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《韋爾斯《世界史綱》英文版+《世界簡史》英文插圖版》(H. G. Wells - The Outline of History +A Short History of the World)掃描版+在線閱讀版[PDF]
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《韋爾斯《世界史綱》英文版+《世界簡史》英文插圖版》(H. G. Wells - The Outline of History +A Short History of the World)掃描版+在線閱讀版[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : 韋爾斯《世界史綱》英文版+《世界簡史》英文插圖版 原名 : H. G. Wells - The Outline of History +A Short History of the World 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 掃描版+在線閱讀版 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : H. G. Wells 以科幻小說家為中國讀者所熟知,代表作有《隱身人》(
"《韋爾斯《世界史綱》英文版+《世界簡史》英文插圖版》(H. G. Wells - The Outline of History +A Short History of the World)掃描版+在線閱讀版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: 韋爾斯《世界史綱》英文版+《世界簡史》英文插圖版
原名: H. G. Wells - The Outline of History +A Short History of the World
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版+在線閱讀版
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

H. G. Wells 以科幻小說家為中國讀者所熟知,代表作有《隱身人》(The Invisible Man)、《時間機器》(Time Machine)、《世界之戰》(The War of the Worlds)等。其實Wells另有以上這部歷史作品傳世。VC上已有本書中文版,梁思成等譯,freemotion發布。
本人擔當英美歷史教師以來深感中國學生(不限於英語或歷史專業)很有閱讀英語歷史著作的必要,因此推薦這部經典作品。Wells 雖然不是職業歷史學家,但文筆漂亮,思想深刻,讀者能從字裡行間感受強烈的傳統人文精神,因而可讀性很強。當然從另一方面講,這本書不是當歷史教科書用的。

