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《新C++標准:C++0x 概述》(Overview of the New C++ : C++0x)英文文字版[PDF]
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《新C++標准:C++0x 概述》(Overview of the New C++ : C++0x)英文文字版[PDF] 簡介: 中文名 : 新C++標准:C++0x 概述 原名 : Overview of the New C++ : C++0x 作者 : Scott Meyers 圖書分類 : 軟件 資源格式 : PDF 版本 : 英文文字版 出版社 : Artima 書號 : 978-0-596-80197-6 發行時間 : 2011年04月 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 :
"《新C++標准:C++0x 概述》(Overview of the New C++ : C++0x)英文文字版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: 新C++標准:C++0x 概述
原名: Overview of the New C++ : C++0x
作者: Scott Meyers
圖書分類: 軟件
資源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版
出版社: Artima
書號: 978-0-596-80197-6
發行時間: 2011年04月
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

Specification of the next version of C++ (“C++0x”) is nearing completion, and many compilers (e.g., Visual C++ and Gnu C++) already offer several features from the revised language. And such features! auto-declared variables reduce typing drudgery and syntactic noise; Unicode and threading support address important functionality gaps; and rvalue references and variadic templates facilitate the creation of more efficient, more flexible libraries. The standard library gains resource-managing smart pointers, new containers, additional algorithms, support for regular expressions, and more. Altogether, C++0x offers much more than “old” C++. This intensively technical seminar introduces the most important new features in C++0x and explains how to get the most out of them.

The History and Vocabulary of C++ Evolution
Sample Program: C++98 vs. C++0x
Features for Everybody:
auto for Type Declarations
Range-Based for Loops
“>>” as Nested Template Closer
Unicode characters and strings
Raw string literals
Uniform initialization syntax
Initializer lists
Lambda Expressions
Template Aliases
Threading Support
Library Enhancements:
New Container Features
Smart Pointers (shared_ptr, weak_ptr, unique_ptr)
Hash Tables
Singly-Linked Lists
Fixed-Size Arrays
Regular Expressions
Generalized Functors(function)
Generalized Binder (bind)
New Algorithms
Other New Library Functionality
Features Primarily for Class Authors:
Move Support and Rvalue References
default Member Functions
delete Functions
Default Member Initialization
Delegating Constructors
Inheriting Constructors
Features Primarily for Library Authors:
Static Assertions
explicit Conversion Functions
Variadic Templates
Perfect Forwarding
Yet More Features (Overview)
Removed and Deprecated Features (Overview)
Sources for Further Information 

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