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《深弗裡茨 12》(Deep Fritz Twelve)破解修正版[光盤鏡像]
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《深弗裡茨 12》(Deep Fritz Twelve)破解修正版[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名稱 : 深弗裡茨 12 英文名稱 : Deep Fritz Twelve 游戲類型 : ETC 其它種類游戲 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 版本 : 破解修正版 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Stefan Meyer-Kahlen ChessBase GmbH 地區 : 德國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 1. Unrar 2. Burn or mount
"《深弗裡茨 12》(Deep Fritz Twelve)破解修正版[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名稱: 深弗裡茨 12
英文名稱: Deep Fritz Twelve
游戲類型: ETC 其它種類游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 破解修正版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
ChessBase GmbH
地區: 德國
語言: 英文

1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Read the instructions on how to activate in the readme.txt provided in
the \Crack dir on the DVD
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

Proper notes: We realize this is a late proper, but it was done after requests from friends to produce a properly working release of what is considered by many to be the finest of PC chess games.
The SKIDROW release is not properly cracked, making the game appear dodgy.
More specifically it does not activate the Deep Fritz chess engine, which is the core of the game.

System requirements: Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphics card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows-Media Player 9, internet access(playchess.com, updates and activation). Recommended: PC Intel Core 2 Quad, 2.4 GHz, 3 GB RAM, Windows Vista or Windows 7, DirectX10 graphics card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or more, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD ROM drive and internet access (playchess.com, updates and activation).

Deep Fritz 12 specifications
* Openings book by Alex Kure, with 1,497,114 positions, based on games with >2500 Elo and historical material.
* Database: 87,758 games, Elo >2550 (= Strong Database from Powerbook 2010)
* Three 3D boards (wood, elegant wood, modern)
* Seven languages (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish)
* One year Premium membership on Playchess.
游戲名稱:深弗裡茨 12
英文名稱:Deep Fritz Twelve
制作廠商:Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
游戲發行:ChessBase GmbH
游戲類型:Computer Chess
  眾多知名的國際象棋教師會在設開局陷阱、中局戰略和殘局技巧等方面提供指導。對於那些從未下過國際象棋的人,這裡有一些基礎課程可以在幾個小時之內教給你一些基本知識和技巧。《Fritz》有許多漂亮的圖片逼真的三維棋盤,在對局過程中,有有趣的評論(英語同步音頻),通過網絡無論是在任何時候白天還是黑夜,《Fritz》可以使你很容易的和任何人對決,你可以很輕松地和世界上最大的國際象棋社區 Ptay chess.com 聯系,這個網站擁有超過20萬人的會員,你可以下任何級別的快棋,參加正式、非正式的比賽乃至網絡錦標賽。或者參加現場講座和訓練課程,你可以在本服務器上觀看重大國際賽事的網上直播。你也可以與來自世界各地的棋手和大師討論著法。
  《Fritz》由世界著名國際象棋軟件開發商德國的ChessBase公司研發。“Fritz”英文原意是“德國人”,以此為本款國際象棋軟件命名,是為了比同二戰時期的德國士兵,橫掃歐洲、北非及夢想稱霸世界的野心,借以顯示棋力之厲害。《Deep Fritz》是《Fritz》產品的多CPU版本,不是更加厲害的意思。
  ChessBase公司於1985年由德國物理學家Matthias Wüllenweber和科學新聞記者Frederic Friedel在德國漢堡建立。公司建立近30年來,其開發的一系列國際象棋程序,Fritz系列,Shredder系列,Hiarcs系列等,以其超群的算法,龐大的數據庫成為國際象棋領域內的翹楚,在計算機領域與國際象棋領域內屢獲大獎。包括人類有史以來國際象棋最高積分的獲得者,卡斯帕羅夫大師平日裡也是與由ChessBase開發的Fritz系列程序對戰,磨練其傳奇棋力。

Deep Fritz 12 *PROPER* (c) ChessBase
08/2010: RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION: Activation
1: DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE: Chess
Proper notes: We realize this is a late proper, but it was done after
requests from friends to produce a properly working release of what is
considered by many to be the finest of PC chess games
The SKIDROW release is not properly cracked, making the game appear dodgy
More specifically it does not activate the Deep Fritz chess engine, which is
the core of the game
DEEP FRITZ is the world's most popular chess program, developed by
ChessBase, "the world's leading chess software company" (Washington Post)
Whether you are a beginner, club player or professional DEEP FRITZ has
everything that chess players could want: automatically adjusting playing
strength, handicap and coaching functions, explanation of positions
coloured danger warnings, openings statistics, automatic game analysis
trainings modules for openings, tactics, endgames, and a database of one
million games
FRITZ continues to fascinate the chess world. It has beaten a reigning
World Champion in the battle of man vs machine, and it has worked with
World Champions as a clever training partner (Garry Kasparov: "I regularly
analyse with FRITZ") which will entertain you with fresh and humorous verbal
NEW: DEEP FRITZ is now even faster. The completely redesigned ergonomic
interface gives you instant access to all the most important functions. This
means more comfort and clearer controls. Never before has it been so easy
and fast to play with DEEP FRITZ
DEEP FRITZ prepares you for serious encounters over the chessboard. Have you
ever trained with a human grandmaster? DEEP FRITZ provides you with twelve
hours of video lessons for every level of play. Enjoy the instructive
analysis of master games, the discussion of clever openings traps, deadly
combinations to solve. The video material introduces you to world class
grandmasters like Alexei Shirov, Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Vladimir Kramnik
Vishy Anand, even chess legend Garry Kasparov. And if you cannot play chess
DEEP FRITZ will teach you the rules of the games within an hour you will
be playing your first game of chess
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Read the instructions on how to activate in the readme.txt provided in
the \Crack dir on the DVD
5. Play the game
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!


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