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《使用CINEMA 4D制作卡通人物3D標志教程》(Digital Tutors Creating 3D Logos in CINEMA 4D )[壓縮包]
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《使用CINEMA 4D制作卡通人物3D標志教程》(Digital Tutors Creating 3D Logos in CINEMA 4D )[壓縮包] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 計算機
"《使用CINEMA 4D制作卡通人物3D標志教程》(Digital Tutors Creating 3D Logos in CINEMA 4D )[壓縮包]"介紹


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  • Cinema 4D視頻教程與軟件

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Digital Tutors出品的Creating 3D Logos in CINEMA 4D視頻教程.

各種插圖標志隨處可見. 卡通人物的標志尤其具有吸引力.把這些Logos轉換為3D形式可以增加靈活性並讓它們脫穎而出.在該教程中,我們將利用CINEMA 4D制作一個Woody's BBQ logo..........


使用的軟件: CINEMA 4D 11.5


Illustrated logos can be found everywhere and logos with characters can be especially appealing. Translating those logos into 3D can add a great deal of flexibility to their use and really make them stand out. In this course we'll take the Woody's BBQ logo, created in our Integrating a Character with a Logo in Illustrator training and add some depth using CINEMA 4D.

We'll start this course by using as much of our original logo as possible to begin the rebuilding process. We'll use curves from Illustrator as a basis for extruding sections of geometry. We'll explore ways to combine splines to create cutouts for some of the letters and how we can begin to organize and layer our geometry. We'll also use a little bit of ZBrush to go through the process of posing Woody, the beaver from our Creating Cartoon Characters training. We'll put everything together and use CINEMA 4D's Sketch and Toon rendering to create a nice cartoony final render. Once done, you'll not only have a finished 3D logo, but you'll be able to create and translate your own logos into 3D.


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