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Jose Carreras 何塞 卡雷拉斯-《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》Sony[MP3]資料下載
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Jose Carreras 何塞 卡雷拉斯-《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》Sony[MP3]資料下載 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 視頻素
"Jose Carreras 何塞 卡雷拉斯-《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》Sony[MP3]資料下載"介紹


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專輯英文名: An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras
藝術家: Jose Carreras 何塞 卡雷拉斯
資源格式: MP3
版本: Sony
發行時間: 1993年
地區: 英國
語言: 英語 
An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras 簡介:
An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras.jpg
An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras 內容介紹:
《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》
歌手的第一首是音樂劇《南太平洋》中的歌曲“some enchanted evening”卡雷拉斯的聲音輕重緩急拿捏得很好。2—5音軌,是他唱的家鄉加泰羅尼亞的民歌。6-7音軌董尼采第的《Poliuto》。
《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》中8-12音軌是喬爾達諾的《安德烈 謝尼埃》中的歌劇節選;13-15音軌還是喬爾達諾的《費多拉》(Fedora)。這兩段喬爾達諾歌劇的節選是我的大愛,市面上很難買到卡雷拉斯唱的這兩部歌劇的全劇CD。
《An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras》中16-22《Tosca》與裡恰雷麗版、23-24《Turandot》與伊娃 馬頓版(Eva Maton)都算是卡雷拉斯的經典之作了,尤其是《Tosca》與其他人的版本相比也算是優秀的。以後我會把全劇奉上。
An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras 目錄:
01.South Pacific: Some Enchanted Evening
02.South Pacific: This Nearly Was Mine
04.Cancó de Grumet
05.A l'ombra del lledoner
06.Poliuto: Tu sei commosso!
07.Poliuto: D'un'alma troppo fervida tempra
08.Andrea Chénier: ...senza musa - Colpito qui m'avete ov'io... (Act I)
09.Andrea Chénier: Un dì all'azzurro spazio (Act I)
10.Andrea Chénier: Scrisse contro la rivoluzione... - Sì, fui soldato (Act III)
11. Andrea Chénier: Come un bel dì di maggio (Act IV)
12. Andrea Chénier: Vicino a te s'acquieta (Act IV)
13.Fedora (Excerpts): Ma dunque, è amore? - Amor ti vieta (Act II)
14.Fedora (Excerpts): Di già? - Muta è mia madre (Act III)
15.Fedora (Excerpts): Jariskin recò all'Imperatore (Act III)
16.Tosca (Excerpts): Io de' sospiri,
17.Tosca (Excerpts): Mario Cavaradossi?
18.Tosca (Excerpts): E lucevan le stelle
19.Tosca (Excerpts): Ah! Franchigia a Floria Tosca
20.Tosca (Excerpts): O dolci mani mansuete e pure
21.Tosca (Excerpts): Senti...l'ora è vicina... - Amaro sol per te m'era il morire
22.Tosca (Excerpts): E non giungono...Bada!
23.Turandot: Cosi comanda Turandot: Questa notte nessun dorma
24.Turandot: Nessun dorma!...
An enchanted Evening with Jose Carreras 相關資料:
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Fleet Foxes -《Helplessness Blues》
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Morbid Angel -《Illud Divinum Insanus》
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