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《提升你的美國英語發音 pdf+3 audio CDs》(Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CDs))[MP3]
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資源類別 英語學習資料
發布時間 2017/7/13
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《提升你的美國英語發音 pdf+3 audio CDs》(Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CDs))[MP3] 簡介: 中文名 : 提升你的美國英語發音 pdf+3 audio CD's 英文名 : Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's) 資源格式 : MP3 學校 : Publisher McGraw-Hill Companies 主講人 : Charlsie Childs 發行日期 : 2004年 地區 : 美國
"《提升你的美國英語發音 pdf+3 audio CDs》(Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CDs))[MP3]"介紹
中文名: 提升你的美國英語發音 pdf+3 audio CD's
英文名: Improve Your American English Accent - (ebook+3 audio CD's)
資源格式: MP3
學校: Publisher McGraw-Hill Companies
主講人: Charlsie Childs
發行日期: 2004年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文

這本書在ebay賣21刀,也就是140元人民幣. 更多的美國英語學習資料,請留意本人的博客
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Sound like a native English speaker in six easy lessons Even though you know the vocabulary and the endless grammar rules, you still find it difficult to pronounce English words correctly. This struggle with your new language can make communicating with native English speakers a frustrating experience for both you and them. Now you can gain confidence in your English skills and speak like an American with this focused, nonintimidating program. Improve Your American English Accent is an easy and enjoyable way to learn and master the most challenging American English speech characteristics, such as:
The most troublesome of sixteen American English vowel sounds The duration of vowel sounds Differences in stressed and unstressed syllables and words How a sound is changed by the sounds that come before and after it Stress in words and phrases and how it influences timing
The CDs present six 35-minute lessons, each one covering key obstacles faced by nonnative English speakers. Author Charlsie Childs is your own personal tutor, talking you through her proven methods for overcoming the tricks of English pronunciation. Accompanying the CDs is a booklet containing written pronunciation guidelines and transcriptions of the sounds, words, and sentences you encounter on the recording. From the Back CoverSound like a native English speaker in six easy lessons Even though you know the vocabulary and the endless grammar rules, you still find it difficult to pronounce English words correctly. This struggle with your new language can make communicating with native English speakers a frustrating experience for both you and them. Now you can gain confidence in your English skills and speak like an American with this focused, nonintimidating program. Improve Your American English Accent is an easy and enjoyable way to learn and master the most challenging American English speech characteristics, such as:
The most troublesome of sixteen American English vowel sounds The duration of vowel sounds Differences in stressed and unstressed syllables and words How a sound is changed by the sounds that come before and after it Stress in words and phrases and how it influences timing
The CDs present six 35-minute lessons, each one covering key obstacles faced by nonnative English speakers. Author Charlsie Childs is your own personal tutor, talking you through her proven methods for overcoming the tricks of English pronunciation. Accompanying the CDs is a booklet containing written pronunciation guidelines and transcriptions of the sounds, words, and sentences you encounter on the recording.


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