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《使用Maya 2010制作災後建築摧毀效果教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya 2010)[壓縮包]
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《使用Maya 2010制作災後建築摧毀效果教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya 2010)[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : 使用Maya 2010制作災後建築摧毀效果教程 英文名 : Digital Tutors Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya 2010 資源格式 : 壓縮包 發行日期 : 2009年11月04日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介: Digital Tutors出品的M
"《使用Maya 2010制作災後建築摧毀效果教程》(Digital Tutors Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya 2010)[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: 使用Maya 2010制作災後建築摧毀效果教程
英文名: Digital Tutors Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya 2010
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行日期: 2009年11月04日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Digital Tutors出品的Modeling Architectural Destruction in Maya視頻教程. 該系列教程
主要講解了利用各種建模工具和技巧創建好萊塢水准的建築物災後摧毀頂級特效. 超酷爆炸效果、車輛毀壞、房屋倒塌等..........
使用的軟件:Maya 2010
In this series of lessons we're going to use a variety of modeling tools and techniques to create damage effects using a building.
Damaging 3d models presents some interesting challenges and creates new issues from a modeling point of view. Perhaps you now need to build an engine because a shot calls for the hood of your CG car to be damaged. Or the walls of your set have been damaged, displaying their inner structure. We'll cover some basic techniques for adding the needed resolution to the models. We'll talk about how different types of materials react to damage - wood vs. metal or concrete. We'll cover methods for breaking apart pieces of geometry as well as dressing the set and using dynamics to add rubble very quickly. Once done, you'll be able to apply what you've learned and start destroying your own 3d models.

1. Introduction and Project Overview
2. Isolating relevant geometry
3. Removing large chunks of the building
4. Manipulating the ceiling interior
5. Manipulating the floor interior
6. Dressing the set with props and debris
7. Dressing the window areas
8. Breaking concrete and stone pieces
9. Breaking wood pieces
10. Assembling rubble with dynamics
11. Detailing block damage in Zbrush
12. Detailing wood damage in Zbrush

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