricket 20-20)v1.0/硬盤版[壓縮包]
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資源類別 硬盤游戲
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《世界杯板球 20-20》(World Cup Cricket 20-20)v1.0/硬盤版[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 世界杯板球 20-20 英文名稱 : World Cup Cricket 20-20 游戲類型 : SPG 體育運動游戲 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v1.0/硬盤版 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Indiagames 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 【英文名稱】World Cup Cricket 20-20 【中文名稱】世界杯
"《世界杯板球 20-20》(World Cup Cricket 20-20)v1.0/硬盤版[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名稱: 世界杯板球 20-20
英文名稱: World Cup Cricket 20-20
游戲類型: SPG 體育運動游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.0/硬盤版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Indiagames
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

【英文名稱】World Cup Cricket 20-20
【中文名稱】世界杯板球 20-20
透過 World Cup Cricket,在計算機上享受終極板球體驗!
"World Cup Cricket 20-20" is a 3D Sports game of Cricket for the PC platform. Players can choose from amongst their favorite teams, play in the shoes of their favorite players, in the most popular stadiums and enjoy various other facets of the game. The game offers interesting features and various game modes - some standard and some new, teamed with fabulous game play, outstanding graphics and full voice commentary. It aims to truly simulate the ultimate 20-20 cricketing experience. Players can partake in tournaments and watch as their team covets the ultimate trophy, increase team and player rankings by playing more and more basically building up their career innings - a definite keep coming back to play more experience. Play it as you were really there. And then there is always the entertaining commentary.
System Requirements
* Operating System: Windows 7, Vista, and XP
* Processor: 1.2GHz or higher
* RAM: 256MB
* Video Card RAM: 16MB
* DirectX Version: 9.0 or above
* Download Size: 70 MB

World Cup Cricket 20-20 v1.0 ² ²²²
²² ±²²² (c) Indiagames Ltd. ²²²± ²²
²² ±² ²± ²²
²² ²²
²² Cracker ....: Team F4CG Release Date ....: 06-06-2010 ²²
²² Supplier ...: Team F4CG OS Type .........: Windows ²²
²² Packer .....: GiftWrap Number Of Disks .: [xx/08] ²²
²²² Protection .: DRM Program Type ....: Game ²²²
±²²   ²²±
°±²²² ²²²±°
°± ²²²±±°° ° °° °°°°°°°°°°° °° ° °°±±²²² ±°
° ° ²² ²² ° °
°±²² ²²±°
°±²² SITE: http://www.wildtangent.com ²²±°
±²²²² ²²²²±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²² ²²² ²²² ²²
²² ²²²±   ±²²² ²²
²² ² ² ² ² ²²
²²   ²²
²²² RELEASE NOTES: ²²²
²² ²²
²² World Cup Cricket 20-20 is a fabulous 3D cricket game for ²²
²² the PC. Players can choose from amongst their favorite ²²
²² teams, their favorite players, and most popular stadiums. ²²
²² The game offers several game modes - some standard and ²²
²² some new - combined with fabulous gameplay, outstanding ²²
²² graphics and full voice commentary. World Cup Cricket ²²
²² 20-20 strives to truly simulate the ultimate 20-20 ²²
²² cricketing experience! Players can partake in tournaments ²²
²² and watch as their team wins the ultimate trophy, ²²
²² increase team and player rankings, and build up their ²²
²² career innings! ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² 1. Unzip, unrar and install the program. ²²
²² 2. Enjoy ! ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² ²²
²² GROUP NEWS: ²²
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²² No group news available at this moment ... ²²
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²²   ²²
²²²² _|/_ ²²²²
±²²² ²²²±
°°± ²² IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGGIE, BUY IT! ²² ±°°
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° ° ²²±   ±²² ° °
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°°±   ±°°
°±²² F4CG GREETINGS: ²²±°
±² ²±
²² All current and past F4CG members wherever you are. ²²
²² All hard-working/secure groups in the real scene. ²²
²² ²²
²²² ²²²
²²²   ²²²
²² ²² ² ² ²² ²²
²²±²² ±² ²± ²²±²²
±²²²±²²   ²²±²²²±
² ²² ²²   ²² ²² ²
 ²² ² UPDATE [03-01-2006] ² ²² 
² ²²²² ² ²²²² ²
²  ²
²² ascii by cpN of cRo in 2oo5 ²²


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