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《HTML5圖形和動畫視頻教程》(HTML5 Graphics and Animation with Canvas)[光盤鏡像]
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《HTML5圖形和動畫視頻教程》(HTML5 Graphics and Animation with Canvas)[光盤鏡像] 簡介: 資料介紹 相關專題學習資料: 網頁設
"《HTML5圖形和動畫視頻教程》(HTML5 Graphics and Animation with Canvas)[光盤鏡像]"介紹


  • 網頁設計教程/視頻教程/軟件
  • 計算機資料

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Lynda.com 出品的時長3小時7分鐘的 HTML5圖形和動畫視頻教程。由Joe Marini 講述畫布背後的技術概念,並介紹如何執行繪制在網頁中直接操作。課程內容包括繪制基本和復雜的形狀,顏色和樣式設置,添加陰影,如縮放,圖案和漸變,更先進的技術,旋轉,合成對象,以及如何將在幻燈片和動畫canvas元素。練習文件將包括在該課程。

One of the most exciting additions that HTML5 offers to designers is the ability to draw free-form graphics on a drawing surface known as the Canvas. In this course, author Joe Marini introduces the technical concepts behind Canvas and shows how to perform drawing operations directly in a web page. The course covers drawing basic and complex shapes, setting colors and styles, adding shadows, patterns, and gradients, more advanced techniques such as scaling, rotating, and compositing objects, and how to incorporate Canvas elements in a slideshow and an animation. Exercise files are included with the course.

Topics include:
Understanding the differences between Canvas and SVG Graphics
Drawing shapes
Drawing arcs and paths
Rendering text
Using clipping paths
Drawing images and video
Transforming objects with the translate tag
Manipulating raw pixels
Applying a custom transformation
Creating an animation or slideshow control with Canvas

Course name: HTML5: Graphics and Animation with Canvas

Author: Joe Marini

Duration: 03h 07m

Released on: 6/3/2011

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