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《Maya 2011和After Effects CS4鏡頭跟蹤與合成路徑視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Match Moving and Compositing Pipeline in M
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《Maya 2011和After Effects CS4鏡頭跟蹤與合成路徑視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Match Moving and Compositing Pipeline in M 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 影視音
"《Maya 2011和After Effects CS4鏡頭跟蹤與合成路徑視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Match Moving and Compositing Pipeline in M"介紹


  • 影視音樂後期處理制作軟件與教程
  • Maya教程/視頻教程
  • 計算機資料
  • After Effects視頻處理編輯視頻教程與軟件

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Digital Tutors 出品的時長9小時15分鐘視頻教學:Maya 2011和After Effects的鏡頭跟蹤與合成路徑
本教學將學習如何移動一些片段鏡頭至通過整個MatchMover → Maya → After Effects鏡頭路徑 → 建立一個完整鏡頭的過程。通過整個路徑過程能夠學習移動之中的每個應用程序的具體問題提示和技巧。學習如何對對象模型動態創建,動畫,紋理和渲染場景。轉到After Effects對一些背景色處理,及合成層為完整鏡頭。



Lesson Outline (76 lessons)

In this series of lessons we'll learn how to take some footage and move it through the entire MatchMover to Maya to After Effects pipeline to create a finished shot. By going through the entire pipeline, we will be able to learn about specific issues and tips and tricks while moving between and inside each application.

We'll begin this project by solving four of our shots in MatchMover and combining them in Maya into a cohesive 3d scene. Then we'll create our last camera in Maya and match it. Once all our camera are set-up, we'll learn how to model our object, create dynamics, animate, texture and render our scene. We'll then jump into After Effects to do some color treatment on our backgrounds and then composite our layers together. Now, this is a long project that will take some time to complete. If you get stuck or have any questions, please join our forums and ask. We check the forums often and have a very active and helpful community.

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