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《Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程》(Lynda.com Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites)[光盤鏡像]
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《Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程》(Lynda.com Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Joseph Lowery 發行日期 : 2012年3月2日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 :
"《Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程》(Lynda.com Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Joseph Lowery
發行日期: 2012年3月2日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時的Dreamweaver搭建基於WordPress的移動設備網站視頻教程。由Joseph Lowery演示使用Adobe Dreamweaver搭建一個移動設備WordPress網站的過程。詳細講解制作網站的准備工作,優化網站樣式適合平板電腦與手機,並實現一個全新設計的完整網站。本教程附帶練習文件。
In this course, author Joseph Lowery shows how to build a mobile WordPress site in Adobe Dreamweaver. The course explains how to prepare a site to go mobile, optimize a site's styles for tablets and phones, and implement a full mobile redesign. The course also covers working with WordPress child themes, integrating media queries, incorporating screen-optimized graphics, designing for touch screens, and working with orientation changes. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Setting up an existing WordPress site
Targeting configurable site elements
Setting up media queries
Preparing for adaptive images
Styling a blog for tablets
Restructuring navigation for different-sized displays
Developing a WordPress site for phones

Welcome 01m 41s
About the exercise files 01m 33s
Development environment requirements 03m 37s
Setting up an existing WordPress site 10m 56s
11m 53s
1. Preparing Your Site to Go Mobile Targeting configurable site elements 08m 03s
Understanding media queries 03m 50s
44m 00s
2. Retrofitting for Multiple Screens Setting up a child theme 05m 35s
Integrating media queries 07m 12s
Changing tablet styles 12m 08s
Optimizing styles for phones 09m 09s
Optimizing navigation for phones 09m 56s
20m 07s
3. Implementing a Full Mobile Redesign Strategy Understanding the technique 03m 34s
Setting up media queries 08m 16s
Preparing for adaptive images 04m 07s
Working with changes in orientation 04m 10s
12m 37s
4. Styling a Blog for Tablets Reducing background overhead 03m 22s
Restructuring the layout 02m 23s
Modifying the header and the navigation 01m 58s
Restyling content 02m 01s
Ensuring touch-screen compatibility 02m 53s
14m 05s
5. Developing a WordPress Site for Phones Handling oversized logos 03m 28s
Manipulating content 04m 27s
Restructuring navigation 04m 07s
Making blog content more accessible 02m 03s
00m 21s
Goodbye Next steps 00m 21s

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: Lynda.com – Dreamweaver and WordPress: Building Mobile Sites
In this course, author Joseph Lowery shows how to build a mobile
WordPress site in Adobe Dreamweaver. The course explains how to
prepare a site to go mobile, optimize a site's styles for tablets
and phones, and implement a full mobile redesign. The course also
covers working with WordPress child themes, integrating media
queries, incorporating screen–optimized graphics, designing for
touch screens, and working with orientation changes. Exercise files
accompany the course.
Topics include:
Setting up an existing WordPress site
Targeting configurable site elements
Setting up media queries
Preparing for adaptive images
Styling a blog for tablets
Restructuring navigation for different–sized displays
Developing a WordPress site for phones
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