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《圖形化商業邏輯建模工具》(Visual Rules Modeler)v5.0.1.v20101215-2047修正版[壓縮包]
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發布時間 2017/7/11
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《圖形化商業邏輯建模工具》(Visual Rules Modeler)v5.0.1.v20101215-2047修正版[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 圖形化商業邏輯建模工具 英文名 : Visual Rules Modeler 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v5.0.1.v20101215-2047修正版 發行時間 : 2011年 制作發行 : © Bosch Software Innovations GmbH 地區 : 德國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 1. Unpack and install
"《圖形化商業邏輯建模工具》(Visual Rules Modeler)v5.0.1.v20101215-2047修正版[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 圖形化商業邏輯建模工具
英文名: Visual Rules Modeler
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v5.0.1.v20101215-2047修正版
發行時間: 2011年
制作發行: © Bosch Software Innovations GmbH
地區: 德國
語言: 英文

1. Unpack and install the software
2. Unpack use setup.txt to reg
問題反饋: http://www.bosch-si.com/services-technology.html
網站鏈接: http://www.visual-rules.com/business-rules-engine-software-business-rule-management.html
Visual Rules是一個用於java和cobol體系結構的圖形化商業邏輯建模工具,商業邏輯與
應用邏輯各自獨立開發,這樣可以是它們透明化,並且簡單易用。Visual Rules是此類
Visual Rules Modeler
Visual Rules Modeler provides graphical tools to accomplish all steps of the rule development and management process, consistently providing a unique, intuitive approach. These tools help to minimize business disruptions and to deliver immediate business value.
Visual Rules is committed to supporting business and IT experts alike, whose common goal is to automate high-quality business rules as the base for enterprise decision management - with a distinctly shortened time-to-market.
Graphical Rule Authoring
* Powerful modeling of rules with flow rules and decision tables
* Zero set-up effort before rule modeling: import existing data models or let Visual Rules automatically generate your business object model from rule expressions
* Rapid implementation and change of rules
* Reuse of rules and data models across projects
Rule Structuring and Versioning
* Structure rules to stay transparent, even with large and complex rule base
* Hierarchically structure large rule projects with rule packages
* Always deliver rules respectively their current version
* Rule artifacts deployable in any scenario such as on small devices like Sun SPOTs
Rule Quality
* Create multiple test cases easily and execute them immediately
* Debugging rules graphically: single-step rule execution
* Easily check test coverage and test execution through graphical highlighting
* Dependencies between rule packages and rules are graphically highlighted, e.g. in case of bad patterns
* Graphically comparing rules, data models and their versions
* Automated generation of a comprehensive graphical documentation
* Analyze and monitor executed rules within the graphical interface
Quick Facts
* Close collaboration of business and IT
* Rule drafting supported
* Advanced rule organizing capabilities
* Reuse of rules strongly supported
* Test-driven approach
* Flexible choice of deployment scenarios
* High performance code generator
* Sequential rule processing
* Comprehensive rule analysis and monitoring


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° ² ²² ²²   ²²² ²² ²² ²²²² °²
²²² ²²²²  ²² ²²²  ²² ²² ²²
²²° ²² ²² ² ²² ² ² ²²²²²²² ²²
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²² ²² ² ²²² ²²²²² ²² ²²²
²²²²² ²² ²² ² ²²²² ²² ²² ²²²²
²²²² ²²²  ²²²  °
°  ° ° ²²   °
 ² ²² ִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ¿ 
² ° ²²° ²² ³If you think nobody cares ³ ° ²
²² ²² ²² ³about you, try missing a ³ ²²
  ²² ²² ³couple of payments. ³ ²²  
²²  ְִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִִ ²²
   
 ²°   °² 
²°   °²
° ²²   ²² °
² ²² ²² ²
² ² °   ° ² ²
²² ‏‏ The diGERATi Present ‏‏ ²²
 Visual_Rules_Modeler_v5.0.1.v20101215-2047_Repack-DIGERATI 
² ²
²² ‏ ‏ ²
 ‏‏ Release Info ‏‏ ²
 
