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《Avanquest商業PDF解決方案》(Avanquest Expert PDF Professional)v7.0.1980.0[壓縮包]
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《Avanquest商業PDF解決方案》(Avanquest Expert PDF Professional)v7.0.1980.0[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : Avanquest商業PDF解決方案 英文名 : Avanquest Expert PDF Professional 資源格式 : 壓縮包 版本 : v7.0.1980.0 發行時間 : 2010年 制作發行 : Avanquest Software 地區 : 美國 語言 : 英文 簡介 : 軟件類型:軟件>應用軟件 軟件性質:破解軟件 操作系統:
"《Avanquest商業PDF解決方案》(Avanquest Expert PDF Professional)v7.0.1980.0[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: Avanquest商業PDF解決方案
英文名: Avanquest Expert PDF Professional
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v7.0.1980.0
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Avanquest Software
地區: 美國
語言: 英文

應用平台:Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit
Avanquest Expert PDF Professional是完整的商業PDF解決方案,包括 PDF Editor、PDF Creator、WaterMark Creator、Word Converter 等組件。
Avanquest Expert PDF Professional
任何格式的文件轉換成PDF - Word,Excel和Powerpoint等
無縫集成到Microsoft Office工具欄在Word文檔
Avanquest Expert PDF Professional能夠生成PDF文件的虛擬打印機程序. Pro 版較標准版多了諸如將多個文件合並, 在PDF文本內加超鏈接/水印/索引等此類的功能.

Expert PDF 7 Professional is the complete, affordable PDF alternative to Adobe® Acrobat®. With a brand new user interface featuring Microsoft® Office style ‘ribbon bars’, and full compatibility with Microsoft®Office 2010 & Windows 7, you can quickly and easily create, convert, edit, view and secure 100% industry-standard PDF files.
Create PDF
Expert PDF 7 Professional is the complete PDF creator and PDF writer tool. It lets you create PDF files from any document that you are working on so that you can save and send your work securely.
Edit PDF and modify
Once created you can view and edit PDF documents as easily as Word documents using the Expert PDF Editor. You can modify text, images, layout or add comments quickly and easily. Expert PDF 7 Professional can also be used as a default viewer for all your PDF documents.
Convert PDF to Word
If you receive a PDF that you want to change, Expert PDF 7 Professional enables you to convert PDF to Word using the PDF converter. Simply make the changes and save it back into PDF before saving or sending the PDF file.
What's new?
New & Improved Features in Expert PDF 7 Professional
NEW! Expert PDF 7 now includes the brand new Ribbon Microsoft® Office 2007 user interface. Tools are organised into task-based groups making Expert PDF’s comprehensive features, quick and easy to access.
IMPROVED! Expert PDF 7 improves PDF conversion speed with a new rendering engine for fast and efficient output.
NEW! Digitally sign your PDF files. Add digital certificates to ensure document authenticity & integrity for recipients of your files.
NEW! Expert PDF 7 Live Update Feature. Make sure your software is always up-to-date.
System Requirements
Platform Windows XP, Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows XP 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit
Windows® Vista / 7
Pentium IV 1.6 Ghz Processor
512Mb RAM [Rec 1024Mb]
30Mb Disk space
Windows® XP/2000
Pentium III 500Mhz Processor
256Mb RAM
30Mb Disk space

Update File NO Password


- Install.
- Close access to the network.
- Register.


