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《RealFlow流體渲染視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya )[壓縮包]
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《RealFlow流體渲染視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya )[壓縮包] 簡介: 中文名 : RealFlow流體渲染視頻教程 英文名 : Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya 資源格式 : 壓縮包 發行日期 : 2009年 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 資源簡介: Digital Tutors出品的Digital Tutors Rendering Re
"《RealFlow流體渲染視頻教程》(Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya )[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: RealFlow流體渲染視頻教程
英文名: Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行日期: 2009年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Digital Tutors出品的Digital Tutors Rendering RealFlow Meshes in Maya視頻教程. 講解RealFlow Meshes在Maya中的渲染過程.在這個教程中我們將學習如何使用照明和陰影在mental ray各種工具來模擬現實的液體物料的外觀。 該系列教程中 .我們將引導使用mental ray的渲染在Maya切實RealFlow幾何的過程。我們將使用mental ray的建築材料創造現實,液體折射率,並討論一些使用這些著色器時需要知道的非常重要的設置................
教程所使用的軟件:Maya 2009 或更高版本
教程時長: 約53分
In this course we will learn how to use a variety of lighting and shading tools in mental ray to simulate the appearance of realistic liquid materials.
In this series of lessons, we will guide you through the process of using mental ray to realistically render RealFlow geometry within Maya. We will begin this process by learning how to import your mesh sequences from RealFlow into Maya and placing primary illumination sources. From there we will use the mental ray Architectural Materials to create realistic, refractive liquid, and discuss some very important settings to be aware of when using these shaders. Finally, we will create refractive caustic patterns that can add a high level of realism to the final render. Getting the proper look for your final renders will require a lot of troubleshooting and adjustments of many different attributes. Through these lessons, we will address many of these common problems that you will run into and how they can be resolved, allowing you to achieve the desired result in a much sorter amount of time.

1. Introduction and Project Overview
2. Importing RealFlow meshes into Maya
3. Creating liquid material for RealFlow geometry
4. Refining refractive liquid material for RealFlow geometry
5. Creating materials with highly blurred reflections
6. Adding indirect illumination and shadow shaders
7. Adding caustics to RealFlow geometry render
8. Adding refinements to caustics and shadowing effects

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