Table of Contents
1.0 The Earth in Space and Time
2.0 The Record of the Rocks
2.1 The First Living Things
2.2 How Old is the World
3.0 Natural Selection and Changes of Species
4.0 The Invasion of the Dry Land by Life
4.1 Life and Water
4.2 The Earliest Animals
5.0 The Age of Reptiles
5.1 The Age of Lowland Life
5.2 Flying Dragons
5.3 The First Birds
5.4 An Age of Hardship and Death
5.5 The First Appearance of Fur and Feathers
6.0 The Age of Mammals
6.1 A New Age of Life
6.2 Tradition Comes Into the World
6.3 An Age of Brain Growth
6.4 The World Grows Hard Again
7.0 The Ancestry of Man
7.1 Man Descended From a Walking Ape
7.2 First Traces of Man-like Creatures
7.3 The Heidelberg Sub-Man
7.4 The Piltdown Sub-Man
8.0 The Neanderthal Man, an Extinct Race
8.1 The World 50,000 Years Ago
8.2 The Daily Life of the First Men
9.0 The Later Postglacial Paleolithic Men, the First True Men (Later Paleolithic Age)
9.1 The Coming of Men Like Ourselves
9.2 Hunters Give Place to Herdsmen
9.3 No Sub-men in America
10.0 Neolithic Man in Europe
10.1 The Age of Cultivation Begins
10.2 Where did the Neolithic Culture Arise
10.3 Everyday Neolithic Life
10.4 Primitive Trade
10.5 The Flooding of the Mediterranean Valley
11.0 Early Thought
11.1 Primitive Philosophy
11.2 The Old Man in Religion
11.3 Fear and Hope in Religion
11.4 Stars and Seasons
11.5 Story-telling and Myth-making
11.6 Complex Origins of Religion
12.0 The Races of Mankind
12.1 Is Mankind Still Differentiating?
12.2 The Main Races of Mankind
12.3 The Heliolithic Culture of Brunet Peoples
13.0 The Languages of Mankind
13.1 No One Primitive Language
13.2 The Aryan Languages
13.3 The Semitic Languages
13.4 The Hamitic Languages
13.5 The Ural-Altaic Languages
13.6 The Chinese Languages
13.7 Other Language Groups
13.8 A Possible Primitive Language Group
13.9 Some Isolated Languages
14.0 The First Civilizations
14.1 Early Cities and Early Nomads
14.2 Early Civilizations
14.2.1 The Sumerians
14.2.2 The Empire of Sargon the First
14.2.3 The Empire of Hammurabi
14.2.4 The Assyrians and their Empire
14.2.5 The Chaldean Empire
14.3 The Early History of Egypt
14.4 The Early Civilization of India
14.5 The Early History of China
14.6 While the Civilizations were Growing
15.0 Sea Peoples and Trading Peoples
15.1 The Earliest Ships and Sailors
15.2 The Aegean Cities before History
15.3 The First Voyages of Exploration
15.4 Early Traders
15.5 Early Travellers
16.0 Writing
16.1 Picture Writing
16.2 Syllable Writing
16.3 Alphabet Writing
16.4 The Place of Writing in Human Life
17.0 Gods and Stars, Priests and Kings
17.1 The Priest Comes into History
17.2 Priests and the Stars
17.3 Priests and the Dawn of Learning
17.4 Kings Against Priests
17.5 How Bel-Marduk Struggled Against the Kings
17.6 The God-Kings of Egypt
17.7 Shi Hwang-ti Destroys the Books
18.0 Serfs, Slaves, Social Classes and Free Individuals
18.1 The Common Man in Ancient Times
18.2 The Earliest Slaves
18.3 The First Independent Persons
18.4 Social Classes Three Thousand Years Ago
18.5 Classes Hardening into Castes
18.6 Caste in India
18.7 The System of the Mandarins
18.8 A Summary of Five Thousand Years
19.0 The Hebrew Scriptures and the Prophets
19.1 The Place of the Israelites in History
19.2 Saul, David, and Solomon
19.3 The Jews a People of Mixed Origin
19.4 The Importance of the Hebrew Prophets
20.0 The Aryan-speaking Peoples in Prehistoric Times
20.1 The Spreading of the Aryan Speakers
20.2 Primitive Aryan Life
20.3 Early Daily Aryan Life
21.0 The Greeks and the Persians
21.1 The Hellenic Peoples
21.2 Distinctive Features of Hellenic Civilization
21.3 Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy in Greece
21.4 The Kingdom of Lydia
21.5 The Rise of the Persians in the East
21.6 The Story of Croesus
21.7 Darius Invades Russia
21.8 The Battle of Marathon
21.9 Thermopylae and Salamis
21.10 Plataea and Mycale
22.0 Greek Thought in Relation to Human Society
22.1 The Athens of Pericles
22.2 Socrates
22.3 Plato and the Academy
22.4 Aristotle and the Lyceum
22.5 Philosophy Becomes Unworldly
22.6 The Quality and Limitations of Greek Thought
23.0 The Career of Alexander the Great
23.1 Philip of Macedonia
23.2 The Murder of King Philip
23.3 Alexander's First Conquests
23.4 The Wanderings of Alexander
23.5 Was Alexander Indeed Great?
23.6 The Successors of Alexander
23.7 Pergamum, A Refuge of Culture
23.8 Alexander as a Portent of World Unity
24.0 Science and Religion at Alexandria
24.1 The Science of Alexandria
24.2 The Philosphy of Alexandria
24.3 Alexandria as a Factory of Religions
25.0 The Rise and Spread of Buddhism
25.1 The Story of Gautama
25.2 Teaching and Legend in Conflict
25.3 The Gospel of Gautama Buddha
25.4 Buddhism and Asoka
25.5 Two Great Chinese Teachers
25.6 The Corruptions of Buddhism
25.7 The Present Range of Buddhism
26.0 The Two Western Republics
26.1 The Beginnings of the Latins
26.2 A New Sort of State
26.3 The Carthaginian Republic of Rich Men
26.4 The First Punic War
26.5 Cato the Elder and the Spirit of Cato
26.6 The Second Punic War
26.7 The Third Punic War
26.8 How the Punic War Undermined Roman Liberty
26.9 Comparison of the Roman Republic with a Modern State
27.0 From Tiberius Gracchus to the God-Emperor in Rome
27.1 The Science of Thwarting the Common Man
27.2 Finance in the Roman State
27.3 The Last Years of Republican Politics
27.4 The Era of the Adventurer Generals
27.5 The End of the Republic
27.6 The Coming of the Princeps
27.7 Why the Roman Republic Failed
28.0 The Csars between the Sea and the Great Plains of the Old World
28.1 A Short Catalogue of Emperors
28.2 Roman Civilization at its Zenith
28.3 Limitations of the Roman Mind
28.4 The Stir of the Great Plains
28.5 The Western (true Roman) Empire Crumples Up
28.6 The Eastern (revived Hellenic) Empire
29.0 The Beginnings, the Rise and the Divisions of Christianity