? ? ? ?
? 苘圻 咣苘 ?
苓咣?苒? 苘咣圻 咣圻苘 咣?苒哌?
? 捋苓 ?哌 苒圻 t h e c r a c k e r s o f 咣圮 哌 ? 哕圯 ?
哕 圹圮 ?苘苓 圹? 圹?哕苘 ?苒圹 苓
?苘 哌哕咣圹?圹? 苘? 苘? 苘? 苘苘 苘?圹?咣圹哕哌?苘 ?
圹?咣?圹? 苒鄄槽圮 苒圹槽圮 圹圹槽圮 捋膊圹鄄圯 圹?咣?圹?
圹??圹? 圹槽哌圹圯鄄圹哌圹槽捋槽咣圹?膊圹咣圻? 圹??圹?
圹?圹? 捋圹? 鄄坜圹圯 捋?圹圯 鄄?捋圯 圹?圹?
圹圹? 捋槽 捋圻捋圹 圹圯圹?苒圹蒇鄄圮苘 圹圹?
圹? 圹圯 鄄圯 捋?薏圹鄄圻 捋圹圹圯 圹?
苒苘苒? 捋圹 圹苻圹? 圹圯圹圻咣圹 槽鄄哌? 苒苘苒?
[rAD!s] 圹圻?哌? 鄄圯 捋圯圹圯 薏?鄄? 鄄圯捋圹蒈? 苓?哌圹?
圹? 捋槽圮鄄圯捋槽圮圹圯 圹? 捋圹 鄄圹鄄圮 咣?
槽圮 咣圹槽圻 咣圹膊圻 捋槽?捋草薏圹槽圹圯 懿鄄
卟槽 哌? 哌? 哌哌?哌?哌哌? 鄄圻
草 ?咣? 捋?? 薏
掭 ? 圯 p r e s e n t t h e 2 0 k - c o l l e c t i o n 捋 ? 掭
? ? ? 哌? ? ?
掭 圯 Avanquest Expert PDF Professional 7 *KEYMAKER.ONLY* 捋 ?
掭 圯 捋 ?
?捋 圯 ?
圯 捋
捋 Cracked by....: KaiZer SoZe Release-Name..: CR-EPE6B.ZIP 圯
圹 Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2010/11/06 圹
圹? Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util 圹
鄄? Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows 薏?
捋? Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English 圹?
捋圯 Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 01 圹?
捋? 圹?
鄄? 鄄?
圹? 咣? 苓哌? 苒? 圹?
圹圮 哕 苒策苘? 哕苓槽? 苓 苒圹
? 咣槽苘 哌苘 苓? 哕 苓 哌? 苘哌 苘鄄圻 ?
哕? 哌圹圹圮 哕 ? 哕? 苓 哕 苘? 苓 苒圹圹哌 苘?
哌圮苘 咣槽? ? ? 哌圮 苒哌 ? ? 圹槽? 苘苒哌
? 哌圹?咣  苓?薨? 舶?哌? 唼 圻 咣圻? ?
荥 ?? 掭 北? 薇? 掭 ?? 
圯 ? 曹苓 哕? 哕?膊? 鄄?苘? 苓? 哕懿 ? 捋
薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 ? 苘膊? 卟曹? ? 咣圮苘 避苒草
卟鄄圹圹膊? 苒策 卟圮 鄄槽圹圹槽策
哌哌? 佰? 咣? 哌哌哌?
佰 苓哕 苓哕 ?
掭安?掭 掭 卟稗
哕 苓 哕 苓
哌 哌
荥  苘?苓曹
懿哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘? ?
? 苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌  草
薏 唼 ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. 草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 http://www.avanquest.com 槽
鄄 槽
薏蒈 苻草
甙? 甙?
 唼
哕 苘 ? ? 苘 苓
???苓? ?弑? 弑?? 哌????
掭 ?? ? ? ?? 掭
懿哕 哕? 唼 ?  唼 ? 苘?苓曹
? 苘? 哌? 苓? 苘? ?
苘哌 安? 掭 掭 懿? 哌苘
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哕 ? ? ?哕
圯 咣 安哌 ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. 哌舶 圻 捋
薏 唼  草
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Use our keymaker to register the application. 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 Thanks for choosing 槽
鄄 (C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering! 槽
鄄 槽
鄄 槽
捋? 槽?
捋? 荥  苘?苓曹槽?
哕 哕? 圯 ? 曹苓 哕懿 ? 捋 苓? 苘?
苘? 哌? 薏圮鼙 苘苒圻 咣圮苘 避苒草 掭 懿? 哌苘
苘哌 安? 掭 卟鄄圹圹膊? 鄄槽圹圹槽策 哕 ? ? ?哕
苓 ? ? ? 苓 哌哌? 哌哌哌? 哌舶 圻 捋
圯 咣 安哌  草
苘 ? ..: CORE NEWS AND iNFOS :.. ?苘
苒圹?哕 苓 圹圹?
捋鄄圹?掭 掭 捋鄄圹?
圹槽圹 ? - not available - ? 圹鄄圹
薏鄄圯 苓 哕 捋槽草
鄄圹 掭 掭 圹槽
捋草 哕? 苘? 薏圯
圹? 哕 苓 捋?
咣 掭 掭 圻
? 苓 哕 ?
苒? 咣?
苓? 哌?
苓 哕
苒? 捋?
槽? 圹?
捋? 捋?
圹 圹
圹 圹
圹 圹
槽? 圹
捋圯 ? 苓? 捋?
鄄圮 掭 掭 苒?
咣圹圮? 苘苘圻 咣苘苘 苘圹圹
圹圹槽圹圹哌 哌圹圹鄄圹圹
薏?哌? 哌?鄄?
捋? 捋?
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
捋? 捋?
鄄 槽
圯 圹
圹 捋?
捋? 捋?
薏? 薏?
圹 ? 唼  ? 圹
薏? ? ? ? ? 薏?
圹 苒哌苘 ?? ? ? ?? 苘哌圮 圹
薏蒈哌 咣?卟? 卟?苒? 哌苻草
圹 ? ? 圹
圹? 圹?
槽? 圹?
捋圯 捋圯
槽? 圹?
圹? 槽?
槽? 鄄?
圹? 圹?
圹? 圹?
圹 圹
掭 掭
? 苘? 苘? ?
? 苓? 哌? lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s] 苓? 哌? ?
哕 哕 ? nfO UPdATED ON [2010/01/01] ? 苓 苓
哌苘? 苘苓 ? (c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 1 0 ? 哕苘 苘苓?
哌哌? 哌哌?
?CRC 7296:A06B



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