 
²² Cracker ......: DIGERATI Release-Type..: Cracked ²
² Packager......: DIGPACKER Release-Date..: 1/1/2011 ²
² Supplier......: DIGERATI Protection....: License ²
 Coder.........: DIGERATI OS............: WinALL ²
² ° Company.......: Files.........: xx/88 °²²
° °²
° URL: visual-rules.com °²
² ² ² ²
² ²²  °   °  ²² ²
±±  ² ²   ² ²  ±±
°°  ² ²  ‏ ‏  ² ²  °°
 ² ²  ‏‏ Release Notes ‏‏  ² ² 
²  ² ²  ²
² ² ²²² ²
²  ° °  ²
² ²
² ²
² Under the rubric of Visual Rules Suite, Bosch Software ²
² Innovations offers you robust tools and custom-tailored ²
² platforms. They form the foundation for your flexible and ²
² agile enterprise applications that allow you to quickly ²
² adapt your business processes to market innovations and ²
² strategic decisions ²
² These new technologies are seamlessly integrated in ²
² existing IT infrastructure and blend in with your existing ²
² applications for robust services that are available ²
² enterprise-wide. ²
² Existent resources are put to good use - and data, ²
² applications, and processes are transparently integrated, ²
² even in substantially heterogeneous IT landscapes. Your ²
² business people will be able to manage their business ²
² rules themselves so they can automate a huge number of ²
² operational decisions without programming knowledge. ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² ²
² °   ‏ ‏   ° ²²
²   ‏‏ Install Notes ‏‏  ² ²
²²    ²
     
²     ²²
²² ²²
   
² ² ² ²
² 1. Unpack and install the software ²
² 2. Unpack use setup.txt to reg ²
² ²
 
²  ² ‏ ‏ ²  ²
² ²  ²   ²  ² ²
²²  ²²²
 ‏‏ Mission Statement: ‏‏ 
² ² A few years ago, DiGERATi emerged onto the scene. ² ²
² ² Focusing on quality rather than quantity, our ² ²
² ² members have successfully tackled some of the toughest ² ²
 ² challenges in the scene. Working as a closely unified ²
² team we have maintained some of the highest standards ²
² for security, quality, innovation, and comradery in the  ²
²  scene today. DiGERATi is not one or two hardworking ² ²
² ² persons; it is a force of hardworking people. Respect ² ²
² ²² is not to be demanded; it is to be earned! We look ² ²
² ²² forward to working even harder in the future to continue ² ²
² ²² & to earn the respect of our peers. For anyone other than ²² ²
² ² our peers, WE DO NOT EXIST! ²²²
° °²²
² ° ° ²
² ²²²  ² ²
 ²²² ° °     ²     ° ° ²² 
² ° ° ²°°   °²   ° ° ²
²² ° ° ²²
²² ° ° ²²
² ²
² ‏‏ Our Respect goes out to: ‏‏ ²
² ²
 
² ² ‏ Greets to all who work hard help make the scene secure! ² ²
² ² ² ²
² ² ‏ A special thanks to those who supported us in the past and ² ²
² ² helped to make us what we are today.Also,a major thanks to ² ²
 ² those that broke the trail for us but can no longer be ² 
² here amongst us. ²
²  ²
²  ‏ Who are the "digerati" and why are they "the cyber elite"? ² ²
² ² They are the doers and thinkers. They are not on the ² ²
² ²² frontier, they are the frontier!!... ² ²
² ²² ² ²
² ²² ²² ²
² ² ² ²²
° °²²
² ° ° ²
² ²²²  ² ²
 ²²² ° °     ²     ° ° ²² 
² ° ° ²°°   °²   ° ° ²
²² ° ° ²²
² Yce ²
 


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