29.1 Judea at the Christian Era
29.2 The Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
29.3 The Universal Religions
29.4 The Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth
29.5 Doctrines Added to the Teachings of Jesus
29.6 The Struggles and Persecutions of Christianity
29.7 Constantine the Great
29.8 The Establishment of Official Christianity
29.9 The Map of Europe, A.D. 500
29.10 The Salvation of Learning by Christianity
30.0 Seven Centuries in Asia (Circa 50 B.C. to A.D. 650)
30.1 Justinian the Great
30.2 The Sassanid Empire in Persia
30.3 The Decay of Syria under the Sassanids
30.4 The First Message from Islam
30.5 Zoroaster and Mani
30.6 Hunnish Peoples in Central Asia and India
30.7 The Great Age of China
30.8 Intellectual Fetters of China
30.9 The Travels of Yuan Chang
31.0 Muhammad and Islam
31.1 Arabia before Muhammad
31.2 Life of Muhammad to the Hegira
31.3 Muhammad becomes a Fighting Prophet
31.4 The Teachings of Islam
31.5 The Caliphs Abu, Bekr, Omar
31.6 The Great Days of Omayyada
31.7 The Decay of Islam under Abbasids
31.8 The Intellectual Life of Arab Islam
32.0 Christendom and the Crusades
32.1 The Western World at its Lowest Ebb
32.2 The Feudal System
32.3 The Frankish Kingdom of the Merovigians
32.4 The Christianization of the Western Barbarians
32.5 Charlemagne becomes Emperor of the West
32.6 The Personality of Charlemagne
32.7 The French and the Germans Become Distinct
32.8 The Normans, the Saracens, the Hungarians and the Seljuk Turks
32.9 How Constantinople Appealed to Rome
32.10 The Crusades
32.11 The Crusades, a Test of Christianity
32.12 The Emperor Frederick II
32.13 Defects and Limitations of the Papacy
32.14 A List of Leading Popes
33.0 The Great Empire of Jengis Khan and Its Successors
33.1 Asia at the End of the Twelfth Century
33.2 The Rise and Victories of the Mongols
33.3 The Travels of Marco Polo
33.4 The Ottoman Turks and Constantinople
33.5 Why the Mongols were not Christianized
33.5.1 Kublai Khan Founds the Yuan Dynasty
33.5.2 The Mongols Revert to Tribalism
33.5.3 The Kipchak Empire and the Tsar of Muscovy
33.5.4 Timurlane
33.5.5 The Mongol Empire of India
33.5.6 The Mongols and the Gypsies
34.0 Renascence of Western Civilization1
34.1 Christianity and Popular Education
34.2 Europe Begins to Think for Itself
34.3 The Great Plague and the Dawn of Communism
34.4 How Paper Liberated the Human Mind
34.5 Protestantism of the Princes and Protestantism of the Peoples
34.6 The Reawakening of Science
34.7 The New Growth of European Towns
34.8 America Comes into History
34.9 What Machiavelli Thought of the World
34.10 The Republic of Switzerland
34.11 Protestants
34.11.1 The Life of Emperor Charles V
34.11.2 Protestants if the Prince Wills it
34.11.3 The Intellectual Undertow
35.0 Princes Parliaments and Powers
35.1 Princes and Foreign Policy
35.2 The Dutch Republic
35.3 The English Republic
35.4 The Break-up and Disorder of Germany
35.5 The Splendours of Grand Monarchy in Europe
35.6 The Growth of the Idea of Great Powers
35.7 The Crowned Republic of Poland and its Fate
35.8 The First Scramble for Empire Overseas
35.9 Britain Dominates India
35.10 Russia's Ride to the Pacific
35.11 What Gibbon Thought of the World in 1780
35.12 The Social Truce Draws to an End
36.0 The New Democratic Republics of America and France
36.1 Inconveniences of the Great Power System
36.2 The Thirteen Colonies Before their Revolt
36.3 Civil War is Forced Upon the Colonies
36.4 The War of Independence
36.5 The Constitution of the United States
36.6 Primitive Features of the United States Constitution
36.7 Revolutionary Ideas in France
36.8 The Revolution of the Year 1789
36.9 The French Crowned Republic of 1789-1791
36.10 The Revolution of the Jacobins
36.11 The Jacobin Republic 1792-1794
36.12 The Directory
36.13 The Pause in Reconstruction and the Dawn of Modern Socialism
37.0 The Career of Napoleon Bonaparte
37.1 The Bonaparte Family in Corsica
37.2 Bonaparte as a Republican General
37.3 Napoleon First Consul, 1799-1804
37.4 Napoleon I, Emperor, 1804-1814
37.5 The Hundred Days
37.6 The Map of Europe in 1815
38.0 The Realities and Imaginations of the Nineteenth Century
38.1 The Mechanical Revolution
38.2 Relation of the Mechanical to the Industrail Revolution
38.3 The Fermentation of Ideas, 1848
38.4 The Development of the Idea of Socialism
38.5 Shortcoming of Socialism as a Scheme of Human Society
38.6 How Darwinism Affected Religious and Policial Ideas
38.7 The Idea of Nationalism
38.8 Europe Between 1848 and 1878
38.9 The (Second) Scramble for Overseas Empires
38.10 The Indian Precedent in Asia
38.11 The History of Japan
38.12 Close of the Period of Overseas Expansion
38.13 The British Empire in 1914
39.0 The International Catastrophe of 1914
39.1 The Armed Peace before the Great War
39.2 Imperial Germany
39.3 The Spirit of Imperialism in Britain and Ireland
39.4 Imperialiism in France, Italy and the Balkans
39.5 Russia Still a Grand Monarchy in 1914
39.6 The United States and the Imperial Idea
39.7 The Immediate Causes of the great War
39.8 A Summary of the Great War up to 1917
39.9 The Great War from the Russian Collapse to the Armistice
39.10 The Political, Economic, and Social Disorganization Caused by the Great War
39.11 President Wilson and the problems of Versailles
39.12 Summary of the First Covenant of the League of Nations
39.13 A General Outline of the Treaties of 1919 and 1920
39.14 A Forecast of the Next War
40.0 The Next Stage of History
40.1 The Possible Unification of Men's Wills in Political Matters
40.2 How a Federal World Government May Come About
40.3 Some Fundamental Characteristics of a Modern World State
40.4 What this World Might be were it under One Law and Justice
41.0 Chronological Table from 800 B.C. to 1920 

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