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《劍斗士傳奇》(Tournament Of Legends)美版PAL[壓縮包][Wii]
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資源類別 電視游戲
發布時間 2017/7/14
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《劍斗士傳奇》(Tournament Of Legends)美版PAL[壓縮包][Wii] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 劍斗士傳奇 英文名稱 : Tournament Of Legends 游戲平台 : Wii 游戲類型 : FTG 格斗游戲 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : 美版PAL 發行時間 : 2010年07月06日 制作發行 : High Voltage SEGA 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : SEGA的Wii格斗新作《Tournament Of
"《劍斗士傳奇》(Tournament Of Legends)美版PAL[壓縮包][Wii]"介紹
中文名稱: 劍斗士傳奇
英文名稱: Tournament Of Legends
游戲平台: Wii
游戲類型: FTG 格斗游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 美版PAL
發行時間: 2010年07月06日
制作發行: High Voltage
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

SEGA的Wii格斗新作《Tournament Of Legends》是High Voltage Software以“Gladiator A.D.”為名公開的作品為基礎,追加了米諾陶路斯和瓦爾基裡等神話人物,並增加了釋放吃人的獅子,召喚箭雨、投擲毒蛇之巢等以神話為基礎的動作的一人稱格斗游戲。本作同樣采用Wii專用的引擎“Quantum 3”.
Tournament of Legends offers a fun filled 3D fighting experience for one or two players. In addition to the main focus of mythologically fueled mayhem - players can compete in various Wii Remote / Nunchuk controller challenges including dodging giant mythological creatures, or restoring health and armour during fights. The game also features an Interactive Training mode and supports the Classic Controller.
* A host of fighters based on legends from world mythology: the Minotaur, a powerful Gladiator, a mighty Valkyrie and other well known and awe-inspiring characters.
* Take these fighters to epic battles in fantastic fighting arenas where the combatants wield legendary weapons, launch magical attacks and dodge giant mythological creatures that protect their lairs.
* Master a range of incredible combat moves including unleashing a man-eating lion, summoning a deadly rain of arrows and throwing a nest of venomous snakes.


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