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《攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程》( Lynda.com Photoshop for Photographers Compositing)[光盤鏡像]
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《攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程》( Lynda.com Photoshop for Photographers Compositing)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 中文名 : 攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程 英文名 : Lynda.com Photoshop for Photographers Compositing 資源格式 : 光盤鏡像 主講人 : Chris Orwig 發行日期 : 2012年7月24日 地區 : 美國 對白語言 : 英語 文字語言 : 英文 簡介 : 語言:英語 網址:http://ww
"《攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程》( Lynda.com Photoshop for Photographers Compositing)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: 攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Photoshop for Photographers Compositing
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Chris Orwig
發行日期: 2012年7月24日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

Lynda.com 出品的時長4小時45分鐘的攝影師Photoshop照片合成技術視頻教程。使用Adobe Photoshop照片合成的關鍵技術創建多張照片,本課程由攝影師Chris Orwig演示如何圍繞棘手曝光的挑戰,創造更強大的合影,工藝創意的照片插圖。包括多個合成場景,人像和建築照片,並說明選擇圖像混合照片圖層蒙版和混合模式,並調整大小和銳化結果的過程。過程中攝影師Chris Orwig分享他的見解,使照片看起來更加戲劇性和趣味性。
Discover the essential techniques to create composites from multiple photos using Adobe Photoshop. Author and photographer Chris Orwig demonstrates how to work around tricky exposure challenges, create stronger group photos, craft creative photo illustrations, and more. This course also covers multiple compositing scenarios, including portraits and architectural photos, and illustrates the process of selecting the images, blending photos with layer masks and blend modes, and resizing and sharpening the results. Along the way, Chris shares his insights for making photos look more dramatic and interesting.
Topics include:
Combining facial expressions from two images
Creating a better group portrait with Photomerge
Removing a subject from the background
Changing the scale of a subject
Enhancing the color and tone of a composite image
Masking together multiple exposures
Filling in background gaps
Correcting overexposure
Replacing the sky in an image
Creating reflections
Building in shadows

3m 11s
Using the exercise files
Why create composites?
1m 14s
1. Combining Expressions
18m 3s
Combining the expressions from two images
6m 10s
Combining two frames to improve the overall image
7m 26s
Using Photomerge and masking to create a better group portrait
4m 27s
2. Adding a Subject to a New Environment
51m 55s
Combining two frames together with masking
6m 52s
Applying the finishing touches and making creative adjustments
7m 20s
Removing the subject from a location
5m 1s
Changing the scale of the subject
2m 26s
Creating realistic shadows
8m 0s
Adding a creative effect
6m 3s
Relocating the subject
4m 52s
Working on shadows and color
5m 6s
An inspirational sneak peek into the layered file of a compositing guru
6m 15s
3. Compositing to Improve Composition
51m 30s
Improving composition with symmetry
7m 11s
Cleaning up the details
6m 20s
Enhancing color and tone
5m 33s
Extending the background
6m 15s
Cleaning up and final adjustments
3m 33s
Masking together multiple exposures
5m 10s
Filling in the gaps in the background
6m 58s
Finishing the background
5m 51s
Making final adjustments
4m 39s
4. Combining Exposures in Architectural Photography
38m 26s
Painting in light
4m 54s
Brightening up the exposure
3m 40s
Adding interest by masking in exposure
4m 50s
Correcting overexposure
4m 53s
Correcting overexposure with Color Range
4m 57s
Adding candlelight and enhancing color and tone
6m 8s
Combining interior and exterior exposures of an office with windows
4m 38s
Masking in multiple light sources in an interior
4m 26s
5. Replacing the Sky in an Image
21m 39s
Combining two exposures for the foreground and sky
6m 2s
Filling an ordinary, plain blue sky with interesting clouds
6m 2s
Experimenting with different cloud options
4m 47s
Using advanced masking to create a more subtle look
4m 48s
6. Showing Frame-by-Frame Action in Sports
32m 52s
Blending a sequence of images together
9m 30s
Cropping and finishing the image sequence
4m 51s
Starting an action-sequence project
4m 16s
Building the background
4m 34s
Masking in the action
4m 48s
Cropping and finishing the image sequence
4m 53s
7. Creating an Imaginative Scene
1h 7m
Cleaning up the background
3m 50s
Cleaning up the light bulb
6m 29s
Adding the tree
7m 31s
Creating reflections
5m 22s
Sharpening and final adjustments
3m 19s
Masking the subject into the scene
4m 42s
Building shadows
6m 22s
Making final color and tone adjustments
4m 3s
Positioning the subject and adding rope
6m 47s
Connecting the rope to the can
5m 49s
Creating a reflection and shadows
6m 36s
Adding the final shadows and sharpening
6m 31s

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: Lynda.com – Photoshop for Photographers: Compositing
Discover the essential techniques to create composites from multiple photos using Adobe Photoshop. Author and photographer Chris Orwig demonstrates how to work around tricky exposure challenges, create stronger group photos, craft creative photo illustrations, and more. This course also covers multiple compositing scenarios, including portraits and architectural photos, and illustrates the process of selecting the images, blending photos with layer masks and blend modes, and resizing and sharpening the results. Along the way, Chris shares his insights for making photos look more dramatic and interesting.
Topics include:
Combining facial expressions from two images
Creating a better group portrait with Photomerge
Removing a subject from the background
Changing the scale of a subject
Enhancing the color and tone of a composite image
Masking together multiple exposures
Filling in background gaps
Correcting overexposure
Replacing the sky in an image
Creating reflections
Building in shadows
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