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《2010年英國皇家研究院聖誕科普講座:尺寸很重要》(Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2010: Size Matters)全三集[TVRip]
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《2010年英國皇家研究院聖誕科普講座:尺寸很重要》(Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2010: Size Matters)全三集[TVRip] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 理學資
"《2010年英國皇家研究院聖誕科普講座:尺寸很重要》(Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2010: Size Matters)全三集[TVRip]"介紹


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2010 年的“聖誕科普講座”將在聖誕節一周後在英國BBC第4套廣播節目中播出,材料科學家馬克▪麥道尼克博士( Dr Mark Miodownik )在講座中用“倉鼠高空跳傘實驗”及“建造登上月球的天梯”等方面的例子為大家揭示物體力量與體積關系的奧秘,同時,本次講座還邀請到了“倉鼠哈密斯” (Hamish the Hamster)與“小狗斯偉普”(Sweep the Dog )兩位嘉賓為聽眾展示“寵物高空墜落”的特技表演。麥道尼克博士和他的女朋友都有著非常巧妙和大膽的科學實驗設想,他們曾經想過帶著倉鼠從飛機上跳下來,並把這個過程拍成錄像進行研究。“聖誕科普講座”節目是英國皇家研究院在1825年開始設立的,目的在於向公眾展現科學研究的創新性和趣味性,培養公眾的科學素養、提高公眾的科學興趣。

麥道尼克博士指出:物體的表面積與物體的體積是成比例的關系,物體表面積有多大,內部的容積就有多大。當物體變大時,重量自然也會增加,不過重量並非按比例增加。如果一個物體的體積增大2倍,它的重量隨之增大8倍,這是由於地心引力的影響,同樣,當物體體積縮小時,重量也會減少。這就是為什麼芭蕾舞者可以輕盈和優雅的在空中跳躍,而讓大象這種體型龐大的動物做跳躍的動作就相當的有難度。舞姿最優美的舞蹈家通常不是身材最魁梧的人,像安▪維特庫姆(Ann Widdecombe )和約翰(John )中士這兩位大塊頭的人物雖然很熱愛舞蹈、也為此付出了很多努力和勇氣 ,並在英國“舞動奇跡”選秀節目中十分賣力地表演,但由於身材肥胖,他們很難成為最優秀的舞蹈家。




Material scientist Dr Mark Miodownik gives a series of lectures on how size influences everything in science and nature, including the shape of the universe.

Part 1: Why Elephants Can't Dance
How can a hamster survive falling from the top of a skyscraper, ants carry over 100 times their own body weight and geckos climb across the ceiling? In the first of this year's Christmas lectures, material scientist and engineer Dr Mark Miodownik investigates why size matters in animal behaviour. He reveals how the science of materials - the stuff from which everything is made - can explain some of the most extraordinary and surprising feats in the animal kingdom.

Part 2: Why Chocolate Melts and Jet Engines Don't
Dr Mark Miodownik zooms into the microscopic world beneath our fingertips, where strange forces dominate the world and common sense goes out of the window. He reveals how this world can make objects behave like magic and discovers the secrets of the extraordinary metals that make jet engines possible. Mark reveals why chocolate is one of the most sophisticated and highly engineered materials on the planet, using special crystals designed to melt in the mouth, and he looks forward to new era of self-healing materials.

Part 3: Why Mountains are So Small
Why is the tallest building on earth less than half a mile high? Why don't we have mountains as tall as those on Mars? Dr Mark Miodownik investigates the world of the very big and very tall. He reveals that, at this scale, everything is governed by a battle with one of the strangest forces in the universe - gravity. With help from acrobats, levitation devices, spiders and sticky goo, Mark discovers how gravity can make solid rock behave like a liquid and investigates whether it might be possible to build a structure from Earth into space.

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